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totheb0ne July 25 2010, 21:49:01 UTC
"Sure! If the sun is down. It should be by now. I haven't done much work on it, though ( ... )


vavarner August 8 2010, 19:33:19 UTC
Val smiled and hugged uncle Met back.

"I'm glad you like it! It's just a little something. It's um, it's kind of like a frog - and if you set it down on something, and press on its back, it hops."

He hugged uncle Met a little tighter. "It's so nice to be here with you guys. I really like your house."


totheb0ne August 12 2010, 02:58:00 UTC
He paused a moment, trying to imagine how it'd work, then offered the box and frog to Val. "Could you show me?"

Representative figures made of folded paper were used in certain ceremonies, and abstract figures were used as holiday decorations, but there was nothing quite like oragami in Metody's sphere of influence. The closest he'd ever gotten for it was making paper balloons.

"I'm really glad you like it. I know parts of it are, uh, colorful, but as I save up money, I'm going to remake them so they're a little more livable for you guys."


vavarner August 19 2010, 00:40:43 UTC
"Sure, I can show you." Val took the little frog and set it on the brightly colored countertop. He pressed the back of the paper frog carefully - it hopped up into the air and landed a short distance away.

"See?" he said, and offered it back to Metody so he could try.

"And I don't mind the colors so much -- well, maybe the bathroom's a bit- orangey--- but most places aren't that bad. And the room you did for me and Ellis is just perfect- I love it so much."


totheb0ne August 20 2010, 14:25:57 UTC
Metody chortled with delight, then reached over to make the frog hop a few times.

"Oh, awesome! And - I'm glad you like it." He'd worked like hell on Val's room, wanting to make something nice to please him and Ellis. He tapped the frog along the counter. "I really don't like the bathroom. I think it gives me heartburn. It's on the list of things to be replaced, but oh, my God, you would not believe how expensive even used bath tubs are, and reglazing just isn't practical."

He glanced towards the door and up the stairs, wondering if they should go and rescue their darlings from each other. But - no. They were adults, they could handle conversation. And it'd do Hans some good to talk to someone who wasn't Metody or in a charity.


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