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shortaneye October 2 2010, 19:18:51 UTC
Cinque walked into the crowd, still adjusting the black eyepatch she had retrieved from Weapons and Possessions. When it was settled snugly over her right eye, she slipped on the the long gray trenchcoat that was slung over her arm. With her attire as close to normal as she could get it, she began scanning the crowd for certain people.

The Enforcer in her was seeking out any command-type figures so she could better understand the situation she had suddenly been thrust into. The other side of her, though, was trying to find any familiar faces.


starlight_ace October 2 2010, 19:31:56 UTC
With all the chaos going on in the rest of the ship right now, Nanoha had immediately made her way over to the Obs Deck to try and make sure that nothing would happen to the new arrivals.

But - wait. Wasn't that one of the Numbers cyborgs...?


shortaneye October 2 2010, 20:21:12 UTC
Don't look now, Nanoha. this Combat Cyborg has spotted you, and is heading over right now! And she's... smiling. In fact, she looks pretty friendly.

"Ah, Nanoha?" She said, her tone curious. "Have you returned to active duty already?"


starlight_ace October 2 2010, 22:46:10 UTC
Ah. That was right, wasn't it? Vivio had said as much - some of the Numbers had reformed, and... well, this was going to be strange, but she could handle it. "Ah... sort of!"

"So you know me, then?"


shortaneye October 2 2010, 23:06:15 UTC
"... Of course I do." Cinque said, looking mildly confused. "I don't work in the same division of the military as you do, but I still see you often. Don't you remember?"

Strange. She didn't know Nanoha as well as Subaru did, But she was still on fairly friendly terms with all three members of the Takamachi family, and it didn't seem like the taller girl to just forget something like that.


starlight_ace October 3 2010, 00:30:54 UTC
Okay. Well, that explained that. "Er, not exactly. I'm going to... say something that sounds kind of strange, but... time doesn't always work here like you'd expect."

"And by that, I mean that people are from here from any number of different times." A pause. "So, ah, for me, we just dealt with the trouble at the Saint's Cradle." That alone should tell her the time period.


shortaneye October 3 2010, 01:24:40 UTC

... That. Huh.

"I didn't think such a thing was possible." Was all she could say. But could you blame her, Nanoha? As advanced as Mid-Childan technology was, time travel was still total fantasy, or something people claim a Lost Logia could do.


starlight_ace October 3 2010, 01:34:14 UTC
"You know, I really didn't think so, either." Nanoha sighed. "But Vivio is four years older here than she was when I last saw her, so... it has to be true."


shortaneye October 3 2010, 02:04:08 UTC
Four years older... oh, so that must mean they're from the same time. Phew, that saves a bit of awkwardness.

"... That must have been hard to deal with." Cinque said, sympathy clear in her voice. "Is everything okay now?"


starlight_ace October 3 2010, 02:17:50 UTC
"It is," Nanoha nodded with a soft smile. "It was hard at first, but... she's still Vivio, no matter what!"

"So you joined the military after the Saint's Cradle?"


shortaneye October 3 2010, 02:28:19 UTC
"Correct," She said with a smile. "It's a good way to help atone for the crimes I've committed."

Seemed joining the military is the perfect way to atone for a lot of people, huh.


starlight_ace October 3 2010, 02:43:34 UTC
"I understand," Nanoha nodded. "Vivio said that she was training with... Nove, I think? So I'd guess that you aren't alone, either."


carrieswar October 3 2010, 01:20:31 UTC
"Hey," came a voice from nearby. From his tone, he almost didn't sound like a shocked newcomer. And probably wouldn't pass as such if he weren't looking around confusedly himself. "Do you need any help?"


shortaneye October 3 2010, 01:33:30 UTC
Cinque takes note of the confusion on his face. Seems they're both in the same boat. "I'm just a bit confused, that's all."

Okay, 'a bit' wasn't enough to really describe it. But she was an Enforcer, and if she gave in to the confusion and worry, that would be setting a bad example for everyone else.


carrieswar October 3 2010, 01:43:10 UTC
"Yeah, I ah-- I think a lot of us are," he said, rubbing the back of his head. "There sure were a lot of people around me when I woke up in that weird hallway. But it looks like there are some people up here who know what they're talking about."


notsaintkaiser October 3 2010, 02:15:04 UTC
Vivio was a little banged up from trying to subdue Einhart, but she was more than willing to enter the Obs Deck in an attempt to find others from her world.

Thankfully, her searching didn't prove fruitless again, spotting Cinque amongst the crowd. "Cinque!"


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