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Jared/Jensen -- hookers!both, jealous!Jensen sandymg August 30 2010, 01:14:31 UTC
Jared and Jensen are best friends (platonic at this point) who fell into hard times and ended up hooking together (only not at the same time -- you get what I mean). Jensen's secretly always harbored a Pretty Woman fantasy, that one day a handsome rich stranger might 'save' him. And as luck has it a handsome rich stranger (could be JDM) does enter their lives. Only it's Jared he wants to save. And suddenly Jensen is left on the outside and thinking Pretty Woman was a pretty dumb movie and if anyone is going to save Jared, it's Jensen.


Filled: Silver Lining (J2, R) 1/? raths_kitten September 7 2010, 00:31:54 UTC
Uhm, okay, I had this in mind for days and just wrote it now without re-reading your prompt. It's slightly different, but I hope you still like it. (Also, this would so kick-ass as a full BigBang. But alas, comment-fic, so I left it wth the important parts ( ... )


Silver Lining 2/? raths_kitten September 7 2010, 00:33:33 UTC
So that day, when Jensen lay in bed, not sleeping, watching the sunlight stream in through their shoddy blinds, watch them illuminate Jared’s features, he tried to bite back his jealousy, tried to imagine a life without Jared - and found that he couldn’t ( ... )


Silver Lining 3/3 raths_kitten September 7 2010, 00:34:48 UTC
“Isn’t that what you want, Jensen? My mouth, my ass? Want to use me? Own me? Want me to be yours, all yours, twenty-four-seven, your own personal slave?” Jared licked his lips, Jensen’s cock now out and standing proudly, affected by Jared’s words much as Jensen wished he wouldn’t be ( ... )


Re: Silver Lining 3/3 sandymg September 7 2010, 00:50:23 UTC
Oh, yes! A happy-ish ending. Definitely wanted that. Nice response to my prompt. Truth be told I don't get many of my prompts answered. Figured they all sucked :) This was such a great treat! You were right ... it has a lot of potential to be fleshed out into a long, rich tale. If ever you want to revisit this idea ... feel free. I like the characters you created -- especially Jensen. That combination good guy and a little too desperate/needy could lead to such great angsty goodness and eventual character growth.

But even if this is all there ever is -- it was nicely told, with just enough pathos to be moving and a nice shot of emotional connection between the boys.



Re: Silver Lining 3/3 raths_kitten September 7 2010, 01:06:09 UTC
Haha, no. I think they're just all too good to waste on a comment fic. This one really didn't leave my head since I first read it, but I just had no time to give it proper treatment.

Thank you very much though, I'm glad you liked it. But yeah, think of all the Jared potential. He was probably in love since Jensen first saved him. It must have killed him to be so close, yet not close enough. ;)


Re: Silver Lining 3/3 rockstarpeach September 7 2010, 20:39:33 UTC
Awww! I love it when Jensen wants to take care of Jared. And then they end up taking care of each other. This made me smile :)


Re: Silver Lining 3/3 raths_kitten September 7 2010, 21:11:12 UTC
Thank you. :)


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Re: Silver Lining 3/3 raths_kitten September 8 2010, 18:27:38 UTC
Glad you liked it. Thanks for commenting. :)


sandymg December 3 2012, 08:20:51 UTC
The heat and sweetness and desperation is perfect. I love a happy ending!


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