This isn't going to be too in-depth (for now).
Basically, an Alternate Reality Event as of November 2010 means the ability to switch your character out for a period of time, despite major events. This is a personal event that will give you guys the opportunity to have fun.
It may be cracky, it may be serious, it may be wildly outlandish. Whatever you choose it to be, the only thing we need you to do is get mod approval.
Please email welcometodesai[at] and tell us your plans and when you would idealistically like to switch them out!
Most likely, you will be allowed your time requested. Because of the fact that Desai is a rather small game, however, at this time we only will allow one ARE at a time to allow everyone their Special Snowflake Moment XD So the only reason you wouldn't get your time is only if someone else came first for that time frame. Mods will notify you of the date to start if that's the case.
Below are the characters who have gone so far.
▧ Germany Beilschmidt
nichtdeinbff [test] October 14th - November 9th, 2010
▧ Vash Saverem
wlkingdisaster November 13th - 23rd, 2010.
▧ Prussia ~~~details to be added following completion of event~~~