We have recently taken the time to streamline the "anonymous questions queue/contact the mods" post. Instead of lumping all of that together, we made a separate post for each of these topics. The reason for these changes is to better our service to you-this will speed up our response to your concerns and also it will be easier for us to post your anon questions in a timelier manner.
In order to contact the mods, please go to
In order to post questions to the anonymous queue, please follow
this link.
They are now both linked in the sidebar and on the profile page.
Please read the comment screening rules on both of the posts. To abbreviate: The anon queue screening/unscreening process will be the exact same as the old post. The contact the mods post will NOT have comments unscreened unless the commenter specifically asks or if the comment is in regard to the running of the community or something helpful. The contact the mods post comments will be done this way in order to protect your privacy.