Characters: England and all you positively insufferable wonderful people!
Setting: Floor Three
Format: Starting with prose/paragraph/whatever you want to call it, but I'll match.
Summary: Apparently the Shakespeare collections he brought with him aren't enough -- actually finding the library in this godawful place was a small blessing.
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That would be why he trips over one of them and ends up sprawled out on the floor amidst novels and comic books.
Which hopefully England would after he fittingly jumps in his chair at the sound of someone falling, losing his page in Twelfth Night to turn and look towards the source of the noise.
And then promptly go wide-eyed when he realizes what that source is. He should be more exasperated. He really, really should. But remembering that mysterious note's claim that his world had been "destroyed", something in him is happy that not all of it had been.
Oh, if it was England, that made sense. Wait, England? America stares back--after months assuming the other nation had died or something, actually seeing him here is a bit of a shock.
Even though he does for quite a while before his speech functions click back into place. He bristles, clipping out the response, "It's a library. You should have been watching where you were going." After that, he scoffs, looking away to reprimand a little more quietly, "Not that one shouldn't always look where they're going, particularly if they're as prone to making spectacles of themselves as you are."
Luke was a good boy, and didn't raise his voice in libraries. But he'd been hunting for a particular book for what seemed to be the better part of the day- anything to distract him from the whole nonsense of leashes. Of course, it seemed to be in the current ownership of a guy with...quite the sizable brows.
"Do you intend to read that any time soon?" Luke pointed to one of the not-yet-read stack, A Midsummer Night's Dream, before dropping his hand because pointing was rude. "If you are, that's fine. I've just had no luck finding it at all, and..."
He regarded the little boy with polite curiosity before following the line of his finger to the copy of Midsummer. "Ah, you're free to take it, if you'd like," replied the nation with a cordial smile. "I've certainly read it enough times." Following that, he set aside Twelfth Night so he could gently slip Midsummer out from the stack.
Once he'd gotten it out without upsetting the rest of the pile, he held it out to the child. "It's an excellent play," remarked England, voice soft in consideration of his environment. "Have you ever read it before?"
"Ah- yes, with the Professor." The boy wasn't about to admit it'd been a bedtime story one of the nights he'd slept over- that just didn't sound dignified at all. "It has been a while, and I have never had the chance to read it on my own- I've enough free time now that I should be able to with no trouble."
...there wasn't a single trace of scorn in his voice. Not at all, no way.
He turned in his seat to better face his conversational partner, smile fading to a look of mild intrigue. He didn't miss the subtle vocal cues in the statement, but it was probably best not to pry. So, he instead opted for what seemed to be the less sore of the topics. "The 'professor', hm?" he repeated inquiringly. "You both have good taste, to enjoy the works of William Shakespeare."
It took her by complete surprise to see a man she hadn't met before. She tried to at least know people by face and name, if not better...Then she saw...his eyebrows and America's impression sprung to mind. She hid a giggle and stepped closer.
"You must be England."
His muscles jumped beneath his skin as he whipped his head to look at the girl in question. He made some kind of effort to not let his eyes look so wide while he looked at her, but considering how alarmed he was, it didn't work as well as he hoped it would.
England's immediate conclusion was that she was a nation. Maybe one he hadn't met before. He couldn't claim to be able to recognize every single one by face. He was certainly well-known, though, so perhaps she was able to piece it together through information from the grapevine.
"And you are?" he returned in a polite voice, trying to banish his suspicion. For all he assumed that he didn't know her, this girl did look awfully familiar somehow...
"You won't recognize me...I'm not from your world. Nor are you my England. I'm Canada. You're from America's world."
No wonder she looked so familiar. But he could hardly remember his own world's Canada, much less be expected to recognize the Canada of some other world. "Regretfully," he admitted to the mention of America with a small breath that wasn't exactly a scoff.
His face still held a note of confusion about it while he looked at her, but at least it wasn't evident suspicion anymore. "Your world-- I take that your America and...England are women as well, then?" Not that he had a problem with that, of course, but he wanted to know if it was everyone that was gender-swapped or just certain nations.
"Son-of-a OW, what the hell?!" he grumbled rubbing his shin with his good hand the other wrapped tightly in bandages and in a sling around his neck.
"Quiet down, won't you? And be more care--" As he turned to look towards what he was sure was going to quickly become a very irritating thorn in his side, his reprimand cut short at the sight of the medical supplies adorning Prussia's oh-so-awesome body.
His brows arched high over his eyes, and he closed his book, his index finger marking the page he was on. "Bloody hell, what happened to you?"
"So, when did you get here?"
Prussia will have to excuse England as he balks at that explanation, apparently too shocked to even scold him for his manner of referring to the collection of novels at his side.
"What?" Prussia may also need to wait a minute or two on the answer to his question, considering.
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Reading aloud was a case-by-case basis. A read-aloud for children was alright. Whispering to oneself was alright.
Reading what was no less than full-blown smut out loud, even in a mumble? Not alright.
He didn't even pay the voice much attention until it started to laugh, but the second he tuned in to the first sentence, he found the rest impossible to ignore. England's face flushed with color, and he closed Twelfth Night with a prominent snap, rising from his chair to step briskly over to the bookcase and glare around the other side from the end of it.
"Do you mind, miss?" he queried in a low, but still evidently irritated voice.
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He cleared his throat, doing his very best to forget exactly what he heard this woman reading. He was a gentleman, after all, even if those words were absolutely vulgar and she was French. "It's-- it's quite alright," was the reply, stumbled lightly upon when it was voiced. "Just...keep it to yourself, I suppose."
Honestly, France's people wasn't even well-written, for heaven's sake.
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