Title: Lucky Number Thirteen
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: Lots... Hankyung/Heechul, Yesung/Ryeowook, Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Kangin/Eeteuk, Kibum/Donghae
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3723
Summary: It’s the last job, and nothing can go wrong.
Notes: AU. Because I can. There is a lot of swearing, and mentions of sex. Oh yeah. I was watching a movie. Guess
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Comments 45
And I LOLed out loud at the last line XDDDDD <3!
I'm on a roll with endings right now. XD Usually I suck.
this was so good!
Though..I fail at english at sometimes I didn't quite understand xD
The robbery's so smartly planned!!!
Really great *thumbs up*
Pfft. You should see me in chatrooms. XD
HAHAHA. Thank you so much, cause I was pretty sure that my planning skills would PHAIL.
-hugs for you-
I totally laughed at that line. This was a great fic. The plot was so detailed and so intense I was just waiting for something to go wrong. yay! all my fave pairings were in this fic! good job!
I didnt want to have something actually go wrong, because Happy Ending FTW. So only a few small things went wrong. XD Thank you.
anyway ILUUU OMG
ILU for commenting!
Super Junior...Ocean-style. It truly felt like an early Christmas.
I think I love you moar and moar, Seph. And I must stop feeding your ego right now, before your head gets too big or something.
The last part is just too awesome x3
Super Junior Ocean. WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT? Early Christmas is good.
NO! If you stop, I might cry. Really. Or I'll kick a... human. I WILL KICK A HUMAN IF YOU STOP PRAISING ME.
XD Yeah, I'm rather fond of it as well.
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