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Comments 21

with______teeth June 13 2005, 15:26:48 UTC
oh my god. that picture makes me cry so much.

1. i used to, because it 'relieved' pain.

2. get help. it hurts other people.


with______teeth June 13 2005, 15:28:43 UTC
p.s.. can you please put the photo behind an lj-cut? its a horrible sight and i never saw a cut.that.deep. ;; oi..


sorrryyy ... totsuki June 13 2005, 15:46:45 UTC
[it is fake btw.. :o it was off a theatrical website..]


zombie_glam June 13 2005, 18:07:52 UTC
For a fake cut, that is pretty cool, but I dont think it is healthy to really hurt ones self.


zombie_glam June 13 2005, 18:08:42 UTC
Oh and I was gonna say your Natsu icons are really cuuute. XD


totsuki June 13 2005, 19:46:17 UTC
thanks :3 <3<3


rustykeloid June 13 2005, 20:35:23 UTC
for a second I thought that pic was you and I was worried ^^;;

I hate to take a fence sitting position but the options you all gave were plausible reasons (though I don't know about the sexual one, unless they are simply masochists or into S&M).

I think physical pain helps to relieve the emotional pain. (A)
I think (B) can be tied to (A) because perhaps someone has gone through so many emotional problems that they've just started numbing themselves to everything around them.. So physical pain is perhaps a reminder that they're still here.

I also think there are few that do it for the attention - because if someone really wanted to suicide like they claim to do (not saying all wrist cutters do but there are those that claim it) they wouldn't do it by slitting their wrists, they'd do it by overdose on over the counter drugs, leave the car running in a closed garage, or jump off a building. Although you *can* die from slitting the wrists, if the cut is shallow it won't- its not a definite method, leaves room for backing out.


NOT ME!!! :o! totsuki June 13 2005, 20:45:22 UTC
very true.

I have just met/seen/heard many little girls [middle school right now] who say they are depressed.. and I quote, "Man, I'm so depressed.. I cut myself last night... I have been thinking of suicide. OMG.PLEASE DON'T TELL ANYONE!!!!!!!111one111" [yelling it down the hall]
MANY... all too many times and it , frankly, pisses me off. :l but w/e.

[and yes, i did mean S&M purposes. ... 6_6]
Also, yes A+B can be tied.. I.E. : routine things, routine life. it feels a bit fake and lifeless. [?]

Thank you for your thorough response. :]


kotsuki June 13 2005, 22:22:23 UTC
ICKY!! I'm hemophobic.. it's a good thing you made it clear that was fake or I might have fainted XDDDD

Yessssssshh.. where ARE you getting these loverly pictures of Na-chan? @.@


totsuki June 14 2005, 10:35:21 UTC
from their website :]


kotsuki June 14 2005, 10:43:55 UTC
ahh!! XDDD I suppose you can tell I haven't visited it in awhile :scitters off:

btw, girl, did you ever have an idea for the complete outfit of this picture? http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/11814891/ I saw some of that checkered fabric at JoAnn's and it totally reminded me of that picture bc I've always loved it and the clothes!! I'd so totally make that top if you finished the design :) mehh.. only JoAnn's only has it in some stiffer cotton.. hmm.. wish I could find it in tshirt knit grr.. >.>


:o totsuki June 14 2005, 14:58:13 UTC
oh that! no.. i never did, but if you want, i can work on it xD
yea.. it think it'd be awesome to see some of my stuff made... you are flattering me <3<3<3 -hugyou-


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