[After finally escaping the nightmares, Vriska heads to the infirmary to clean herself up. When she enters the room and sees Terezi, there's a heavy sigh of annoyance. She decides to ignore her at first, making her way over to a bed and bandage kit to dress her own wounds since the blood has started to seep through her clothes again.]
Did you not hear me when I said I'm busy? I'll leave when feel like it.
[Plans to dress her wounds and then leave have been discarded. When she's done with the bandages, she stays right where she is and lies back on the bed.
[For now Vriska glares in silence, arms folded over her chest. Concentrating her anger on Terezi is better than acknowledging the pain in her legs, anyway.
You should just let yourself bleed out!
Can it, blind girl! If anyone needs to die around here, it's you. Except it wouldn't do anything, unfortunately.
I did die, dumbass!
[Vriska ducks to let the glass splinter against the wall. Glaring so much.
And just for good measure, she's going to throw her other shoe at Terezi before rolling her pants up to put on bandages.]
How do you think I felt when I found you here?
Shit! [Throwing the empty first aid kit at her face.] I'm too busy to deal with you!
A blind girl just hit you in the head with a shoe. How does that feel, Serket?
Really mature, Pyrope!
Just leave already, jegus.
[Plans to dress her wounds and then leave have been discarded. When she's done with the bandages, she stays right where she is and lies back on the bed.
Suck it up.]
Who knows how long this silence will last.]
She pulls off the cover and stuffs it in her mouth. One spit ball coming up. AIMING FOR HER FACE AGAIN GDIT.]
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