Disturbed Isn't The Word For It...! [Open]

Nov 12, 2010 11:54

Sasami regretted going down to the Observation Deck. Oh, HOW she regretted it. She shouldn't of seen that, but her childish curiosity got the better of her. However, when the Punishment had started, Sasami ended up turning and running. It wasn't enough - she heard Big Zero's screams of pain and horror down the halls ( Read more... )

!location: juraian royal palace, demon alessa, gaignun kukai jr./rubedo, hay lin, sasami masaki jurai, !status: open

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Comments 99

chosenlightchld November 12 2010, 17:05:45 UTC
Hikari had stayed for the whole punishment, completely sick to her stomach at what she saw now. How could... Stacy was supposed to be...?

She shook her head and started heading down the hall, Tailmon at her side, both of them with a rather downcast look on their faces. But considering what they had just seen, it was kinda understandable really.

And that was when Hikari saw Sasami crying in the corner. "Sasami-chan?"

Before she could even think, she was running off towards Sasami.


saint_sami November 12 2010, 17:09:54 UTC
Sasami looked up and saw Hikari and Tailmon running towards. "Hikari-chan...!"

Without a second thought, Sasami stood up and ran towards the other girl, flinging her arms around her and sobbing, glad to have someone around at this point.


chosenlightchld November 12 2010, 17:11:57 UTC
Hikari hugged the other girl back tightly as she continued to cry. She didn't try to force a smile, didn't ask Sasami if she was okay. That was pretty obvious at this point. All she did was just keep hugging the other girl.


saint_sami November 12 2010, 17:14:42 UTC
As Hikari held her, Sasami's tears kept falling, a million questions running through her mind.

"Why? Why did she do that? I-Is that what we have to go through? I... I wanna go home. I don't like this...!" she cried between sobs.


demon_alessa November 12 2010, 17:21:41 UTC
Alessa had been, as usual, unimpressed by the brutality, knowing full well it would have its own reprecussions on the crew. It was all so stupidly timed, really, after all the things that had already happened. What an idiot woman, thinking she could do what she liked with no consequence.

Well there was her wake up call. There were WORSE things than dying, she knew that for certain herself.

But she had not expected Sasami to be there, and a surge of something (pity?) ran through her and she followed Sasami until she arrived at her palace. She kneeled down next to her and, without a word, pulled the girl into a hug.


saint_sami November 13 2010, 03:44:48 UTC
Sasami let out a gasp as she felt someone embrace her, snapping her out of her crying spell. She blinked as she realized who it was.

"A-Alessa..." Sasami uttered before returning the hug, tightening her hold on the demon.


demon_alessa November 13 2010, 03:55:38 UTC
Alessa turned downward toward Sasami. "I have not forgotten what the true Alessa went through. When that girl was tortured and suffered, I remembered HER, and I remembered the innocent transformed into hate. I felt no such pity for this person, knowing her ways: it is very much like those that killed Alessa. But I did not want you, still innocent, to see such things."

It was a blunt and very private though, but Alessa had said it and did not feel sorry. Sasami had befriended her, even stuck with her after that time. That meant something, even if other demons and violent things did not understand that.


saint_sami November 13 2010, 04:31:08 UTC
"I... I shouldn't of gone." Sasami admitted. "I should have stayed away, b-but, I couldn't. I just couldn't..." She sniffled as she held on to Alessa.

"...I don't like this at all..."


carrieswar November 12 2010, 19:21:31 UTC
Jr. was pretty shocked by what he saw, too ... only unlike Sasami, he wound up staying and watching the whole thing. But he completely understood how there were those more sensitive to that sort of thing. He was deep in thought, heading who knew where after it was over, and happened to come across Sasami.

It's that girl... He'd met her before, too. And last time she didn't seem to happy, either. He frowned, life on Stacy in general wasn't the best thing, given why they were there. But why was she crying? Could it be that she...

Slowly, he approached her, keeping his voice low, soft and concerned. "Hey..."


saint_sami November 13 2010, 03:46:20 UTC
Sasami heard Jr.'s voice and she looked up.

Oh, boy. Was this the only way she was going to meet him - when she was upset?

"H...Hi..." Sasami whispered. "Why...? Why did that happen? S-She didn't need to..."


carrieswar November 13 2010, 06:14:17 UTC
So it was about that. He sighed.

"I don't know. Apparently it was a punishment, which means the person who received it must've done something really bad."

"But ... even still... That seemed a little excessive."


saint_sami November 13 2010, 07:06:45 UTC
"It was... even for a punishment..." Sasami admitted. "It shouldn't of been done..."


behaemmert November 12 2010, 21:41:38 UTC
Vita had seen a lot of bad things in her life. She was shocked, yes, but not as shocked as some of the others. Not that she didn't agree that it wasn't horrible. It was. Something like that shouldn't have been done.

And she had enough compassion to feel for the poor girl she spotted. She could guess right away what this was about - it was the talk of the ship after all.

"H...hey?" She said awkwardly as she approached the girl. How did you comfort someone? That sure was something she wasn't good at...


saint_sami November 13 2010, 03:50:54 UTC
Sasami looked up, hearing the awkward call. She sniffled seeing the Vita and noticed just how awkward she was just trying to speak.

Her lower lip trembled as she tried to speak. "I shouldn't of gone. I... I felt obliged to go and... and..."

She buried her head back down. "I didn't see it, but I could hear her screams..."


behaemmert November 13 2010, 09:05:05 UTC
"It was bad, yeah..." Vita agreed and stepped a bit closer, so she could attempt to pad Sasami on the shoulder.

"There's people who'll try to make sure this doesn't happen again." She tried, as a way to make Sasami feel somewhat better. Yes, people like Sasami seeing this made it just worse. Stupid Tracy..Stacy...whatever.


saint_sami November 13 2010, 16:21:32 UTC
Sasami looked up as Vita approach her and pat her shoulder. She recognized this sort of awkward behavior - Alessa was prone to this.

"R-Really?" she asked, sniffling. She smiled a bit hearing that - she wasn't the only one who wanted to help...


guardian_haylin November 13 2010, 10:33:14 UTC
Hay Lin hadn't been there personally herself, but...she knew what had occurred due to the air around her. With virtually everyone onboard talking about it, how could she not hear it from the air?

Before she could contemplate on what to do, or try and find Irma and Matt, she saw a crying girl in a corner. Almost immediately, her heart went out to the blue-haired girl.

"...Are you okay?" she asked while making her way toward the girl. Pretty stupid question considering what just took place not too long ago, but still.


saint_sami November 13 2010, 16:28:11 UTC
Sasami heard Hay Lin's question, not knowing if she was approaching her. In response, she shook her head in the negative.


guardian_haylin November 13 2010, 18:23:33 UTC
"Come here...it'll be okay..." Hay Lin held out her arms as she did approach Sasami, knowing that a lot of people might need to be comforted or consoled before this was truly over. If she could help out at least one person...


saint_sami November 14 2010, 04:21:33 UTC
Looking up, she saw Hay Lin extending her arms towards her, wanting to hug her. In response, the girl hopped up and ran to her, hugging her.


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