FIC: Goodbye, Chap 1 [SG-1 Sam/Janet, Janet/OC]

Jan 08, 2006 01:05

Title: Goodbye, Chapter One
Series: Part Three of the From The Mouths of Babes
Pairing: Janet/OC, Sam/Janet
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Rating: PG
Originally Posted: July 2001
Word Count: 1293
Summary:  Sam and Janet's relationship hits a definitive snag.



Chapter One

Samantha Carter leaned back in her chair. She brought her hands to her forehead massaging the tension. She had spent the last couple days parked in front of a computer, analyzing data. Now, the strain of watching densely written text crawling across the screen took its toll on the Major.

Work had been a welcome relief from Sam's shattered personal life. Since her falling out with Janet, Sam buried herself in her work. Even going so far as to stay in her quarters at the SGC facility rather than go home. This way if she awoke in the middle of the night plagued by thoughts of Janet all she had to do was roll out of bed and go straight to work.

She'd kept her contact with the doctor down to a minimum. Making sure that any contact was work related. Sam wanted to make good with Janet. Sure, they had argued before, had heated debates, but they'd never fought. Never where the words became personal, cutting hurtful wounds. She wanted to apologize. Say she was sorry for being an ass and taking it out on Janet. Except, Sam didn't know how. Her feelings for Janet tread into new, unexplored territory.

"Hey, you all right?" Daniel Jackson's voice brought Sam out of her mental fog. He leaned against her desk, arms crossed. His face etched with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

He sighed heavily, not quite believing the woman. "You've been working a lot lately."

"You know me," she attempted a joke. "I love the physics."

"It just seems like you're overcompensating for something."

"No, guys overcompensate. Women eat chocolate."

"Okay, okay. It's just that," he paused slightly rearranging his thoughts. "Is there something going on between you and Janet?"


"You two are usually so close. Lately, you've been distant to each other."

She was surprised by his observation, not realizing how obvious her distress, and Janet's, had been. Sam had tried her hardest to continue acting normal. It figured Daniel would see right through her charade.

"No, nothing's going on." Sam lied. Knowing that, somehow, Daniel knew as well. "Have you tried talking to Janet?"

"Yes, I have. She said I should talk to you."

"Oh," she slumped in her chair waiting for something to come out of her mouth.

"You don't have to talk about it," Daniel reassured her. "I just wanted you to know that whatever it is. You have friends." He gave her shoulder a consolatory squeeze before heading towards the door.

"Daniel, wait," Sam called to the man. He stood watching her, waiting for some reaction. "Could you, you know, sit down. You're making me nervous."

Smiling at her, Daniel grabbed the nearest chair sitting next to his friend.

"Janet and I had a fight," she explained.

"What about?"

"I'd rather not say." He nodded his understanding. "We've never fought before. I mean, not like this. I wound up saying some things I didn't mean. She retaliated. Now everything's completely screwed."

"Have you tried talking to her about this?"

"No, not really. I guess I'm afraid she really does hate me."

"Janet could never hate you."

"I don't know Daniel. You didn't hear what I said." She ran a hand through her hair. "God, I'm such an idiot. All I want is for things to go back like they were. I just don't know how."

"Well, most people start with 'I'm sorry' and go from there. I think Janet's just as distraught over this as you are. And you both want some form of reconciliation but you're imagining the worst. If you want to heal your friendship, one of you is going to have to make the first move."

"I know. I just don't think I'm that strong."

"Uh-huh, like I'm going to believe that," he smiled at her, squeezing a hand as he did. "You just need to have a little more faith in your friendship with Janet, and yourself."

"Thanks Daniel."

"Of course, you know the good thing about you being depressed?" He asked, sliding his chair back to its original position. "It's easier to beat you at poker."

"Thank you Daniel."

"In fact, if you could hold off talking to Janet until after Saturday..."

"Goodbye Daniel."

The man closed the door, but not before giving Sam one last playful smile. Sam chuckled, glad for the laugh and the proverbial shoulder to cry on.

The sense of levity didn't last long. She'd never realized the consequences her falling out with Janet would have. If Daniel could sense something was wrong between the two friends, how long until everyone picked up on the tension? How long before some well meaning individual pried to much into Janet's private life, stumbled onto Janet's secret and revealed it to everyone?

She had to do something. She could only image what was going through Janet's head. Without even realizing it, their argument had detrimental effect on their friendship, their jobs and Janet's personal life.
She grabbed a research file intended for Janet. The one she'd been putting off handing to the doctor for fear of another confrontation. Now, it seemed a good excuse to attempt a dialog with the woman.

The door to Janet's office was slightly ajar. Sam knocked lightly when normally she'd walk right in.

"Come in," Janet's voice called to her.

Janet sat behind her desk buried behind a stack of papers. Sam saw a slight flicker of shock in Janet's eyes as she recognized the blonde. Followed quickly by the icy detached demeanor that she used frequently with Sam these days.

"Major Carter." Sam never thought being called by her professional name could cut so deep.

"Doctor Fraiser," she raised the file folder handing it to Janet. "Here's the data General Hammond wanted you to look at."

"Thank you," Janet took the file returning her attention to her work. Sam, taking the hint, retreated to the doorway. Only, she found she couldn't leave. Pausing at the door, she tried a different approach.

"How's Cassandra?" Sam asked. The stony demeanor evaporated as Janet looked back at her friend.

"She's not talking to me," Janet admitted. "I put her on restriction."

"What!?!" Sam hadn't intended for her contact with the teen to become infrequent. However, with her staying at the base, their normal chats had diminished to a trickle.

"It's this boy Patrick. I had no idea things between them were moving so fast," Janet ran a hand over her face not quite believing what she was saying. "I came home a couple days ago and found them making out in her room."

"That doesn't sound like Cassie."

"I know. But I saw it with my own eyes."

"How old is this boy?"

"I don't know, I was too busy tossing him out on his ass to bother asking," she looked up at her sheepishly. "I'm in new territory, Sam. I don't know what to do."

Sam wanted to walk around the desk and hug her friend. A few weeks ago, she would have. Now all Sam could do was offer her best sympathetic smile and hope it was good enough.

Janet smiled back wearily pausing to pick up her ringing phone.

"Dr. Fraiser," she answered. "Yes?"

Sam started to ease herself out of Janet's office allowing the woman some privacy.

"Excuse me?" Sam froze in her tracks at the sounds of Janet's voice. "I'm sorry but I didn't make any reservations..Yes..What!?!..Are you sure?"

Janet slammed the phone down jumping out of her chair.

"Janet, what's wrong?"

"I have to go." She looked at Sam a cross between anger and fear etched across her face. "That was the Four Seasons Hotel. Cassandra rented a room in my name."

"I'll drive."

End Chapter One
Next: Chapter Two

femslash, fic: sg-1, fic: sam/janet, fic: janet/oc, fan fic

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