FIC: The Argument [SG-1; Sam/Janet, Janet/OC]

Jan 08, 2006 01:04

Title: The Argument
Series: Part Two of the From The Mouths of Babes
Pairing: Janet/OC, Sam/Janet
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Rating: R
Originally Posted: July 2001
Word Count: 3536
Summary:  Sam comes over for dinner and her situation with Janet goes from bad to worse.

The Argument


"For the love of God, Sam, you have to come over here!" Cassandra Fraiser gasped in Sam's ear. The Major grinned slightly at the sound of the teen's voice. Sam had barely picked up the phone before she heard the girl pleading for her help.

"Hey kiddo, what's up?"

"Please Sam," Cassie whispered. "You have to come over. Mom's having dinner. With Brennn-dah."

Sam's stomach twitched at the mention of Brenda's name. Whom Sam had dubbed 'The Evil Lesbian Hell Beast'. It had been two weeks since she'd first learned of Janet's new girlfriend. Two weeks since she's professed her love to the red headed doctor. Since then, there'd been a noticeable chill in their friendship. Sam not wanting to push the issue. Janet trying her damnedest to put it all behind her. So, Sam had given Janet her space. But she was tired of waiting. Tired of waiting for the moment when Janet would open up and give Sam a sense of what she was feeling.

With Cassie pleading on the other end, now seemed like the perfect opportunity to reintroduce her intentions to Janet, and to TELHB. Maybe using Cassie's personality conflict with Brenda was a bad idea. Then again, Sam really hated the woman having the upper hand. "Okay, I'll be there in a bit."

"Oh thank God."

Sam took a quick shower changing into jeans and a black turtleneck. She and Cassie had picked a pretty good cover story over the phone. She rehearsed her lines backwards and forwards, trying to imitate the art of 'nonchalant' as quickly as possible.

She pulled the beat up truck into Janet's driveway noticing the gleaming Jaguar filling the space where Sam's truck normally would park. Checking herself visually in the rear view mirror, Sam ran her hand through her hair a couple times before exiting the truck.

"I'll get it." She could hear Cassandra bounding towards the door, flinging it open. "Hey Sam!"

"Cassie," Sam brought her voice down to a low whisper. "Don't over do it, all right."

"Okay," Cassie whispered back. "Look Mom, Sam's here."

"Sam?" A very surprised Janet entered the living room. "What are you doing here?"

"Cassie told me she needed some help with her homework."

Sam gave a quick glance at Janet's outfit. While not as extravagant as the black dress she wore for her date, this one still rated a ten in Sam's book. Soft green material, that complemented the doctor's hair starting at Janet's neck and ending just above her knees, hugged Janet's body. A gold chain wrapped around her waist as a belt.

"You know me and math." The girl stood in front of Sam facing her mother. "They say that math's your friend. But with friends like these who needs enemies, right."

"Uh-huh." The red head smirked at her daughter before returning her attentions to Sam. "We were just eating dinner."

"Oh," Sam stated, giving her practiced response. "I could come back. I need to stop by the store.."

"No way," Cassandra played her role. "You've been here like a million times. It's okay if Sam stays for dinner, right Mom?"

Janet shifted nervously eyeing both her friend and her daughter who pleaded using her patented puppy dog eyes. She smiled half-heartedly before walking back to the dining room. "Sure, there's always room for one more."

Adult and child mentally high-fived each other as they followed Janet into the dining room. Sam slowed a half-step as she saw a woman seated at the table. A woman sitting in 'her seat', the one next to Janet.

Brenda looked up smiling as Janet made her way around the table. She hooked an arm around Janet's waist, urging the doctor to bend over for a kiss, a demand which Janet eagerly complied.

"I missed you." She cooed right before their lips connected. Sam thought she could actually hear Cassandra's eyes rolling. They broke their kiss as Sam took the only empty seat at the table, the one across from Janet.

"Brenda, this is Samantha Carter." Janet introduced the two.

"The infamous Sam." Brenda stared at the blonde, a cheeky smile plastered across her lips.

"Samantha." Sam corrected her.

"I've heard a lot about you." The woman commented dryly as she outstretched her hand.

"I'd say the same except I know absolutely nothing about you." She clasped the hand into her own quelling the dark impulse to rip the arm from the woman's shoulder and force feed it to her.

Brenda returned her attentions to Janet allowing Sam time to take in the woman's appearance. Brown eyes with deep brown hair that cascaded past her shoulders. She'd gently curled it so the locks passed her face in gentle waves that accentuated the smooth graceful lines of her face.
Brenda returned her gaze to Samantha. "Janet tells me you two work together."

"Yes, I'm a Major in the Air Force."

"But, you're not a doctor."

"No, I'm not." Sam wondered what the point of this conversation was.

"So, you run around playing war with the boys." The woman smirked with a half smile.

"Not exactly. I wouldn't call what I do 'playing'."

"Yes, but don't you find it incredibly phallic? Running around with your gun waiting to shoot your load?"

"Brenda." Janet chided her. "Cassandra."

"Hello." The girl gasped. "Fourteen years old here. Believe me, I've heard worse."

"Cassandra." Janet gasped.

"What? I said I heard worse, I didn't say I was going to repeat it." She shoved a mouthful of food into her mouth, ending her part of the discussion.

"What does being prepared have to do with phallic objects?" Sam wasn't quite done with the discussion. "Janet learned how to shoot the same guns I did."

"That's different," Brenda countered. "She's also a doctor, a healer. I find that more honorable and in tune with the ideal of femininity than to reject those ideals for the sake of masculinity or killing."

"Whoa, hold on there. I don't think there's anything dishonorable or masculine about wanting to defend your country." Sam eyed Janet wondering where her opinion was in all this. She returned with a smirk of her own, letting Sam know she was alone in all this.

"I suppose." Brenda took a sip from her water glass. "If you see nothing wrong with defending an archaic patriarchal hierarchy."

"Patriarchal hierarchy. Is that anything like the Lion's Club? I've heard that's why they have those funny hats, you know, the hierarchy." Sam congratulated herself internally as she saw Janet crack a smile. "So, enough about me. What do you do?"

Janet reached across the table taking Brenda's hand into her own. "Brenda's the chief medical surgeon at Lakewood Memorial Hospital."

Fuck, Sam grimaced to herself. How could she compete with that?

"Sam?" Cassandra cut through the tension in the air. "You ready to do homework?"

Sam looked down at her plate. She'd barely touched her food. Not that it mattered she'd definitely lost her appetite. "Sure, kiddo."

Thankfully, Cassie did need help with her homework. 8Th grade math, while about as challenging to Samantha as blinking, for Cass was a strange enigma that the 14 year old could not grasp. They sat in the living room cracking the books. Janet and Brenda stayed in the dining room partaking in dessert and, from the sounds of it, each other as the sounds of soft moans and giggles occasionally drifted into the living room.

Her homework completed, Cassie pulled out the Playstation sitting under the tv ready to whip Sam's butt at her favorite game.

Brenda and Janet walked hand-in-hand into the living room.

"Hmm, Playstation?" Janet eyed the two. "I take it this means you're done with your homework."

"Yep." The girl fired back just as the logo appeared onscreen.

"Good, then you can help me with the dishes." The girl groaned loudly tossing Sam a sympathetic glance. The Major shrugged her shoulders knowing there was no logical defense against the demon known as housework.

"I don't understand why I gotta do dishes when we have a perfectly capable washing machine?" The girl groaned. Janet placed an arm on her daughter's shoulder.

"Why waste water and energy with a machine when I have you."

Sam returned her attentions feeling the presence of Brennn-dah in the room as the woman sat on the couch . They sat in uncomfortable silence as Sam played the game. The sounds of Janet and Cassie washing dishes filled the background.

"You know it'll never work, don't you?"

"Excuse me?"

"You and Janet. First time's with straight girls never work out. She either wants to test the waters of her new found homosexuality. Or she gets scared and runs to the first cock waved in her direction."

Sam gasped, not quite believing the forwardness of this woman. "I didn't realize you were such an expert on Samantha Carter."

"Believe me, Janet and I both have been down this particular road before. Besides, it's not just me who thinks this."

Sam could feel her ears blazing red-hot. She wanted to take her fist and cram it down Brennn-dah's throat.

"If you want to do what's right for Janet." Brenda continued not waiting for Sam to retort. "You'll leave her alone. Let her be loved by someone without any heterosexual proclivities."

"That's a very high opinion you have of yourself. And of Janet's opinion of you."

"Don't fool yourself. I know exactly where I stand with Janet. Despite what she thinks, I don't think of her as a fling, or a quick fuck between work days. Janet's the kind of woman I wanna grow old with. We'd be very good together. You want to think of yourself as competition, fine, but I think you're giving yourself way too much credit."

Sam started counting backwards inside her head, trying to calm the angry beast that was storming within her. She knew any reaction would reflect badly on her in Janet's eyes. Something Brenda knew as well. The woman smiled at her like a Cheshire cat. A stream of retorts fired in Samantha's brain yet hung on the tip of her tongue ready to be unleashed. Instead, Brenda's pager rang. The shrill beep cutting through the stifling tension in the room like a razor blade. Brenda looked down at the device frowning.

"Janet." The doctor poked her head into the living room. Brenda raised her pager in the air. "I've gotta go. Work calls."

"Okay," Janet frowned. "I'll walk you to your car."

Sam's eyes stayed glued to the television screen as Janet and the Sapphic Slut formerly known as Brenda exited the house. She leaned back against the couch inhaling deeply, trying to calm her frayed emotions. Turning off the video game console, Sam stood on her feet stretching trying to release the tension that strained in her body. Curious, Sam walked to one of the front windows peering through the curtains.
Brenda pinned Janet to the Jaguar, as the two embraced kissing passionately. Janet's hands made their way to Brenda's hair, entangling in the dark locks.

Sam clenched her fists, fingers digging into her flesh. Even in the dim light cast across the yard, she could see Brenda easing a hand down maneuvering herself between Janet's legs. That same hand sliding under the dark thatch at the top of Janet's thighs. Sam shuddered slightly realizing the entire time she'd been dining with Janet, the woman was completely exposed under her dress. She wished it was for her that Janet dressed this way. Instead, Janet opened herself to the dark-haired doctor, literally and figuratively.

Sam knew she was torturing herself. Should have turned away the moment she saw the two women kissing. But she couldn't. She'd fallen under the spell of Janet's siren song, the same song that called to Brenda and took the woman past the edge of decorum. Janet lifted her leg seductively wrapping as much of it around Brenda's waist. Her head languorously tilted back offering her neck to the brunette, as soft sighs escaped her mouth that Sam could only dream of hearing.

"You hate her too don't you?" Cassandra's voice pulled Sam out of her mental fog. She closed the curtain turning to focus her attentions on Cassie.

"Yeah, I guess I do. The good news is she's leaving."

"I wish. She'll be back." The girl plopped herself down on the couch turning the videogame back on. "I heard her talking about moving in."


"She was talking to one of her friends on her cell. She hasn't asked Mom yet. Says she's gonna pop the question when she takes us to her summer home in Italy."

Sam joined Cassie on the couch feeling the little remaining wind in her sails quickly dying out.

"Is this bomb in me retroactive 'cuz I think I'd like to die now." The girl joked.

"Hey," Sam interjected. "Don't talk like that. Not even as a joke."

"I know. Maybe I can get back at her by dating boys she hates." A devilish smile crossed the girl's lips. "Like boys with tattoos and piercings. Ooh, I know, Republicans."

Janet entered the house minutes later, face flushed, the same disheveled appearance that Sam remembered. Sam tried her hardest to avoid eye contact with her friend, choosing instead to keep them glued to the television screen.

"Hey, you done with the dishes?"

"Yep." Cass answered, eyes glued to the screen.

"Good. Off to bed then."

"What!?! It's not even 10:30?"

"But it is a school night. You've done your homework and chores. Now off to bed with ya."

"All right." The girl whined as she moped her way up the stairs.
"G'night Sam."

"'Night kiddo."

"Would you like a nightcap?" Janet asked her friend. The blonde watching Cassandra drag her feet into her bedroom.

"If that means beer, then yes."

Sam followed Janet into the kitchen. Janet pulled a bottle from the fridge handing it to Sam. Sam closed her eyes as Janet's scent filled her nostrils. She smelled lightly of perfume and the heady musk of sex. Sam wanted to wrap Janet in her arms and smell that scent forever.

Instead, she wrapped her fingers around the proffered beer, a slight shiver running down her spine as Janet's fingers grazed her own.

"How's Cassie doing with her homework?"

"She's getting better. It's only a matter of time before all the pieces fall into place."

"Good, she's doing really well in everything else. I'd hate to see her fall behind."

The two stood in relative silence. Janet putting dishes away as Sam drank her beer.

"Did you have to tell her?"

Sam watched as Janet's shoulders slumped slightly as she exhaled.

"We're in a relationship. I don't keep secrets from her."

"Oh, so I guess she knows all about the Stargate then."

"That's different." Janet huffed.


"Because it's work?"

"Work's off limits but me pouring my heart out to you isn't?" Sam gasped not quite believing Janet's reasoning.

"I needed someone to talk to. Someone I can be open with."

"What about me? When I told you how I felt, I respected you. Gave you your space. Why couldn't you have shown me the same thing?"

"Because she's my girlfriend, Sam. Because I care what she thinks."

"Oh and the thoughts of some straight girl doesn't mean anything right."


"My feelings don't matter 'cuz I'll get scared and run towards the first dick waved in my face. Do you really think that Janet? Do you think that about me?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know." Sam repeated. "But it was easier to discuss with Brenda than it was with me. Fine. Think what you want about me. But what about Cassandra?"

"Don't you dare. Leave Cassie out of this."

"Why should I? What about how she feels? She hates that woman. Oh yeah, that 's right, you don't care how I feel why should you care about Cassandra."

"Shut up!" Janet fired back, her face burning red with anger. "Just shut up! How dare you insinuate that I don't care about my daughter."

"Your daughter?"

"That's right, my daughter. I'm the one who singed the adoption papers. I'm the one who took her into *my* home. Not you, Sam. And I'm not the one setting her up to get her heart broken." Sam blinked hard as Janet hit her with her words. "Did you ever think that the only reason she doesn't like Brenda is because of you? She doesn't accept her because she's waiting for the moment you and I get together. And that's just not going to happen. Everyday I do a balancing act between my job and my daughter hoping to God that I don't falter or fail her in some way. Praying that some bigot doesn't use who I am against me and ruin both our lives. So don't you dare tell me I don't care about Cassandra or her feelings."

"You're afraid of what other people think?" Sam asked incredulously.
"Where was this fear when you were fucking in the driveway."

"Fuck you, Sam."

"No, fuck you." She spat slamming her beer bottle onto the counter. She exited the house in a hurry slamming the door to her truck. Hands trembling she gripped the steering wheel tightly. Sam inhaled deeply calming herself down, the cool night air blowing across her face. She didn't realize she was crying until she felt the salty tears overflow onto her cheeks. Sam wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, then drove as quickly from Janet as legally possible.


Samantha turned and tossed in her bed as the threat of another sleepness night hovered over her. When the phone rang she silently blessed the Fates for giving her an interruption.

"Hello." She mumbled into the phone.

"You okay?" A concerned Cassandra whispered in her ear.

"Yeah, I'm okay. You heard all that, huh?"

"Kinda hard not to." The girl admitted.

"Sorry 'bout that. What time is it anyway?" She rolled onto her side glancing at the digital clock. "2:37, shouldn't you be asleep?"

"Shouldn't you?" She giggled in her ear. "I wanted to make sure you were okay after Mom kicked you out of the house."

"She didn't exactly kick me out."

"Uh-huh, well, if it makes you feel any better, she kicked Brenda out too."

Sam sighed at Cassandra's latest revelation. "I wish it did, kiddo. But, to be honest, it doesn't."

"That's okay. I'll feel better for the both of us. They got into it when Brenda came back. Mom said Brenda had no right to ambush you like she did. That, and I quote 'Regardless of Sam's feelings for me, she's still my friend'. Pretty cool, huh."

Sam smiled softly. Even in her darkest hour, Cassandra always had a way of putting a smile on her face. "Is she okay?"

"Who gives a shit."

"Hey, watch the language." Sam chided the teen. "I was talking about Janet."

"Oh. Yeah, I think so. She's taking a shower right now." Cassandra paused, her voice taking a solemn tone. "You care about her don't you?"

"Yes." Sam admitted. "I do."

"Do you love her?"

Succinct and to the point, Sam thought. "Isn't tomorrow a school day? I think someone should be getting some sleep."

"Okay, fine. Just remember the next time you give me one of those speeches about talking about my feelings, remember this conversation."

Sam couldn't help but chuckle at the girl's logic.


"Yeah, kiddo."

"Don't give up on Mom, okay."

"Goodnight Cassandra."

"G'Night Sam."

Sam rolled onto her back thoughts of Janet once again running through her mind. It was a small consolation knowing that Brenda was in just as big a doghouse as Sam. But not much, when the time came, Brenda would apologize and Janet would take her back. Sam could apologize and she and Janet would still be at square one.

Then there was Cassandra. Sam realized the teen had been harboring thoughts of Sam and Janet becoming a couple for quite some time. Cassandra's earlier revelation, while not exactly a set up, had been a lure for Sam. A way to test the Major and her feelings. And Sam had fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

Samantha also knew there had been some truth to Janet's words as well. Cassie's feelings against Brenda weren't out of anger towards the woman but came from her loyalty to Sam. The only thing keeping Cassandra from accepting Brenda was Sam, or Cassie's ideal of Sam in her life. But Janet wasn't in love with Sam. She was in love with Brenda. All Sam had to do to make Cassie's life, and Janet's, easier was to take herself out of the equation. Just a couple words would be all she needed. She could tell Cassandra that her feelings for Janet were strictly platonic and the girl would most likely accept it. But how could she take that hope from Cassie when it was the same small straw she grasped onto?

"Shit." Sam rose from her bed, slinging her legs across the edge. Sleep would not be her mistress tonight. She had a decision to make. Continue to pursue Janet even as the woman continued to push her away. Or give Janet what she wanted, which meant taking herself out of Janet's life.

And Cassandra's.


Next - Part Three: Goodbye

femslash, fic: sg-1, fic: sam/janet, fic: janet/oc, fan fic

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