☇ general information

Mar 01, 2011 08:46

CHARACTER NAME: Squall Leonhart
CHARACTER FANDOM: Final Fantasy VIII + Dissidia: Final Fantasy
CANON POINT: Post Shade Impulse
BACKGROUND: Wiki, FFWiki (FF8) and FFWiki (Dissidia)

Special Note about History:
Although this has been explained in the AU portion below, during Time Compression after meeting Edea and a younger Squall, Squall was immediately transported to fight the events of Dissidia (the first game, not the new game that’s being released in the near future). After winning the Conflict with the other Final Fantasy heroes, Squall was returned back to the world of Final Fantasy VIII and spent a minimum of half a year to a full year in that world before being played in OnePassingNight.

CHANGES FROM CANON, IF AU: Imagine Squall was born a girl and think on how that might change things. Add in the fact that woman aren't exactly respected as swordsman or even physical fighters in general? You have to add in a bit of an inferiority complex where Squall (born as Gale Leonhart) always assumes she has to do better than everyone else to just prove her worth and that everyone thinks less of her simply because she doesn't have a dick. Imagine Squall having to go through years of verbal and sometimes physical abuse by her peers during her early years of as a Garden cadet and you get this Squall.

The only differences from the FF8 canon is that she was mistaken as a guy by Noami Heartily during the SeeD ball and it wasn't until they met again during the Timber Mission did Noa finally understand she was dancing with another girl. She didn't meet her 'true love' until after D-District, Reginald 'Rin' Caraway, a Lieutenant in the Galbadian Military and twin brother of Noami.

However, most events that happened throughout FF8 stayed mostly the same, including Squall carrying Noa's comatose body toward Esthar. Rin, having since gone AWOL after D-District and helping rescue the SeeD party followed Squall and the two bonded, consequently falling in love. Together they acted as Noa's Sorceress Knights to help her cope with the excess of magical power she gained after accidentally absorbing Edea's power after the Battle of the Gardens. During the Space Mission, it was only Noa and Squall that found the Ragnarok and the two of them became the best of friends.

Events continued as normal until after Squall found herself in Edea's Orphanage surrounded by a younger Edea and her child self. After Ultimecia's appearance and Edea absorbing the dying Sorceress's powers, Squall found herself being transported to another world to fight in a Conflict that was not her own.

Dissidia happened and although like her original game, there aren't too many changes between this Squall's history and her canon counterpart, Squall had become good friends with Terra due to the fact they were both girls fighting on the same side and for the most part, Squall found Terra to remind her greatly of Noa. Her relationships with the other Cosmos warriors remained the same, her token best friends remained to be Bartz and Zidane despite the former not recognizing the fact that she was actually woman for a long time (if at all). She also had Zidane flirt with her as well as Tidus despite her shooting them down.

The only difference between this Squall's story and the original canon is that when Squall killed Ultimecia in Dissidia, she accidentally (unintentionally) absorbed Ultimecia's powers. All Squall wanted at the time was to kill Ultimecia completely and that thought alone was enough for the Sorcery to jump from Ultimecia's dying and fading form and be absorbed into Squall's.

Although Squall would never notice it until much later after the Conflict was ended (when she was finally sent home), the sudden abundance of magic inside her would begin to deteriorate her rationale and sanity over time--to the point where Squall started to ignore the importance of others and the sheer significance of keeping others alive during a mission rather than focus on the objective. She did all this without realizing this until Rin and Seifer told her about it, lectured that she was playing around with the lives of civilians in favor of completing a mission.

It's not until Squall sought out Odine and Edea for help that she learned for sure that she had Sorcery inside her. It was at Edea's urging that Squall allowed Odine to construct two special Anti-Sorcery pieces of jewelry for her that she know wears, a silver chain bracelet as well as a thin black leather collar with a lion's head (similar to her necklace's) as the buckle. Although she could potentially take off the bracelet, Squall's collar must always be left on to keep her magic in check. In fact, it's the collar by itself that is the suppressor with the bracelet acting as an added security measure.

She also allowed Odine to modify her Griever chain and ring to help aid in keeping her Sorcery in control, especially since after all that happened (the Conflict/Dissidia and Squall realizing she's a Sorceress) her relationship with Rin had ended, rather horribly after a certain incident that happened between the two former lovers which included Squall going out of control and having a breakdown that resulted in the deaths of innocents.

Since then Squall had left Garden to be on her own lest she bring more danger to her friends. She never even told anyone where she went or much less contact anyone since she renounced her SeeD status and Commander rank.

Not that anyone told her that her resignation was denied and she is merely on 'vacation' as far as the general public knows.

Lastly, why the name change from her birth name of Gale to Squall? Simple, Gale sounded too much of a Girl's name and for Squall, that was the route of her problem. She needed a new life, a clean slate, something to prove to others that she isn't some weak girl who is destined to just use magic in battle because that was the SeeD stereotype when she entered Garden. Squall wanted to be a swordswoman and honestly? Squall sounded more masculine, more powerful and intimidating than 'Gail' or 'Gale' would ever be.

Only few people will ever get away with calling her by her birth name, Ellone and Noa. Rin had lost that right sometime before Squall went into isolation. For anyone else, it would be someone she trusts incredibly and feels completely comfortable with.

PERSONALITY: At first glance, Squall could be seen as the loner in the corner that ignores everyone else in the room. She’s quiet, stoic and usually very serious when she’s with others, although she’s not completely against facepalming at the idiocy of others or at a situation. However, just because Squall may act or even seem to be indifferent to everything, she is definitely anything but indifferent. In fact, to some, it might just be an act for her-a charade she plays to get people to stop from approaching her or even attempting to get to know her.

Squall doesn’t want to get close to anyone. Ever since her sis left her when she was young, Squall’s main focus was to become strong, get strong enough that her Sister would be proud of her and know that Squall could take care of herself. It was her one driving force behind everything, to become strong. When she entered Balamb, Squall was exposed to the idea that women, especially girls, could not be strong, that they always needed a Knight or a protector. When she chose to pick up the gunblade, she was ridiculed repeatedly for using a boy’s weapon, for attempting to be something she apparently “wasn’t supposed to be” a magic user and person used for support.

Garden was a school for aspiring Mercenaries and for the longest time, women were considered too highly important as healers and support players to be on the front lines. At least until Squall picked up her women and strove to change that ideology with each swing of her gunblade. She even changed her name to cement that she wasn’t supposed to be seen as a girl (Gale sounded too much like Gail, a classic female name) but as a fighter in her own right.

That determination, that stubborn tenacity is signature to Squall’s personality. It defines exactly who she is. If there is a goal to be achieved, an objective she must do, Squall would stop at nothing to make sure she succeeds. It also shows when she’s willing to carry a comatose Noami Heartilly across an ocean from Fisherman’s Horizon to Esthar by herself in order to get Noa the help she needed, despite not knowing the other woman that well.

Squall’s devotion to others is almost legendary as it is rare (Squall doesn’t let anyone too close, too easily; she rather keep everyone at arm’s length but there are times where certain individuals have managed to break through her shields without her realizing it). Once someone earns her loyalty, Squall would always be there for them, to be whatever they needed. A friend or guardian? A Protector or even a Knight of sorts, Squall would be exactly what they want if she thinks that’s what they need of her. She doesn’t have many wants of her own. In fact, it’s probably not hard to say that Squall lets others’ needs and wants for her dictate her actions.

When Cid gave her a field-promotion to SeeD Commander, Squall might have protested but she still stood up and embodied that role to the best of her abilities. The choices and consequent events of having the sudden responsibility of having hundreds (thousands) of lives dependant on her choices might bring her nightmares but Squall didn’t buckle or falter. She did what she had to because she knew it had to be done and it was expected of her.

Although, one might not think Squall has a sense of humor, in a way she does. It’s a rather dry and sarcastic sort, usually delivered in a bland tone or even just her usual monotone. When she does show amusement or even happiness about something, her lips tend to twitch and her face lightens. It doesn’t happen often but after spending time with Zidane and Bartz as well as her friends back in her world, it has happened more frequently than most. Until she went into isolation, at least. Then Squall started to take the world even more seriously, deciding that with her new abilities, she had to be separated from everyone else lest she brought about another Sorceress war.

Because she doesn’t have a Knight, Squall is more susceptible to bringing harm to others without consciously realizing it, all because of the erratic, uncontrollable Sorcery she contains inside her.

Sometimes, she thinks automatically about how easy it would be to injure, maim or even kill someone who annoys her. Those thoughts, coupled with the incidents that made her realize she was actually a sorceress and not just a normal SeeD made Squall more paranoid than she usually is. It’s bad enough she always thinks everyone around her (anyone she doesn’t know well enough, closely enough) underestimates her and thinks lowly of her automatically. But add in the automatic thoughts of trying to harm others-innocent people, her friends, her family-Squall’s paranoia is justified, if a considered a bit too much.

Over time, there’s a chance that Squall might lose her sense of what’s real and not because she has no Knight. In fact, her rationality and her sense of morality is already fraying because the lack of Knight, a grounding factor that could potentially keep her mind stable as the Sorcery she absorbed in her body attempts to break free of her control.

In summary? This Squall is going insane. Gradually, unless she accepts someone as a Knight. Which, might honestly, be impossible.

ABILITIES: ATTACKS - RegularBEAT FANG - Strikes opponent with three slashes to knock them around, then floats above them and stabs them repeatedly. Has short reach, but executes quickly and has decent tracking.
BLIZZARD BARREL - Fire an ice bullet. Has long range and slightly homes.
FUSILLADE - Fires four magic projectiles, then fire a stream of lightning. Can combo without hitting.
HEEL CRUSH - Spins toward the opponent to strike them and slam them downwards.
MYSTIC FLURRY - Fires several ice shards that turn into lightning strikes when they slow down to stun opponents and fling them down. Can combo without hitting.
SOLID BARREL - Slashes opponent at close range with four quick slashes, then stab upwards and trigger Gunblade three times, sending opponent flying.
THUNDER BARREL - Fires a stream of lightning that draws the opponent closer.
UPPER BLUES - Attacks opponent with an upward swing to send them in the air, then jumps and strikes three more times, slamming the opponent to the ground.
ATTACKS - Limit BreaksAERIAL CIRCLE - Swings Gunblade to surround self with orbs of energy vertically, then detonate them.
BLASTING ZONE - Surround Gunblade in a field of energy and extend its range, then slam it into the ground. Drags airborne opponents downward if they're caught in the blast.
FATED CIRCLE - Swing Gunblade to surround self with orbs of energy horizontally, then detonate them.
RENZOKUKEN - Strongest Limit break of quick 8 slashes done by the Gunblade, each more powerful than the first.
_______LIONHEART - Finishing Move of Renzokukenm a dash past the opponent, quick strike and large explosion of where the opponent is upon the final sword strike.
REVOLVER DRIVE - Surround Gunblade in a red aura and charge forward.
ROUGH DIVIDE (Ground) - Jumps up and charges at opponent at high speed.
ROUGH DIVIDE (Air) - Jumps up higher while in midair and charges at opponent at high speed.

GUARDIAN FORCESBAHAMUT - A massive Dragon that deals non-elemental damage using its Mega Flare attack.
DIABLOS - A Dark Messenger from the depths of hell that embodies Gravity Magic
LEVIATHAN - A Serpentine dragon with a powerful water attack that goes by the name, ‘Tsunami’
QUEZACOATL - A mythical bird of thunder that brings down storms upon all enemies. One of Squall’s first two GFs at Garden.
SHIVA - Squall’s signature Ice Queen GF who freezes her enemies with her ‘Diamond Dust’ attack

MAGICAERO - Inflicts moderate Wind-elemental damage on one target.
AURA - Bestows Aura on the target, allowing them access to Limit Breaks regardless of HP (i.e. allows them to use strongest attacks w/ being near death).
BLIZZARD - Inflicts minor Ice-elemental damage on one target.
BLIZZARA - Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental damage on one target.
BLIZZARA - Inflicts major Ice-elemental damage on one target.
CURE - Restores a minor amount of HP on one target. Deals damage to Undead enemies.
CURA - Restores a moderate amount of HP on one target. Deals damage to Undead enemies.
DEMI - Inflicts damage equal to 25% of the target's current HP on one target (i.e. weakens the target considerably)
FIRE - Inflicts minor Fire-elemental damage on one target.
FIRA - Inflicts moderate Fire-elemental damage on one target.
FIRAGA - Inflicts major Fire-elemental damage on one target.
FLARE - Inflicts extreme non-elemental damage on one target.
HASTE - Bestows Haste on one target, increasing the target's speed.
LIFE - Revives a target from Knocked Out status and restores 25% of their HP.
SCAN - Reveals Level, HP, elemental affinities and detailed information on strategy and/or personality on the target. (i.e. Identify strengths and weaknesses as well as ailments the target has.)
THUNDER - Inflicts minor Thunder-elemental damage on one target.
THUNDARA - Inflicts moderate Thunder-elemental damage on one target.
THUNDAGA - Inflicts major Thunder-elemental damage on one target.
WATER - Inflicts moderate Water-elemental damage on one target.
ULTIMA - Inflicts extreme non-elemental damage to all units in the targeted party.

SORCERYLike other known Sorceresses, Squall has a specific element, or in this case, elements that she is able to harness without limitation. Any spell that mimicks the effects of a Storm (Aero, Blizzard, Thunder, Water), Squall is able to use them in combinations that can make them appear, on the surface, that she’s manipulating the actual weather around her to strike down her enemies. She is able to manipulate the effects of those elements in ways that are not considered ‘normal’ by Para-Magic Standards because she is harnessing the true elemental magic around her.

For example, she might bring about wailing tornado winds to the harshest of hailstorms with erratic thunder and lightning strikes hitting her surroundings. If she is able to channel the literal magic storm she brings, everyone beware.

However, use of her sorcery has a great cost. Squall loses her focus and control over her magic and her actions, to the point where she might even attack her allies and other innocent people simply for just the ‘enjoyment’. Even after she’s finished ‘casting’ and is back to ‘normal’, Squall can never forget what she did because in the back of her mind, she was still conscious of every action she took.

It’s why Squall more or less doesn’t use magic at all unless it’s the only way to ‘win and survive’-as a last resort.

!character info

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