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Comments 1595

hatesyourmom October 2 2010, 18:39:13 UTC
He reappeared a foot above the deck in a wide space filled with mingling people. He drifted gently to the ground, taking in the familiar vibrations of a large ship, the recycled air, the presence of so many people in one small bubble of life… He’d spent almost twenty years aboard an ark like this one, but there he’d known every voice that rang through his mind.

And all that had been before he had lain down to die…

He glanced around the room, but still, there was no presence that seemed identical to the voice that had spoken below. You have been Chosen. But he shouldn’t have been. That was Tony’s place now. And he could feel, like felt the absence of Physis and Seele and Keith, that Tony wasn’t here, wherever here was, which meant that something had gone horribly, horribly wrong ( ... )


thekohakuriver October 2 2010, 20:40:20 UTC
Haku was standing there, two-legged for once, and when the boy appeared he simply looked at him placidly, like a cat examining a particular mote of dust among hundreds.

"Stacy is everywhere," he reminded the boy quietly, "We're inside her body."


hatesyourmom October 2 2010, 20:42:51 UTC
"I need to know what happened," he said firmly. "I shouldn't be here."


thekohakuriver October 2 2010, 20:51:45 UTC
Well, that was a very popular attitude, these days. Haku tilted his head slightly, to look at the boy more closely before looking away again, scanning the crowd with an unhurried thoroughness.



for_magic October 2 2010, 18:50:09 UTC
Fresh from Weapons and Possessions, the wizard floated to the Observation Deck slowly, mind churning at lightning speed as he observed his surroundings. With his gear back, he cut a much finer figure than the naked snot-covered elf spewed forth from the pod: wizard's staffs slung across his back, belt pouches secured at his waist along with a brace of wands on his right side; robes (conjured over his plantsuit) and long hair drifting in a breeze that seemed to affect only him.

He was ready for anything, spells of protection layered around him and ones of offense close at hand. But with nothing hostile in the immediate offing, Aibghalien relaxed slightly. Certainly not entirely.


hack_rat October 2 2010, 20:18:48 UTC
A small rat was making her way through the crowd, sniffing as she looked for something- or someone. A rolled up piece of cloth was tied to her like a harness. In the cloth was a message, "For Loretta, Mikel, or Amanda, I'm on board. I've missed you. You can find me on the comms, and I'll tell you where to meet me there"

Rats however, can get disrtacted upon occasion, and this little black rat was just that. She went up to the elf and sniffed at his feet. He was not any of those that she was told to found, but her instincts told her that he was good. He was someone that it would be good for Alex to meet.


for_magic October 3 2010, 04:59:18 UTC
"Well, hello." Familiar with animals -- though his own quite literal familiar seemed not to have made the trip, his bond with the eagle severed as far as he can tell -- Aibghalien slowly lowered himself down, hand out so the rat could scent him. He carefully looked only sidelong at the rat, so as not to spook her with a straight gaze that could be considered predatory.


hack_rat October 3 2010, 18:38:49 UTC
Most things like straight gazes had no meaning to her. She was a pet rat and had been breed as such for many generations. Aside from that, she spent enough time around humans to know that they just tended to look to straight on.

With no fear she went up to his fingers and began sniffing them, then promptly climbed into his hand, poking her nose up his robe sleeve.


derpjack_ftw October 2 2010, 19:14:27 UTC
||You have been Chosen to accomplish a Great Purpose. You have been Chosen to help fight the Ohm, a race of insectoid beings that are the destroyers of worlds . . . You have been Chosen as champions of life, as protectors of the worlds and peoples that are left. The others are waiting for you. They will explain everything.||

The words rang in Wheeljack's mind, leaving him reeling. W-what . . . what had happened!? Where was he? Where were the others? Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Prowl, Jazz, Beachcomber, Bluestreak, Smokescreen . . . anyone!?

And this Stacy-being's words . . . champions of life, well yes, that was the base definition of being an Autobot: All life is sacred. It was what he had been fighting for, life and freedom, for a hundred thousand vorns now. But this . . . something in the being's communication made it sound . . . different. Sinister, even. Well, no, not quite that, but . . . something. An' what does she mean by "the worlds an' people that're left?The Cybertronian - once sixteen feet ( ... )


talks2stoplight October 2 2010, 21:02:44 UTC
Despite everything that was happening around the ship, the moment Ratchet had heard that a new batch of pod sleepers had been woken up he was heading directly to the obs deck. Being taller than most afforded him a good view over the heads of everyone else but he didn't need his optics to pick up the presence of Cybertronian life. He turned in the direction his sensors pointed him and spotted a face that he was pretty sure he knew even better than his own.

"Wheeljack!" He moved as quickly as he could through the crowd, trying not to knock anyone over in his rush to get to his friend. It would've been impossible to hide the relief and joy in his expression so he didn't even try, thankful to luck or fate or Primus or whatever had conspired to spit a familiar face back out into the world at large.


derpjack_ftw October 2 2010, 21:10:18 UTC
Wheeljack spun at the sound of a familiar voice. He'd have been relieved and glad for any familiar voice, but that one . . . exponentially more so.

"Ratch!?" He peeled himself off the wall and slipped carefully through the throng of people to meet his best friend, pulling the other into a hug on reflex. Then he stepped back, meeting the other's optics. "Ratch, where...where are we? What's goin' on?" He'd heard a number of things, but too unbelievable. He needed to hear them from someone he knew, someone he trusted.


talks2stoplight October 2 2010, 21:26:52 UTC
While he was not usually one to engage in displays of affection, he'd spent too long quietly worrying about his friends in the pods, especially after the bomb scare and, well, he made exceptions for Wheeljack anyway. He returned the hug, lifting the other clean off his feet before setting him down and promptly going back making sure everything on the engineer was where it was supposed to be.

"You're okay? How're you doing with the slime? Took me days to- what?" He stopped when he realized that he was trying to talk at the same time as Wheeljack, pausing his inspection with his hands on the other mech's arms. His expression sobered when he caught back up with what he was being asked. "This is Stacy. She's a ship; She saved you... and everyone else here. At least, that's what we're told."


blacks_lackey October 2 2010, 19:14:48 UTC
Turlough found. A tie. His old school tie as point of fact. Not for the first time he wondered if it wasn't a good idea for him to go about with some kind of weapon. But he'd always lost them, or left them behind.

Ignoring the fact that he looked slightly ridiculous with it on, he walked out and scanned the crowd, feeling on display.


galacticfairy October 2 2010, 20:23:05 UTC
Sheryl walked straight out of GLaDOS and into the Obs Deck with a gut-wrenching longing for cake and the feeling that she'd been on a fad exercise-diet combo. And, while none of the newcomers were made of cake, some of them were reasonably good looking, which she supposed she could live with. "Looking for someone?" she smiled.


blacks_lackey October 2 2010, 20:28:31 UTC
He smiled back. "Not particularly," he replied honestly. "Though I would like to hear that explanation that I was promised."


galacticfairy October 2 2010, 20:32:41 UTC
"It's not very good..."


shortaneye October 2 2010, 19:18:51 UTC
Cinque walked into the crowd, still adjusting the black eyepatch she had retrieved from Weapons and Possessions. When it was settled snugly over her right eye, she slipped on the the long gray trenchcoat that was slung over her arm. With her attire as close to normal as she could get it, she began scanning the crowd for certain people.

The Enforcer in her was seeking out any command-type figures so she could better understand the situation she had suddenly been thrust into. The other side of her, though, was trying to find any familiar faces.


starlight_ace October 2 2010, 19:31:56 UTC
With all the chaos going on in the rest of the ship right now, Nanoha had immediately made her way over to the Obs Deck to try and make sure that nothing would happen to the new arrivals.

But - wait. Wasn't that one of the Numbers cyborgs...?


shortaneye October 2 2010, 20:21:12 UTC
Don't look now, Nanoha. this Combat Cyborg has spotted you, and is heading over right now! And she's... smiling. In fact, she looks pretty friendly.

"Ah, Nanoha?" She said, her tone curious. "Have you returned to active duty already?"


starlight_ace October 2 2010, 22:46:10 UTC
Ah. That was right, wasn't it? Vivio had said as much - some of the Numbers had reformed, and... well, this was going to be strange, but she could handle it. "Ah... sort of!"

"So you know me, then?"


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