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Comments 64

ignitethestars September 6 2009, 06:29:07 UTC
Anakin had just about enough. He didn't like this place, he didn't like being taken out of his element and he certainly didn't like being away from her. He had to figure out a way home and it took all of his will power to keep himself from just shifting to a panicked state. In fact he had searched out his master just to get his mind off of things.

He couldn't stop thinking about that Luke guy. The one with the same last name as him. Something was so familiar about him but he couldn't place it. And it was driving him nuts. His irritation was probably going to be picked up by Obi-Wan and even though he looked calm on the surface, he was anything but.

Stepping out to where Obi-Wan was, he almost stormed right up to him, though he was a little taken back by how he was just causally practicing like that.

"Master!" He called out as he approached. "We need to figure a way out of here. Something is wrong. Can't you feel it? I just... we... we need to leave ( ... )


jedimacguyver September 6 2009, 06:48:16 UTC
“Calm yourself, Anakin,” Obi-Wan cautioned, gently holding a hand up for peace, “What could be wrong? We’ve only been kidnapped, dropped somewhere the Force only knows how far from home and duty, and set to task we can’t even begin to ask questions of. Believe me, I understand that.”

And here it came, one of those so-condescending little Obi-Wan pauses, the kind that might as well have been a signpost proclaiming an unspoken ‘but.’ Smiling, of course, if ruefully, the placating gesture fell by the wayside, “But, that’s not why you’re so flustered is it? It’s Master Luke, am I right?”


ignitethestars September 6 2009, 06:57:41 UTC
Of course Obi-Wan always knew what was going on, it never failed. But Anakin felt himself calm down a little bit at being around his former master. Just a little though. He finally stopped his pacing and stood in front of Obi-Wan.

Sighing a bit in defeat, he brought up his arms and folded them across his chest.

"How did you know? I just don't understand who this guy thinks he is. I don't trust him. This has to be some sort of trap. I know it is. He was sent here to confuse us or something. But I won't fall for it! I will see past any lies laid before us." He threw up his arms and circled around Obi-Wan before stopping again.

"I knew the separatists were getting brave, but I didn't expect this."


jedimacguyver September 6 2009, 07:17:35 UTC
“Do you really think this is the Separatist’s doing?” said master replied evenly, all reason and calming influence, “If they had the ability to disable you and I so thoroughly, why not go after a better target? The Chancellor or a member of the Jedi Counsel, for example? Think, Anakin, I taught you better than that; it just doesn't make sense.”

A sigh, running one hand fitfully over his beard. Of course it would come to this. Luke and Anakin seemed almost predestined for conflict...hopefully his former padawan would manage to keep his temper in check. Anakin never had been the best at restraint.

"As for Luke, he's clearly very strong in the Force, and with the two of you sharing a name it's not hard to guess that you'd eventually come into conflict," Obi-Wan tried for a conciliatory approach, though as usual it came off a little more like a lecture than advice, "What in the world has he told you, to get you so riled up? You're acting like an untrained youngling."


restoresbalance September 6 2009, 09:20:13 UTC
Like a moth to a light, Luke had been drawn to the controlled burn of the Force. He could recognize it anywhere, the pure light that lit Obi-Wan Kenobi; and, still wanting to learn from his old mentor even after all these years, he had come. But he hung back once he had arrived, watching the fluidity of the Master's movements, the precision of his form, the way the Force flowed through him like water around a rock. It really was a joy to watch.

This was the level Luke had aspired to, this kind of attunement to the living Force.

The other man's voice jolted Luke out of his thoughts on the whole matter, and he looked over. "No," he said quietly. "I was just watching your practice. Though if you wouldn't mind giving me a few tips, I wouldn't object." He smiled.


(the best part is how he constantly downplays his own mastery) jedimacguyver September 6 2009, 14:07:45 UTC
"Lightsaber technique has always been something of a specialty of mine, and it's always a pleasure to share what I've learned," Obi-Wan smiled, a little gratuitously; ah, now this was his favorite topic, "I generally follow Form Three, a very classic defensive mode. It isn't the most popular, but we can't all charge headlong into duels like- well. He prefers the direct approach, and if that isn't the understatement of the century, then I don't know what is."

After a moment of thought, he stepped back a few paces and motioned for Luke to come more onto the roof proper, "What do you find is most effective for you?"


and he calls Luke master a;dlfskfds restoresbalance September 6 2009, 19:33:59 UTC
Luke hopped lightly onto the roof, a flutter of excitement in his chest. After years, he was training again with Obi-Wan Kenobi, hero of the Clone Wars, friend of his father. It felt like he'd come full circle, and even better, when they were returned home, he could teach his students the things he learned here.

"I didn't have formal training in any of the forms that you'd be familiar with," Luke said. His lightsaber training had been picked up from various places--what little he had from an older Obi-Wan and then from his journal, from Yoda, from holocrons scattered from the Core to the Outer Rim. "I guess you could call it a mix of forms three, four, and five, with more than a bit of improvisation thrown in." He smiled ruefully. "When I was first learning the ways of the Force, there were very few Jedi left."


jedimacguyver September 7 2009, 00:19:36 UTC
That little tidbit furrowed his brow and brought Obi-Wan sorrowful and open-mouthed to the brink of asking...but no, he shook his head. That was not his place, not his path to take, except in time. He knew what he must do.

"What do you say we have a practice bout," he tried, shedding the mood as a bird molts it's feathers, "Just to see what we can do, hm?"


nothawkingbird September 6 2009, 23:33:52 UTC
Kate was secretly patrolling with her own sword, plus her bow and arrow, but the sounds of the lightsaber drew her attention. She couldn't help pausing at the sight. She knew of the movies in a general pop culture osmosis. But the movies couldn't possibly convey this kind of training and skilled. The years of practice and discpline, so like some martial artists back home.

She felt compelled to bow before speaking, her own stance suggesting familiarity with various martial arts techniques, "I was just stopping by, but that was amazing. Do they... do they call those katas where you come from? I'm Kate Bishop by the way, I take it you're one of the new arrivals?"


jedimacguyver September 7 2009, 00:08:40 UTC
"They're generally referred to as 'forms,' but I have heard them described as such," Obi-wan replied genially, returning the bow with an easy, comfortable formality, "Obi-Wan Kenobi, pleased to meet you- yes actually, I've only just arrived a few days ago."


nothawkingbird September 7 2009, 01:15:31 UTC
"Pleased to meet you too. Take it you've been brought up to speed? Stacy's not the best for info, but we've pieced some in the meantime."

Kate added, "I've studied some schools myself. Not as much on the sword end. That's been more fencing and western forms of swordfighting."


jedimacguyver September 7 2009, 01:39:28 UTC
"Master Luke Skywalker filled me in, more or less," he assured her with a nod. Less was the more accurate of the options, but it seemed that that was more a product of a lack of information more than any malicious intent, "I'll be completely honest with you; I've never actually seen a bladed sword in action, outside of history-holocrons. They've been outdated on civilized planets for millennia, except as symbols."


psi_flames September 7 2009, 00:53:57 UTC
Jono wasn't really a sci-fi fan. He'd seen the movies, of course. Everybody had seen the movies. But actually seeing a lightsaber in action? That was something else.

Cor. The exclamation was soft, barely projected. Jono blinked, shaking himself when he realized he was being spoken to. Umm. Nah, sorry, mate. Was jus' sorta passin' by an' saw you practicin'.


jedimacguyver September 7 2009, 02:14:06 UTC
Too well, Obi-Wan knew that expression. Ah, to be young, naive and easily impressed. The smile widened warmly, "I suppose I am a bit conspicuous up here. I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, pleased to meet you."


psi_flames September 7 2009, 02:20:07 UTC
A bit, yeah. Jono might have taken exception to being called young and naive. Even if he was impressed.

He pulled himself up to his full height. Which wasn't that tall, but he was used to it. Jono Starsmore. Then he blinked again as the name sank in. Uh. Pleasure an' all. Sir.


jedimacguyver September 7 2009, 02:50:54 UTC
"Well, Jono Starsmore, what brings you to this part of the world?" Obi-Wan returned with no little amusement. Such formality wasn't really necessary, was it? Maybe he could cajole him out of it, with a little effort.


bonnypiperlad September 7 2009, 06:23:55 UTC
Jamie is out exploring the city, and the unfamiliar noise and bits of light coming from the rooftop draw his attention. He tries to watch from his vantage in the street, but it's just not working well at all. So, after a bit of scouting, he's making his way up a fire escape, taking extra precautions so he is as quiet as possible. The plan is to see if he can get a better view without being observed...


jedimacguyver September 8 2009, 01:10:14 UTC
Ah, no luck. As all things exist in and contribute to the Force, so too do they perturb it's flow. Sensing Jamie's proximity, Obi-Wan cocks an eyebrow and call out, "I know you're hiding there. Why don't you come out, say hello?"


bonnypiperlad September 8 2009, 01:28:43 UTC
Oh well. So much for the plan. Jamie emerges from the top of the fire escape, looking fairly sheepish. "Aye, well. I didn't want to interrupt. I just wanted to see what the noises were."

The young Scot hesitates for a moment, then scuffs one foot on the roof, adding, "Sorry." It seems vaguely appropriate, given he /was/ pretty much spying.


jedimacguyver September 8 2009, 17:53:53 UTC
"Not to worry," Obi-Wan smiles holding one hand out dismissively, "I'm hardly inconspicuous, and it's perfectly natural to have a little curiosity."


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