[After finally escaping the nightmares, Vriska heads to the infirmary to clean herself up. When she enters the room and sees Terezi, there's a heavy sigh of annoyance. She decides to ignore her at first, making her way over to a bed and bandage kit to dress her own wounds since the blood has started to seep through her clothes again.]
[Terezi isn't alone in the infirmary. Kanaya's legs were mostly useable save the one big gash from Feferi trying to make a kebab with her kneecap, but the rest of her was in a bit of a state. Bandages abounded on her arms and torso, some of them covering stitches. She was careful to keep most of them hidden, though, for fear of the wounds reopening and making her blood color visible.
She's quiet when she wakes up, but she does hesitantly glance over at Terezi. She pretty much feels terrible, in more than one sense, and she can't be sure that Terezi will even want to talk to her.]
[After a long and agonizing seventy two hours later, Karkat has made his way to the infirmary, where he's sure he'll find at least one of the three people that need to be confronted. As much as he would've liked to have forgotten anything that had happened, the sleep paralysis had only served to remind him that it wasn't going away.
He was certain he could still hear Feferi's screaming, laughing, and sobbing in the back of his head.
Unfortunately, his suit is still mostly a mess. He had a change of shirt, but his jacket and pants were destroyed, and there was no way he was putting that white suit on when he had been using it to feed spidermom. So Karkat stood and waited awkwardly at the entrance to the infirmary, spotting Terezi rather swiftly without too much hassle. But he didn't walk over -- not yet.
[Whatever he has to say, now would be the best time to say it. She can't be mad at him, at least for now, because she's too happy just knowing he's okay. And even whatever irritation she'd felt at the fact that he'd waited this long to come and find her disappears when she actually catches his scent. She perks up visibly.]
[Again, he doesn't answer right away. After a few moments of silence, he simply walks over to her bedside in a distinctly proud fashion that he's well aware that she can't see -- its more for his own piece of mind.]
[After spending a few days bedridden, Kanaya didn't really have much to do. She chatted with Terezi occasionally when the quiet was too much, but otherwise there weren't many ways to vent her restlessness. The infirmary wasn't really designed for entertainment purposes.
She'd resorted to staring at the ceiling, counting any little imperfection she could find. It was better than thinking about their return to the Veil, albeit less constructive and much more boring.]
[His voice cuts through the curtain of quiet like a sharp spear from the entryway of the infirmary. Karkat's hands are jammed in his pockets, and it looks a little irritated.
[She had remembered from the note Minato showed her that people who died in the Tower came back to life, but she wasn't so inclined to believe it until the familiar voice reaches her ears.
She turns her head to look over at Karkat. Well, he looks pissed. Meaning it's a day ending in Y, but she can't help but wonder what exactly she did wrong this time.]
The most cheerful salutations to you too.
[She's too tired to be properly sarcastic, it seems, but the sentiment is there.]
[Romeo was in the process of checking that all his friends were okay, most of them were injured in some way but he thought so far that everyone was here, no one had disappeared forever, stuck in their worlds that all seemed to be scary and sad.
He saw Terezi, who he had met when he was a deer creature and approached her.] You got hurt as well Terezi?
Comments 247
You should just let yourself bleed out!
Can it, blind girl! If anyone needs to die around here, it's you. Except it wouldn't do anything, unfortunately.
I did die, dumbass!
She's quiet when she wakes up, but she does hesitantly glance over at Terezi. She pretty much feels terrible, in more than one sense, and she can't be sure that Terezi will even want to talk to her.]
Jegus, finally! You were asleep forever.
I suppose I lost more blood than I realized. [She looks around.] I am sure a recuperacoon would have aided the process.
[Then, back to Terezi, with concern.] How are you faring?
[She stretches her legs out and frowns down at them. They're going to take a while to heal.]
What about you?
He was certain he could still hear Feferi's screaming, laughing, and sobbing in the back of his head.
Unfortunately, his suit is still mostly a mess. He had a change of shirt, but his jacket and pants were destroyed, and there was no way he was putting that white suit on when he had been using it to feed spidermom. So Karkat stood and waited awkwardly at the entrance to the infirmary, spotting Terezi rather swiftly without too much hassle. But he didn't walk over -- not yet.
He needed to figure out how to do this, first.]
[Okay this is a little awkward?]
Are you okay?
She'd resorted to staring at the ceiling, counting any little imperfection she could find. It was better than thinking about their return to the Veil, albeit less constructive and much more boring.]
[His voice cuts through the curtain of quiet like a sharp spear from the entryway of the infirmary. Karkat's hands are jammed in his pockets, and it looks a little irritated.
...ok very irritated.]
She turns her head to look over at Karkat. Well, he looks pissed. Meaning it's a day ending in Y, but she can't help but wonder what exactly she did wrong this time.]
The most cheerful salutations to you too.
[She's too tired to be properly sarcastic, it seems, but the sentiment is there.]
Yeah, skip it. Don't think I forgot about dealing with you and your loose protein flaps.
[A long pause.]
You've created a very awkward state of affairs for me, y'know. How the fuck am I supposed to dole out punishment after that stunt you pulled?
[His charade holds, but his tone of voice softens at the edges.]
He saw Terezi, who he had met when he was a deer creature and approached her.] You got hurt as well Terezi?
I'll be fine! What happened to you?
No. What are you doing down here?
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