my recent life alpha to omega

Oct 04, 2005 22:36

Ohmigosh. I am such a terrible LJ-er as of late. Awful, I know. What can I tell you though, life is wizzing on by. Classes, work, homework, the gym, OC eps, boys, drama...the time flies on by at the flip of my betta's tail. *sigh*

I may as well do my usual harrassed form of update:
  • bought a new plant- this time my first bonsai tree- it's so cute :)
  • went to Ybor with Jen and Ricky last friday- The company was good, the clubs and people there, not as much. :/
  • met some new people recently, made some new friends= always fun. :)
  • sort of totally single again...well just because Object of Interest moved his ass to Cali last week. *sigh again*
  • realized that I am not making anything at Sonic in tampa and NEED A NEW JOB. Sonic in Venice= Jackpot. Sonic in Tampa= let's hope I can get food stamps.
  • applied @ Steak & Shake, had interview today, orientation on Thursday. Yayy.
  • new-found confidence. :D (who knew I needed it? teehee)
  • currently writing off-the-chain rap song and sharpening up my rap skillz's def been a while.
  • learning Greek language...fascinating.

So, that's all for now folks, I am very happy right now bc I just got a 140/150 (93% I got one question wrong) on my Greek Language & Culture test. This is the highest I've scored on any culture in my Language & Cultures class. It's a frickin sign, I tell ya.

Much love, God bless, no worries.

<3 Mo
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