(no subject)

Sep 28, 2005 22:48

"O woe is me.." <- definitely me last night. It was pretty icky. I had a bitchy entry ready to be posted when I got kicked offline and wasn't able to get back on the rest of the night...maybe it's better that I wasn't able to post it for all of you to see hehe. I felt better after all 3 of my roomies congregated in my room and squeezed my sorrows out of me. I thought my problems were stupid, but they got it all out of me and I feel much better. Thanks again guys!

Today I started getting my life in order and I must admit I am somewhat surprised to say that it's not as difficult as I thought it would be. Of course, it definitely takes some discipline and self-control...but- I CAN do it. :) Ahhh it's not all so bad.

On a different note-

I am so fascinated by Greece and Greek culture...I want to study abroad in Greece next year. That gives me time to learn some Greek now :)

Beautiful stuff :)
Mmmm I cannot wait to try some real Greek food and see the people there..see LIFE..unlike what I see here in the U.S. If you want to see life, you go to Europe.
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