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Oct 04, 2011 04:43

Two scenarios here, pick your poison!

In the Hangar...Sometime after podpop and the chaos that went with it, Simon found himself down in the hangar. He'd scrounged up a couple of rags, and some soap and water - Gurren and Lagann were here, but they were in good need of a cleaning. Well. More of a dusting and polishing, but if he's gonna go to ( Read more... )

red savarin, alendian, kanoe zouichi, starfire, simon, !location: the hangar, !location: anywhere, !status: open, yoko

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Comments 88

Hangar zouichi October 4 2011, 14:57:35 UTC
Well, there was a face he'd never seen before. Zouichi made his way over to where Simon was cleaning. On his shoulder, a brightly-feathered parrot eyed both Simon and Boota with interest, but seemed content to remain on his perch for now.

"Hi. Did you come in with the latest batch?"


Re: Hangar punchedouttime October 4 2011, 17:37:53 UTC
Simon paused, looking over his shoulder for a moment. "Ah, yeah!" He paused in his work, standing up and offering his dry hand out to Zouichi. "Name's Simon."

Boota paused as well, darting up Simon's side to perch on his shoulder, intrigued by the parrot.


Re: Hangar zouichi October 4 2011, 21:01:26 UTC
Zouichi gave Simon's hand a shake. "Zouichi. And this is Alan. So I suppose this is your robot?"

Alan stared right back at Boota. "Hi," he said in a voice that sounded slightly robotic. "Hi. Hi. Hey."


punchedouttime October 4 2011, 22:01:05 UTC
Simon nodded. "Yeah, Lagann-" he motioned at the smaller one. "And Gurren," he added, pointing to the larger counterpart.

Boota made a slightly confused noise, then peered at Alan - a talking animal, what is this he doesn't even.


Hangar quick_strike October 5 2011, 02:34:55 UTC
More humans. Of course this ship was infested with them like a plague of insects but, oh, the things Alendian dealt with. She was visiting the hangar for the sole purpose of seeing the ships in it. A part of her hoped there were Eldar fighting ships just for familiarity's sake but no luck.

She walked by the two gaudy looking machines and, more importantly, the person cleaning them. Yeah, those machines needed a new paint job, she thought has she peered up at the big one.



punchoutdestiny October 5 2011, 02:46:53 UTC
At the question, Simon looked over at Alendian, blinking confusedly for a few moments. "...uh. Why what?" It was a pretty vague question, after all - and Simon's no mind-reader.

Though to be fair, given Gurren's appearance, that is a valid response.


quick_strike October 5 2011, 03:40:27 UTC
"Why is it so ugly?" The more she looks at it, the less she's surprised. It's definitely a human creation.


punchedouttime October 5 2011, 06:21:25 UTC
For a moment, Simon stared at Alendian, then back up at Gurren, then looked back at the woman. "...I, uh. Personally think it looks cool, myself. Kinda scary, but for a machine built for fighting, being intimidating is helpful."


I am lame with locations... but *somewhere* outside of the Hangar bymytail October 5 2011, 05:36:34 UTC
Red was also exploring around the ship with his Dahak as well. He wasn't expecting another miniature robot lying around in the ship, though, so he couldn't help but gawk at Lagann before itching closer with his Dahak.


Okay! punchedouttime October 5 2011, 06:23:00 UTC
Simon didn't hear the other robot moving, but his leg did twitch a bit, and Red might hear a bit of mumbling coming from the other robot...


bymytail October 5 2011, 08:06:34 UTC
Was this guy really sleeping inside his robot? Red's brow twitched as he took a look at the other.

"Hey you. You're gonna catch a cold if you sleep here." He called out.


punchedouttime October 5 2011, 08:13:31 UTC
There was a snort and a groan before Simon pushed himself up. He shook his head a bit, then looked out blearily until he focused on the red blob that was Red.

"...huh? What?"


Hangar cow_abunga October 6 2011, 03:28:33 UTC
At near-deafening volumes, AC/DC's Back In Black streamed out of speakers a little ways away from the the Gunmen. Cowabunga was there, fine-tuning his red ZAKU's hardware. His first had been had been destroyed during Zokez, and while the one he was currently using had performed admirably at Lirath, it still wasn't quite up to his specifications.

"Hey, Humar," the Tauren said to the black lion next to him. "Mind handing me that spanner over there?"

Humar grabbed the tool in his mouth, and plopped it into Cowabunga's waiting hand.


Re: Hangar punchedouttime October 6 2011, 06:01:09 UTC
Simon hadn't paid the music much mind - it sounded kinda cool, admittedly. However, at one point when he was looking in the general direction of the ZAKU, he noticed the Tauren. His head tilted for a moment, then he cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled over the music - "Hey! If you don't mind me asking, are you a Beastman?"

A humanoid animal piloting a robot, the logic made sense - even if the robot didn't look like a Gunmen.


Re: Hangar cow_abunga October 10 2011, 18:34:01 UTC
Cowabunga scratched his head with his wrench. "I have no idea what you're talking about, so probably not. Why'dya ask?"


punchedouttime October 10 2011, 21:15:40 UTC
"Uh. Just curious." Simon scratched his head a bit. "Guess I'm just antsy to find more folks from home."


Hallway joyous_justice October 7 2011, 14:08:56 UTC
Starfire had fallen dreadfully behind in her attempts to greet all the newcomers to the ship. She drifted through the hallways, her bright green eyes hastily scanning them for new faces. They were usually easy to spot---resigned or afraid, usually unsure.

It was to her great surprise that she came across a collapsed robot making a snoring noise. That might not be so strange, but it was a human sleeping noise. Was something in there?

Frowning, she flew overtop the cockpit and made a knocking noise. "Excuse me? Have you found yourself lost?" Surely no one wanted to sleep in that thing! The beds would be so much more comfortable.


punchoutdestiny October 7 2011, 19:31:09 UTC
What startled Simon so much wasn't the knocking, but that voice. It was all too familiar. He scrambled upright, and outside, Lagann flailed before the hatch opened, and a panicked-but-hopeful man was exposed.

"Nia?! Ni--"

His head jerked around, then he saw that Starfire was the only person in the hall. Simon swallowed. "Who are you?"


joyous_justice October 7 2011, 22:26:39 UTC

The airborne girl waiting for him outside looked to be some mixture of confused and concerned.

"I have not met anyone named Nia. My name is Starfire! I am your fellow crew member, and I wished to see if you were all right."


punchedouttime October 8 2011, 07:31:49 UTC
Simon finds himself staring at Starfire for a moment. It wasn't quite the voice he was more familiar with - something more like Nia's voice when he first met her. Even the awkward syntax was a bit familiar...

But this girl was not Nia. Simon sighs, then flops back into the cockpit. "Sorry 'bout that," he answered, putting forth a smile. "Thought you were someone I knew for a moment. I'm fine, though, thanks for asking."


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