All Hail the Conquering Heroes! [OPEN]

May 03, 2011 16:05

((Takes place several hours after the conclusion of this))

They survived. More than that, it seemed as if they actually won; the Ohm had successfully been driven away from their location. The fight hadn't been easy, which one could easily tell just by looking at the Quarter as it docked in back in Stacy's Hangar ( Read more... )

faiza hussain, lash, leon s. kennedy, chases-parked-cars, !location: the hangar, feldt grace, sakura haruno, lord zedd, yzak jule, allenby beardsley, lockon stratos, tieria erde, kanoe zouichi, !plot: trojan horse, hikari yagami, allelujah haptism, kaya, eva, setsuna f. seiei, !status: open, jamie mccrimmon, billy cranston, trudy chacon

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Comments 254

not_edd May 3 2011, 21:36:50 UTC
"Stupid piece of junk!"

As Zedd stepped away from the damaged Serpentera, he turned and gave it a swift kick on its leg. Just like before, the stupid thing shut down on him in his moment of glory. Oh, sure it was able to stop the Leviathan from attacking the Quarter, but it couldn't wipe out the Ohm forces in one blow.

He needed something more. Something that wouldn't fall apart.


morphitudinous May 3 2011, 22:16:01 UTC
"That's not going to help repair it," Billy said in dismay as he used his remaining strength to make it to solid ground. He'd sustained heavy damage, especially to his back, but the Power had protected his spine and vital organs.

Once he was fixed, it would fall to him to fix all the Zords. They were salvageable, but not by all that much. Fantastic, Billy thought as another wave of pain overtook him.


bonnypiperlad May 3 2011, 22:48:18 UTC
"Told ye so," Jamie said to Billy, grimacing as his feet hit solid ground. He was holding on to his shoulder with his good hand, trying to ignore the pain that shot down his arm every time he moved. At least he hadn't hit his head this time. He had been fairly sure that Zedd wouldn't be grateful for the assist, and it definitely seemed as though the self-proclaimed Emperor of Evil was more interested in stewing over the shortcomings of Serpentera.

"Look, it's not like you'll be able to do that anytime soon, anyway. Let him worry about it. Let's get ye over to have someone look at ye." He raised his voice a little, just so Zedd was able to hear it. "Besides, it's not as though he could be bothered to help ye, even though we helped him."


things_go_boom May 3 2011, 23:37:41 UTC
"I'll help you out," Lash offered, keeping a hand on her head. "Uuuuh. Maybe after a day's break or two." That wasn't an experience she wanted to repeat again. But headaches were nothing compared to the pain the others felt right now. She had been lucky in that aspect. "Let's go to medical first."


flieswithdinos May 3 2011, 22:44:57 UTC
It was the first good look Wash had gotten of the Quarter since they came back to Stacy, and it made him absolutely speechless. They had more than dinged the paint job... and he suddenly realized that Eva's comment about punching things had come true after all.

He stood off to the side in a quiet funk, tracking over all the dings, scratches in the paint and messed up circuitry. It was going to take months to repair all of this!


vissernone May 3 2011, 23:23:28 UTC
"She's going to need more than the car wash after this, Flyboy," Eva says, face sombre but voice chipper. She's balancing the rush of having survived with the solemnity of the wounded and the events of the battle. It's a lot to process at once. "You fly like a bird, Ensign."


flieswithdinos May 4 2011, 00:42:43 UTC
"She was so shiny," Wash said, scuffing his foot against the floor of the hangar despondently. "But she came through in one piece - and that was some slick shooting, Ensign," he said, throwing Eva a small smile. He didn't quite feel it yet, still shaken up from the battle and the sight of the Quarter, but it was a start.


vissernone May 4 2011, 03:39:03 UTC
"Thank you." She can tell from the fleeting smile that Wash is going to need a bit of time. In Eva's experience there are many ways to process combat; some people reckon with their mortality, some people go back over every thing they might have done wrong after the fact, some feel an adrenalin rush...

She reaches to gently pat his shoulder, the only way that feels appropriate to try and comfort him.


we_deliver May 3 2011, 22:58:39 UTC
Trudy strode off the Quarter with an air of purpose. She favored one of her legs, but the worst she'd come off with was a bruised femur, better than some of her pilots.

She locked her hands behind her back and waited - for medical, for the Captain, and for any Council members who wanted to ask how the battle had gone.


itsaboutaction May 3 2011, 23:27:33 UTC
"General Chacon."

One of the first to arrive from the Council itself was Superman. Despite an odd transformation, he didn't think of much after it disappeared. Probably something the ship did by accident. Though, now? He had... longer hair.

"Welcome back. Is everything okay?"


we_deliver May 4 2011, 00:31:08 UTC
Trudy raised her eyebrows at the hair. "Sporting a new look these days, Councilor?" she asked. But that wasn't what she wanted to talk about, really.

She glanced around to see if any of her soldiers were within earshot, and said, "The intelligence we were sent out with was pretty piss poor. Their numbers were a lot greater than we were led to believe."


itsaboutaction May 4 2011, 01:08:44 UTC
"A new look?" Superman asked, curiously. He's... always had the long hair, hadn't he? Ever since he was resurrected from his fight with Doomsday...

He shook it off and listened to what Trudy had to say. "At least you all got out in one piece." He wanted to ask if she thought it was just poor gathering or something more, but he decided against it.


Medical/Triage couldputitback May 3 2011, 23:13:34 UTC
After seeing General Chacon's message, Faiza grabbed anybody who could be spared and headed straight down to the hanger with a scanner. "It never rains but it pours," she said, shaking her head as they made their way across the hanger to the Quarter.

She stopped as she saw the ship. Saw the people pouring out of it, the walking wounded and the ones who weren't walking. "Allahu akbar," she murmured, drawing in a breath before steadying herself. "Right, then. We all know what to do, yes? All injuries should be sent to the med bay, but prioritize the worst cases. If anybody is dying, call me over and I'll see what I can do."

There was no reason to have her powers if she couldn't keep the crew alive.

((Early medical treatment in this thread. If your character needs immediate medical attention, may not make it to med bay, put Faiza's name in the subject and I'll get straight to it.))


Kaya morphitudinous May 4 2011, 04:00:19 UTC
Billy knew very well that it could be worse. Not that it was much of a comfort to him, but hopefully his little nudges of encouragement would help the team members who hopefully weren't too far behind him in arriving at Medical's station.

He'd been sitting in the rear of the Megazord, absorbing the brunt of the blows from behind. They'd find his back made into a mess by all the digging sharp objects, scattered burns, and not so obvious electrical damage waiting for them. His plantsuit clung to him in an odd pattern, indicating a few active first aid sites.

It would be an interesting ride. "...sorry," he said wearily, looking up. "I might've just---handed you quite a challenge." Hard to keep up a normal cadence in this much pain, but he tried.


Re: Kaya kaya_waterwave May 4 2011, 04:10:28 UTC
Well, he was far from that now: the person attending to his wounds at the moment was his very Bonded who, in spite of her very agitated mood, was keeping a straight face. She had actually FELT his aura severely dampened, and had raced from the Media Library with Daja to be here.

And what a situation she had to deal with. Billy's wounds were definitely not small: any part of her that was tired from the last few days seemed to evaporate when she set eyes on the cuts and pieces in him. She sucked her breath and brought out her water pouch, the very one he had gotten her, and started by fishing out the shrapnel with the water first. This would at least make it easier, using the water to located them and wash them out rather than picking at them and causing Billy unnecessary pain.

"What happened?" she asked quietly.


morphitudinous May 4 2011, 04:18:29 UTC
Billy almost collapsed into position, having done what he could to clear the way from her. He bit down on his pained noises as she worked, quietly processing what had happened. That had been their most intense battle in a long time, maybe even ever.

We were ambushed, he thought wearily, not quite having the strength to operate his mouth just then. We were led to believe that we were fighting off a small force of Ohm. The army was far stronger---we were outnumbered, trapped, and just barely pulled out alive.


One job done, another begins j_y_d May 4 2011, 01:21:56 UTC
Thank Gaia for regenerative powers. Chase's clothes are torn up some from the banging around in the transformation and the rough ride at the end of the fight, but the Monster's gunner himself is entirely healed. He also continues to be a human (in appearance, anyway) Energizer bunny. Tired and injured as most people are, he's already out of the Monster and at work, bodily towing damaged craft out of the way so there's space to set out other things for repair.
As he goes, he makes notes into one of his purchases on XaXing, usually used to play music, but right now, taking notes on what he can see needs repair, so he, and engineering, have a log to work from later.


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