Characters: England and all you positively insufferable wonderful people!
Setting: Floor Three
Format: Starting with prose/paragraph/whatever you want to call it, but I'll match.
Summary: Apparently the Shakespeare collections he brought with him aren't enough -- actually finding the library in this godawful place was a small blessing.
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He carefully collected a few books, moving to sit on a seat, barely noticing the other in a seat nearby, carefully settling down, choosing a book from the pile, and opening it carefully, humming a little to himself.
An illusion of this awful place, maybe? The nation looked up from the volume opened in front of him--
And froze immediately.
He was dead silent as he stared at the Russian man occupying one of the other chairs, lips parted but not moving. At length, he closed his mouth, swallowed, and cleared his throat before returning his attention to the story in front of him. Maybe Russia wouldn't notice him.
"Ah. Angliya," he started, hummed a little, rubbed his thumb over the book cover, pondering for a moment. "I did not know you were being here as well. Though I am supposing it is not being very much of a surprise."
Calmly, England reviewed the passage he was on and set his book down to look back at Russia. "...I suppose it wouldn't be, no," he agreed with slight hesitation. "Though I wasn't aware that you had a love of literature yourself." Not that he didn't think Russia had the capacity for it or anything. It was just...he didn't make a habit of thinking too hard about Russia's tastes, he supposed.
Shifting through the tall shelves he plucked a book off a shelf, not noticing England nearby at one of the tables. Cracking open the spine he scanned the first few pages and managed to get lost in the small book.
Kumojiro on the other hand was bored and with the tall blond man who fed him engrossed in a boring book he settled on going over to the other soul that inhabited the library. The fat little bear waddled up to the side of England's chair and looked at him curiously before putting a paw on the arm of the chair. "Who?"
As he set the finished play aside with the rest of the volumes he had already completed, a movement in his peripheral drew his gaze down to the arm of the chair he was seated in. His brows knitted together in vague curiosity as his eyes traveled from the paw to the creature they were connected to.
A polar bear? How very strange. And it spoke, too. For some reason, the voice sounded very familiar to him. So, bizarre as it was, England offered a smile to the pudgy bear. "Well, hello there. Have you wandered away from your keeper?" He couldn't imagine an animal here by itself (those monstrosities on the forest level aside), so surely it had to be someone's companion. He couldn't quite put his finger on why he felt that he recognized this bear, though...
On the other hand, Canada was having a near heartattack now that his bear had wandered off and after a few minutes he spotted the white bear. But what he found odd was that the bear had picked out England to go to, he didn't think the bear even liked England but he never understood his little bear.
Going over he stopped just short of the table, wondering if England would even see him there or if he'd have to actually touch Kumojiro to become apparent to the Briton.
It wasn't long after that when England felt a presence, not entirely unlike that of which he usually got when ghosts were around. But, it wasn't exactly the same -- though it was disconcertingly familiar somehow nonetheless.
Suddenly, something he couldn't name seemed to click in his brain, and England turned to look in the direction of the presence that vexed him. He only put the whole puzzle in place once he actually saw Canada, but it did come together. He put on a look of polite surprise. "Good day, Canada. I do believe you've lost something of yours," greeted England lightly, gesturing in the direction of Kumajiro.
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