Trans Asexuals on Hormones

Dec 01, 2009 02:02

I am a young trans guy who is in and out of the asexual community. I started my testosterone shots about a week and a half ago *hands out celebratory cookies* and I've been wondering about some of the effects ( Read more... )

t-changes, sexual orientation, sex

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Comments 11

misguidance December 1 2009, 13:16:21 UTC
I don't know how much help I can be, as I have never really identified as asexual. My sexuality has always been rather complicated and I don't really understand it myself; I normally ID (if I feel I have to) as a bisexual man, but the truth is that a lot of the time I don't really feel a pysical attraction to anyone at all- just an emotional one. This has been going on since puberty, and while I do have sex I am pretty sure that I could happily live without it altogether. To this end, I go through long periods of asexuality, and have had a couple of asexual relationships. I have no idea why I keep changing back and forth, and to be honest, I'm not even sure if I *am* bisexual, or if I am an asexual romantic with a tendancy to give in to social pressure. But that is probubly a whole seperate issue. ^__ ( ... )


next_muffin December 1 2009, 13:24:36 UTC
I am bi-somewhat-romantic asexual, and I have been on T for a couple of months. There hasn't been much of a change for me. I had a bit of a sex drive before, showing up every once in a while, and that's still the same, more or less, it's just a bit stronger and more noticeable. Goes away after a bit, though, which is nice. At first it was extremely annoying and frustrating (although that's another issue, I have lots of extremely sexual friends and feel left out sometimes), but since then I've gotten used to the sudden bursts, and it's really no problem anymore. Then again not everyone will react in the same way, so you'll probably be quite different, etc. At any rate, it's not like the hormones will suddenly turn you magically sexual or anything like that.

I'm not sure what to add, but if you have any other questions, feel free to send me a message, I'll do my best. Good luck, and congrats.


spannerhead December 1 2009, 15:14:58 UTC
I can't help with your question, but I just wanted to flag up the problematic phrase 'real trans people'. I have a feeling that you didn't mean to imply that some people are 'really' trans and other people aren't, but your language does. You might want to change your wording to make your meaning a little clearer. Just a heads up.


rainbow_gray December 1 2009, 22:38:40 UTC
Hmm. I did write it pretty quickly. What I was trying to convey with the phrase "real trans people" was the idea of actual, existing human beings sharing their experiences, and not detached words in a study somewhere (although if someone has actually done a study on asexual trans men, color me impressed).


jovial_julia December 1 2009, 17:06:52 UTC
This is coming from the other side but before estrogen (when I had T) I was not really interested in dating people for sex just for companionship, but physically it was easy to get aroused. Now my view on people and sex is the same but I don't have the physical arousal anywhere near as much.


poto_heart December 1 2009, 17:54:26 UTC
Take my words with a hefty grain of salt, as I myself am not/never was asexual and I don't personally know any asexual FTM's, but I have heard that some asexual FTM's experience a change in their sexuality when they start testosterone, usually beginning to identify as bisexual or pansexual. Like I said, though, these are just things that I've heard, I don't know any of the guys in question personally, so I'm just throwing that out there.


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