dates with "Mike" & killer shaving cream

Oct 15, 2005 00:31

I had the wierdest day ever today.

I woke up to an incredible day, lower than usual temp, a slight breeze, and just this wonderful feeling of a hint of autumn in the air. This is what I wait for every year, it just gives makes my heart all tingly and happy, because it is a sort of taste of what's to come...i.e. the holidays and "winter"time! When ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

lord_strife October 15 2005, 20:39:27 UTC
Heh, you're too funny. Maybe next time you'll be lucky enough to spend some time with little ol' me. Anyways, I'm glad you got to sleep in today and get some rest, so give me a call whenever and we'll catch up :)


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