Aug 18, 2009 21:53

If you have a question you want to ask but do not want to do so under your username, you can ask it here.

Comments are screened and will be unscreened and replied to once the question is posted. The exceptions to this rule are questions posted under usernames; those will not be unscreened in order to protect your privacy. We will also leave questions screened that request it in the comment.

We check this queue as often as we check the regular one so your questions should be posted in a fairly prompt fashion!

If you have an anon question posting account that we are unaware of, please let us know so we can include the username here as an alternate option.

This is not the contact the mods post; please refer to tqcanon_mods for that post.

[subtlesphinx], [i_am_famous], [takeheart], [hersecretsmile], anon question submissions

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