Also! I plan to spend the weekend mainlining LoM fic to recover from the A2A finale, and working on a recs list for
scarlettgirl, who doesn't see the Sam/Gene yet but is willing to be converted. Anybody want to contribute to that list?
scarlettgirl, can you let me know how spoiled you are for the ending, so I'll know what to watch out for?
Comments 6
I never saw the Sam/Gene the first time I watched LoM, either, but let's just say the fic in this fandom is HIGHLY CONVINCING.
Also, I don't know if you're interested in (a) crossovers or (b) the Test Card Girl, but I also recommend When World Collide by culf (PG), which is the Stig/Test Card Girl. This pairing makes so much sense, the author had to be dropping acid to think of it!
The thing is, I love, love, LOVE the Sam/Gene dynamic, but I need *that* fic that convincingly crosses the bridge from bromance to romance 'cause I'm not seeing it. Even though I'm not typically a huge genfic reader, for some reason that just tickles me in this 'verse. All the characters are so fab!
Then again, maybe I should wait until everyone recovers from the A2A finale. Will there be weeping or cheering?
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