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Sep 08, 2011 19:47

It has been some time since she first entered the pod caverns. She's lost track of it-- it's hard to tell time in this ship to begin with, and so without any sort of measure here it's especially hard ( Read more... )

homura akemi, red xiii (nanaki), kanoe zouichi, reinforce zwei, starfire, mami tomoe, !location: pod caverns, morgan knight, gaignun kukai jr./rubedo

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Comments 170

zouichi September 9 2011, 01:40:57 UTC
"Miss, are you all right?" Zouichi was only here by chance. Unlike some of the crew, he had few friends he'd have liked to see on the ship. Most of them were already dead and gone; having the ship pluck them out of their timelines and set to work here would be, in his opinion, inexcusable.


clockworkrepeat September 9 2011, 01:54:38 UTC
Homura jerks wide awake at his voice, blinking before coming to her feet. She'd only just started to doze off, too. It wouldn't be hard to get back to sleep, she is just that tired, but for now she puts on her usual formal airs. She wasn't expecting to see anyone here. "... Yes. I'm okay. Thank you."


zouichi September 9 2011, 02:05:18 UTC
Just so you know, Homura, Zouichi wasn't buying it. After all, you didn't wander around in the creepy Pod Caverns unless you were looking for someone. And you didn't wander around in there until you fell asleep unless it was someone important.

"Did one of your friends get repodded, too?"


clockworkrepeat September 9 2011, 02:14:15 UTC
She looks away towards the rows and rows and rows of pods. "Yes," she says quietly, and her gaze does not stray back to him. She just looks out at all of these people in their pods, above and below them, their lights shining like an infinite, unclimbable amount of stars.


joyous_justice September 9 2011, 02:48:20 UTC
Starfire does not come here to search for her loved ones, not anymore. They may emerge with time, and perhaps they will not. Her thinking is not entirely as optimistic as it once was. To her, the main appeal of the caverns is the high space with open air---perfect for flying. She comes here sometimes to weave among the pods, wondering who may be resting here and who may join them in the future.

It's very rare that she sees a currently active crew member here, though, and that catches her attention. Wondering, the floating girl dives down to a place near a pod.

"Hello. Are you lost?" she whispers, gentle as can be in case the unfamiliar
girl is asleep.

((Just a forewarning that I'll be a bit slow. About to go to bed, actually. But I want to try this!))


clockworkrepeat September 9 2011, 03:00:56 UTC
She jerks awake, eyes wide for a brief moment before she sees the source of the voice. This girl can fly, and that interests her slightly. What manner of magic does she possess? Homura wonders, stepping to her feet. She's still slightly unused to all the oddities on board the ship.

"I'm not," she says quietly. She'll need a little prodding to come out with the reason she's here.

[Slowness is just fine! ;w;]


joyous_justice September 9 2011, 03:10:25 UTC
"You would prefer to sleep here?" Starfire's not judging here, she's just...curious. It seems so strange to her. There is humidity and open space, but the angle is not like what she has seen before. "I see! You prefer open air and solidity."

...somehow, yes, that was her conclusion.


clockworkrepeat September 9 2011, 03:16:06 UTC
"I suppose you could say that," she replies. That's an odd conclusion to take. Homura is nearly endeared. "It's a little hot here, but it's alright. I don't need a blanket."


sonofthewarrior September 9 2011, 02:55:23 UTC
Nanaki recognized her from when he first woke up. Surely she had to actually leave the chambers since then, but why was she there now? And why was she sleeping -- unless she wasn't sleeping.

Cautiously, he approached, speaking gently but loud enough to hear. "Excuse me, miss? Homura?"

He thought that was the name she gave him, anyway.


clockworkrepeat September 9 2011, 03:06:45 UTC
Homura doesn't jerk awake, just slowly opens her eyes and looks him over. She's slightly surprised he knows her name, but-- then she remembers. Yes. She nods in recognition but does not stand.

She says: "Yes, that's right."


sonofthewarrior September 9 2011, 03:13:41 UTC
He glanced around, as if he'd see something that would answer the question he was about to ask her.

"Why were you sleeping here? Are you searching for something?"


clockworkrepeat September 9 2011, 03:19:51 UTC
"I am." She pauses. "... I was sleeping here because I've been searching for a while now."


pocketloli September 9 2011, 03:01:03 UTC
Sometimes Rein came down to the pod caverns to think. She had remembered some of her companions who had come and gone. Signum once before returning with no memory of the previous arrival, Hayate her meister, Vita, Arf and even Subaru. And yet, she floated along, trying to pinpoint a familiar face, someone she had lost to the stasis sleep.

Not really able to do so was the key word, as she placed a hand on her stomach.

"Are you sleeping well, Shiro...?"

Floating along, she noticed Homura sleeping there. A twinge of worry welled up as she floated over to her, sizing up to her usual form. "You shouldn't sleep down here."


clockworkrepeat September 9 2011, 03:10:31 UTC
She remembers this girl from the baths. She tilts her head slightly at her concern, then comes to her feet.

"I was just resting my eyes," she murmurs, transparent. "Not sleeping."


pocketloli September 9 2011, 03:25:49 UTC
"Sure you were," remarked Rein. She sighed, reaching into her bag and holding out a bottle of water and a couple of wrapped cookies. "It's the last bottle water I've got but hey, take it. You look famished."


clockworkrepeat September 9 2011, 03:33:45 UTC
She hesitates a moment before taking them. She murmurs, "...Thank you. I appreciate this." And promptly digs in, sipping at the water and eating the cookies. She sits down to do it, just taking the moment to replenish her energy with food.


clowmaster September 9 2011, 03:16:03 UTC
Sakura has no idea why she's here in the first place? Curiosity perhaps? Why not - her familiar was probably in one of these pods, along with possibly her family and the boy she's in love with. It might be just that little bit of shining hope inside her that refuses to give up.

As she continues her search, she spotted Homura resting, catching her attention. "Oh, my...!" she uttered, running up to her. "A-Are you okay?!"


clockworkrepeat September 9 2011, 03:22:57 UTC
Homura is surprised to see someone else here, but does not let this show on her face. Instead she instantly slips into something pleasant, faking a smile effortlessly. "I'm okay. I'm just resting for a moment."


clowmaster September 9 2011, 03:25:00 UTC
If Sakura caught the fake smile, she doesn't show it, instead returning the smile. "I see..." she couldn't help but look up at the various pods. "...there's so many of them here. Are you looking for someone here, too?"


clockworkrepeat September 9 2011, 03:31:52 UTC
"... I am," she says, climbing to her feet and looking up as well. There really are so many; it feels an infinite amount, one more pod appearing for every one she checked. It feels nearly hopeless; but thankfully, Homura is good at hoping.


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