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The boys discuss the infamous flying scene, which brought Sho's phobia to a whole new level.
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Part 2 |
Part 3<2009: ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5 x 10 / 28-30 August>
S: The fact that we were able to hold a Kokuritsu concert in our 10th anniversary year left a deep impression on me.
N: It was truly amazing. More than anything else, we were happy to be able to perform for 2 consecutive years.
A: For the year “5 x 10”, it was a truly amazing year. And it wasn’t just the concert, right? Somehow I remember it really clearly.
MC: What sort of scenery and memories did you have from this year’s Kokuritsu?
S: Well~ For me, it was definitely the opening sequence. The flight towards the Olympic torch platform. That was a little… Unlike the first time, it was an unforgettable sight. Well~ that was a little… (at a loss for words)
N: It was horrifying!
S: This wasn’t about being afraid of heights. I mean, it’s scary, right?
A/N: Yeah!
MC: You guys sure came up with something amazing, to have staged a dynamic flight like that!
S: That must be the quietest I’ve ever been in a meeting so far…
Everyone: [bursts out laughing]
N: True. Throughout the meeting, Sho-chan kept doing this (Sho wordlessly spreads out his palms before Nino)… He showed me how incredibly sweaty his palms were.
Everyone: [bursts out laughing]
MC: “Look at this sweat!” he was saying.
N: Yeah. (laughs) It’s like, “I get this much cold sweat just by thinking about it!”
J: We had this opening for the Dome tour too, didn’t we?
O: It was scarier during the rehearsals than the actual performance.
N: Rehearsals! Yeah! That’s right.
O: Because there was nobody in the audience seats…
N: Yeah. If the fans were there, it would be different, right?
S: Putting the scary factor aside, you’d think that it was an amazing opening, wasn’t it? Firstly, we appear on top of the set. Then we fly, right?
O: Ah, the first step we took when we flew.
N: That’s the place where you’d literally step out!
A: It was scary… And we flew quite a distance, didn’t we? It was far greater than we’d expected, so that was scary.
S: Eh! Was Aiba-san scared too?
A: I was, I was.
S: Oh really! So you were scared.
MC: Was Matsumoto-san scared too?
J: No, I wasn’t. I place a lot of trust in my wire harness. (laughs)
[The members take a look at the opening footage on DVD.]
J: (watches as Arashi appears to the roaring cheers of fans) That’s… awesome! (laughs)
N: (watches the moment they appear) This part! We were simply on tenterhooks at this moment.
S: Oh man… My palms are so sweaty right now!
Everyone: [bursts out laughing]
MC: Is it that bad with just the footage alone? (laughs)
S: … (nods sadly)
N: It starts here, right? (refers to the part where they step out) This was horrifying.
MC: Ninomiya-san found it scary too, yes?
N: I’m hiding it from Sho-chan (who’s infamously scared of heights) at all costs, but I’m terribly scared of heights!
S: That’s why Nino is amazing. I couldn’t tell that he was scared at all.
J: (watches the flying footage) Wow…! This is amazing. You guys did great in pulling this off.
MC: I don’t think anyone has ever flown like this…
N: I don’t think they would want to!
J: Hahaha. (laughs) I mean, the cable would sag while we were flying, right? Because it was too long.
S: …this is incredible. (Watches the footage with a complex expression.)
A: We actually flew all the way to the other end.
N: And we don’t fly all at once, right? We actually go, “Guaan, guaan” (going to and fro).
O: That’s right.
J: (fixated on the flying footage) Whoa!
S: This is amazing… Gives me the chills just by looking at it!!
O: Right here (in the air near the Olympic torch), the fans outside the stadium could see us, right?
N: When we went (near the torch), right?
J: That’s right.
S: (watches as they land safely on the Olympic torch platform) Aaaah… Seriously, the relief that I felt when we landed was no joking matter!
Everyone: [bursts out laughing]
S: Why, it’s amazing. To have accomplished this for our 10th year anniversary. We’re truly blessed!
O/N/A: Um hmm… (keenly)
To be continued...
HERE for the 2008 Arashi Around Asia cross talk!