FF8-AU History [WiP]

Dec 21, 2009 10:00

Originally named Gale by a dying Raine Leonhart, she and her older adopted Sister, Ellone, were transported to Edea's Orphanage soon after Gale was born.

There she met other war orphans named Seifer, Zell, Irvina, Stephen and Quistis. During this time, she pent most of her time alone or with Ellone until Ellone was sent away to be guarded by White SeeDs by Edea because Ellone's special ability and Sorceress Potential. For Gale, this was a traumatic part of her life in which she started to form the foundation that would later make up her present-day persona.

After Ellone left, Gale went off running one day through the rain to find her Sis but only to return and find a new 'adult' (a person wearing black leather and belts) holding a Gunblade in her hands. A 'ghost' appeared but the new adult rushed forward with Gunblade drawn, ready to protect Gale and her Matron. The rest of the memory became a blur but Gale would always remember that woman who embodied strength and started to dream about wielding the same weapon and being strong enough for Sis to come back and see how big she's gotten--and that while Sis was gone, Sis didn't have to worry about her.

One by one, each of the Orphans were adopted until only Seifer and Gale were left. Although Gale would not meet the rest of the gang until much, much later during her Garden Years, Gale watched as Seifer was soon carted off to Balamb Garden for SeeD training, leaving Gale the only remaining Orphan in Edea's care. Gale would follow him some time afterwards when Edea decided it was time for Gale to leave.

Sent off to Balamb, Gale found solace in studying and classes at Garden. She wasn't old enough yet to be considered for the SeeD training but Gale found a weapons manual about various types of weapons used by SeeDs and found the Gunblade fascinating. (She has faint memories as a child of seeing a person in black with multiple red belts and a gunblade at the waist during her time at the Orphanage; upon seeing the person, she decided to be just like the strange person because the person seemed to be strong).

Although Seifer was also at Balamb, she did not meet him until they both entered the official SeeD training regime, having finished all their preliminary schooling. It was by chance that they both chose the same weapon at the same time, resulting in a heightened rivalry between the two of them. Though they both remembered one another from the Orphanage, those memories would later fade into nothing when they first received their Guardian Force.

After attaining their first GF, the only thing Gale and Seifer knew would be their rivalry.

One thing that should be noted maybe because Gale chose the Gunblade and not a more conventional weapon, others started to mock and harass her repeatedly. They said that she couldn't master her weapon because she was either too weak or that she didn't know a thing about fighting. The worst insults usually were jabs at her being a girl trying to be a guy and that only guys can use Gunblades.

Seifer however never really took that route of outright bullying toward Gale. Instead he preferred other ways to provoke her, never once insulting her because of her gender. It was a sign of respect that Gale reciprocated, bantering with him every so often--mostly as a response to something he said to her.

It was after a duel with Seifer (a duel she won) in front of class of their peers that Gale announced that her name was Squall. She refused to be acknowledged as Gale anymore, deeming that 'Gale' was a name for a weak little girl who couldn't do a damn thing, much less wield a Gunblade.

Unsurprisingly, Seifer was the first person to use the name 'Squall' when addressing Gale. He also commented a few times with, "Gale? Gale who? I don't see a Gale. I see a Squall. Ain't that right, ice princess?"

From then on, she was called Squall Leonhart.

Years passed and Squall focused her entire attention on becoming a SeeD, a mercenary and one of the well renowned, respected people of the world. In time, her initial reasons faded (becoming a SeeD meant proving she was strong, that being strong would make Sis come back) and all Squall ever thought for herself was being exactly what was expected of her. A SeeD. Everyone at Garden, or at least Balamb Garden was intended to become a SeeD if they passed the tests and Exam.

Not once had Squall imagined for herself a different life path or even what would happen once she finally became a SeeD.

Of course all that changed when she met Noa during the SeeD Graduation Ball.
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