let's talk about ... sith and grand admirals, baby? :| [FINISHED]

Jun 02, 2010 23:22

As usual Tycho had arrived at the designated meeting place at the debriefing room in Rogue Squadron's headquarters a little ahead of time. There was nothing for him to prepare really, but he'd called the meeting, so it was still good for him to be there first ( Read more... )

kyle katarn, !status: complete, jaina solo, jacen solo, hobbie klivian, tycho celchu, !location: the city, revan, winter celchu, han solo, wedge antilles, leia organa, luke skywalker, mara jade

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Comments 60

mercjedi June 3 2010, 04:28:38 UTC
Kyle arrived a little early as he usually did to meetings. Quickly he snagged a chair, and made himself as comfortable as he could. He glanced over at Tycho noting the signs that told him it was all serious business right now. This was fine as even Kyle didn't really feel like joking about tonight's subject.


sonofalderaan June 3 2010, 04:40:46 UTC
Tycho looked up at the Jedi's entrance, a smile crossing his face. "Kyle." He put his datapad away, getting up to go sit next to his friend. "It's been quite the podpop hasn't it. We should talk after this, catch up."


mercjedi June 3 2010, 04:46:13 UTC
If Tycho wanted to talk about the good things that had happened Kyle was more than happy to oblige him. It wasn't repressing it was...um positive thinking? Yeah, that sounded good.

"It really has. Damn good to have Mara around again. Though I'm sure she'll make me regret those words in about a week." Hadn't he promised himself no jokes? Well it was Mara so it would probably end up being true anyway. "Still in shock about most of it. I don't think I got to meet even half the people that showed up."


sonofalderaan June 3 2010, 04:54:48 UTC
Tycho nodded. "I saw Leia, Hobbie, and Winter ... haven't seen Mara in person yet, though I talked to her on the coms. Luke and Ben must be happy." An understatement.

"I'm a little in shock myself," Tycho admitted with a rueful, but happy, smile.


restoresbalance June 3 2010, 04:58:57 UTC
Luke was right on time. When he'd held Council meetings, he'd tried to get there a little early--as it seemed Tycho had--but this time, he'd broken tradition.

Luke took a seat a couple over from Kyle Katarn, so there was room for Mara.


jaded_jedi June 3 2010, 05:01:40 UTC
Mara wasn't far behind her husband and as she breezed past Katarn, she flicked his head. Just to say hi.

She sat next to Luke, crossed her legs and scooted around a bit to get comfortable. She glanced at her husband and murmured under her breath, "You know this is going to be you against them all, right?"


restoresbalance June 3 2010, 05:04:18 UTC
Luke moved his hand over on the arm of the chair so she could grab it if she wanted, and sighed. "I know," he replied, just as quietly. Seeing his father hadn't exactly been the most reassuring moment, either. "I just hope I can get them to understand that he can be turned. I've done it once already, I know it can happen."


jaded_jedi June 3 2010, 05:06:39 UTC
"But he was already--" Mara broke off, not wanting to make his father sound bad in front of him. She just sighed and took his hand. "I believe you can do it."


yubyubcommander June 3 2010, 05:00:14 UTC
Wedge arrived shortly and aimed for a seat near the middle of the semi-circle. He slid quietly into the chair, intent on something he's reading on his omnicomm. After a moment, he finally glanced up at Tycho with a grim nod.

"Tycho. How are you feeling?"


sonofalderaan June 3 2010, 05:04:20 UTC
"Wedge." Tycho ran a hand through his hair as he contemplated Wedge's question. "Like a man who's spent the afternoon talking to Grand Admiral Thrawn. So, kind of ... odd."

He gave Wedge a look he was sure Wedge would understand. A 'how is this our lives?' look.


yubyubcommander June 3 2010, 05:06:36 UTC
"I can understand that." Wedge chuckled. Sort of. It was the kind of laugh that indicated nervousness and anxiety rather than true amusement.

"I spoke to him at length...but I'll wait to share that with everybody." He looked back at Tycho, gave a small shrug. Who knew? It was just what they had to deal with, right?


sonofalderaan June 3 2010, 05:14:50 UTC
Tycho's eyebrows shot upwards, but then he rolled his eyes. "Great, I talked to him at length as well. The tricky bastard. But ah well, if things pan out the way I think they will, at least it shows we're willing to cooperate with him, right?"

Tycho shrugged back. Yep, they were Rogues. They would deal with it.


favoredfire June 3 2010, 05:11:47 UTC
Leia entered and took a seat near the end of the semi-circle.

She didn't have many nice things to say.


ttly_shot_first June 3 2010, 06:10:00 UTC
Han sat on her left, arms crossed.

What a day. After being in Leia's arms again Han felt like he could take on the universe...which technically is exactly what they'd be doing on Stacy.

There was a lot of information to process tonight. If Thrawn was such a big deal that they'd had to organize a meeting for him AND Vader, he'd get serious as soon as the situation call for it. Or let out a few wisecracks about it, whichever came first.


favoredfire June 3 2010, 06:16:43 UTC
Leia looked up. "Hey," she smirked. "You ready for this, General?"


ttly_shot_first June 3 2010, 08:55:44 UTC
Han raised an eyebrow at her. "I don't being a General here counts anymore," he joked. "I'll let the others do the talking and planning."


goodofthegalaxy June 3 2010, 05:18:18 UTC
For some reason Jacen had a bad feeling about this meeting. But bad feelings about things usually ran in his family so he attempted to shrug the feeling off as he wandered in and made his way to an empty chair, seating himself in it and resisting the urge to spin around in it. He told himself mentally that he was too old for that now, but there was something inside of him just begging to do it.

Jacen settled with absently shifting the chair back and forth. Not full circles, but it would have to do.

He glanced to his mother, who was a couple empty seats away and then looked back to the table. He figured he'd already scared her enough for now.


jediwiseass June 3 2010, 05:20:04 UTC
Jaina slumps into the chair next to him, also doing her best not to crowd moms. She smirks as he shifts in his seat.

"Go on. You know you want to."


goodofthegalaxy June 3 2010, 05:27:06 UTC
He wouldn't. No, he wouldn't dare.

Jacen could feel the prodding from his sister, verbally and through their bond and tried his hardest to stay still. But it was no use. One super fast spin, coming right up.

Grabbing the edge of the table and stopping himself, he realized he counted at least three rotations before coming to a halt and he felt himself chuckling at this. For once since he had arrived, just once, something felt normal.

"Thanks," he mumbled to her, finally feeling somewhat relaxed. His eyes stayed on the table, hoping no one had really noticed what he had done.


jediwiseass June 3 2010, 05:41:41 UTC
Jaina rolled her eyes, folded her arms and smirked. Her brother, the Jedi Knight, apparently impervious to maturity and dizziness.

"Didn't want you to give yourself an ulcer," she retorted dryly.

Still, she took great comfort from his glee and his easiness. So little of life on Stacy could be carried out without the weight of their situation, their mortality hanging over them, but just for that moment Jaina had forgotten she had anything to worry about at all.

She leaned in to whisper, "How'd it go with mom earlier?"


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