Suspension/Ban Processes

Oct 10, 2010 16:58

The following post is in regards to the rare event of player suspension or ban. This is so everyone can see exactly what steps the moderators take when considering where to go next in regards to players and player complaints.

The moderators of Desai listen to all complaints. We may not always react immediately on complaints, but we do regard them and hang onto them for record's sake. Some complaints may be brought to the stage, some may stay in the safe and get dusty (do things get dusty in safes anyway?).

We attempt to give every player the benefit of the doubt. We do not listen to anyone sharpening their pitchforks or striking up their torches. Grudges exist. It's not fair to react immediately, so a suspension is never something that takes one month of evidence to happen (unless a player is that horrid D:). Minimum average time for behavior and evidence to escalate to a point for suspension/ban to be considered: five months.

There are players who allege that discussion of moderator policies and actions are prohibited. This is incorrect. Bashing, insulting and deliberate aggression toward moderators or in public venues of the game regarding moderator policy and action is what gets spoken to as this creates a hostile, disrespectful environment not only towards the moderators, but for players who may be in agreement to actions by the moderators. We are always willing to speak to individuals who approach rationally and civilly, with respect but with a point to make. We may not always agree... but then again, we might, which gets you posts like these.

The Warning Process is a tricky endeavor, because we really do want to think the best of anyone. There are links to research first, which are the "default game" warnings:
The Rules
The Harassment Policy
The [bottom of the] Chat Etiquette Post

In these, we detail do's and don't's in regards to behavior in the game. These writings are a bit long, but only came to exist solely because of increasing bad behavior of players towards other players and moderators.

The general rule is, on our end:
1-2 players, it's an individual talking
3+ players, it's a problem that needs to be addressed to the whole game, and mod posts are made

This is regardless of who the players are. We honestly don't care if it's a repeat offender in the 3+ crowd. If it fits in this area, then the individual will be treated in the mod post and given a chance with the group to modify their behavior.

Speaking to a player individually can come in a variety of ways depending on the situation: if it's a highly explosive chat or desaiooc post situation, we will jump in and tell the instigater to cool off in the quickest fashion that we can. If it's any other way that can be approached in IM or e-mail, we will do this.

We don't like to run through threats. Some personality types require a WE WILL SUSPEND/BAN YOU to get them to calm down. Some, we hope that continuously telling them to chill out, their behavior is unwarranted and unwanted, will be enough. We're all adults here, and it's kind of like your supervisor telling you to stop throwing stuff around the office to hit people in the eye. That should be enough.

Once in a while, it may not be.

As stated above, we collect evidence continuously. We do not delete anything that is submitted, even if a player leaves the game. So, when does this evidence become valid/invalid in a suspension/ban?

Evidence submitted within one month of suspension or ban will take highest priority. However, evidence from up to a year back may still be considered if any player expresses dissatisfaction in their memory of that event. This tells us that the hurt of that event is still harboring a negative impact in some facet of the game, and must be considered. In its consideration, it may be addressed--possibly for a second or third time, even, at the point of suspension/ban. (Noteably, when what happened back then is still happening to date despite conversations to stop.)

Evidence given to us not pertaining to the game is not considered. The only way this becomes considered is if it somehow overlaps, entering in discussion in the game communities or chat, or in an email or instant message originating in subject about Desai (it could be perceived as deception of subject).

No evidence is instantly reacted upon unless it is in direct violation of the rules or harassment policy.

When we receive evidence, we scrutinize it carefully for bias. If we believe, for example, a clipping of our AIM chat is an unfair clipping attempting to display a player in a bad light, but that is not the case at all, we will disregard that evidence right away. If another player is known for harboring bias against another by continuously filing flippant claims against them, it will be disregarded as a whole and eventually turn into a harassment case against the filing player if necessary.

Typically, we will not accept evidence in complaints involving OOC/IC attacks unless the person being attacked files the complaint themselves. The reason for this is that they may not take this as seriously as onlookers are. However, if we do reserve the right based on observations of OOC treatment between these players to accept and defend them without their complaint if we feel they are backed into a corner and exhibit behaviors of helplessness or fear if they do it themselves.

We reserve the right, wholistically, to stand up for players unable to do so for themselves.

The suspension notice a player receives has a very basic anatomy: What they have done to earn suspension, examples of evidence, explanation of why this is wrong, and terms of their suspension.

We do not discuss prior discussions as it is irrelevant. The player and the moderators know the history up until that point, and it is redundant to relive it.

Suspended players do not lose their characters, no matter how long their suspension is for. Their journals will be temp-banned from all communities and their character journals will be removed from the Friend Add listing. They will not have them removed from the Taken Characters listing.

On return, no matter the date, a returning player is granted one post per character for their returning month to assure activity is met. We understand it will be hard to return, and give this benefit.

Returning players do so with the understanding that their behavior must be modified, but no grudges are held. We will not sit here waiting for the first misstep. We will follow the same path as before, but the end may not be suspension the second time around.

As with the suspension letters, ban letters receive the benefit of the exact same information.

The difference is that all characters are removed from a players possession.

Depending on circumstances, we may even lift the ban within six months to a year.

We do not discuss details of warnings, suspensions, or bans with anyone aside from the player involved. However, suspensions and bans are not something that come with points to be argued. Because we take many months on average to give players many opportunities to change their behaviors, suspension and ban are the final, drastic steps in an arduous journey of mods and players.

All information is as private as the player being warned/suspended/banned allows. If they wish to show the information to others, this is their perogative. Even if the story becomes an incredibly ill-painted figure of the moderators, we will not rebut against accusations as again: we know what truly happened prior, as do players involved.

E-Mail inquiries will be met with thanks for inquiring but apologies in that we cannot share for the confidentiality of our players.

Players obviously will always draw conclusions, wish to make arguments in favor for suspended or banned players, and/or generally be dissatisfied with the situation, and that duress is unfortunate. However, we are here for the best of the game. We do everything we can to give every player, no matter how wild or meek, a chance to stay and be happy. Unfortunately, that cannot always happen, and hard decisions will have to be made.

Rest assured, that this post dictates what we do in every single case that is brought to us. We care about our players greatly, and only take steps that are most necessary given strict situations.

policy, procedure

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