dates with "Mike" & killer shaving cream

Oct 15, 2005 00:31

I had the wierdest day ever today.

I woke up to an incredible day, lower than usual temp, a slight breeze, and just this wonderful feeling of a hint of autumn in the air. This is what I wait for every year, it just gives makes my heart all tingly and happy, because it is a sort of taste of what's to come...i.e. the holidays and "winter"time! When this happens I get hit with a familiar feeling that is a straight-up blend of: memories and being happy because of them; memories and being sad/ reminiscent because of them; feeling happy, feeling beautiful, loving life. Funny blend, and in general it was a pretty good start to my day though for some reason all this also makes me extremely hyper sensitive and emotional.

Anyway, all was good until I went to work. Now most weekend we get slammed around lunch time. The worst usually lasts about a half hour, after that we can take anything. Today we got slammed and slammed harder and then harder and then again. The fact that we lost two car hops during the mess- one wiped out on her blades and messed up her ankle, the other's nanny called to tell her that her kid was very sick and had to go to the hospital (both girls ended up at the hospital.) So being short handed really helped. Then when I tried getting off early after it totally slowed down and not much of anything was going on, one of the managers who is a total asshole and seems to have it in for me, though I don't know why, told me I can't go just yet, things need to be done, I should know what needs to be done, I've been here long enough to know, yada yada. He did not give a shit that I actually had places to go, and things to do - fashion show at USF where I had to be around 5. So I swept the lot and took out the trash. Then, to top it all off, as I was getting counted down (money that I made from orders), I ended up 30 something dollars shorthanded. How the hell? And I had made an entire $24 in tips. I could not take it anymore and pretty much threw down my tips saying, "well I made 24 dollars today, I don't have thirty to give you", and just broke down, I was so sick of all the crap. The manager who was counting me down told me to put the money (my tips) in my pocket and that he'll check to see what happened and to not worry about it. Goshhh. Nice guy though.

So then I sped home to pull my crap together and return to school for the fashion show. I got there after six but ended up with a load of time because the show wasn't going to start until 8. Things went really well, I'll have pix of me all dolled-up (literally, our outfits were dollie themed) when I get them. Anyway, that was good and all, until I decided to call Mike.

Then the trouble began. I called "Mike" in my phonebook, because we'd been talking lately about meeting up when he comes up to Tampa sometime. He had called me last night and left a msg because I was already in bed, to tell me that he was in Tampa and we'll have to hang out. Well anyway, like I said, I called him. He picked up, asked me what I was doing, I said the show, he said he was working but he'd be off in an hour and we should go see a movie afterwards, I excitedly said I really want to see Elizabethtown, yada yada. Then he had to go back to work and we hung up. Then he called an hour later to say he was out of work and what time would I like him to pick me up. Then, like that, something started dawning on me and I decided to be cautious and told him that I would call him back when I was totally done at school with the show and such. When we hung up, it hit me like a sack of bananas. This was NOT Mike, this was the kid Mike who I met at my apt complex a few wknd before. I had no idea I had his # in my phonebook! So right away bogus excuses not to go to the movies with him began racing through my head. I mean, obviously I was not going to go to the movies with a guy I had hung out with just once, who made it obvious he was attracted to me, and all of this especially not at 11 at night at the movies. Noooo way. So amid all the possible excuses I could use, I called, got his voicemail, and said that I had to be up very early the following morning for the other show I'll be doing, and so I wouldn't be able to stay up too late. I was pretty proud of myself for pulling that out of my ass, considering my pretty bad state of mind.

So that's quite a day in a nutshell.

This year I'm late on starting my Christmas countdown, but here it finally is, ladies and gents...drumroll please....(it is now 12:30 am as I type this) as of today there are 70 days left til Christmas!
  • Heath bars rock my world.
  • I am unhealthily addicted to Worther's Original hard caramels
  • I killed a roach in my shower today by spraying/ covering/ suffocating it in shaving cream WHILE I was taking a shower. It was awful. (ha I forgot to add that this was the start of my crazy day.)
  • I have the worst killer headache evarrrrrrr.
  • I felt so shitty today, but gosh it's so nice to check your cell phone during a ridiculously terrible day and see missed calls from your friends and hear voicemails in which they tell you they love you and hope to talk to you soon. Thank God for friends :)

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