The Easter Bunny in Cardiff? 2/5 (Torchwood/Doctor Who, PG)

Apr 16, 2009 13:28


Part Two

Ianto picked up his empty cup and walked towards the kitchenette. Stifling back a yawn as he washed the cup in the sink, he realised he was tired. He had meaning to ask Jack for the morning off but it never came up, Gwen got the morning off but he never spoke up at the table.

He walked back to the tourist office and sat down. It wouldn’t be any trouble if I lay my head down for awhile he thought looking around for signs of trouble. Finding none he laid his head on the desk and closed his eyes, hoping Jack would find him and tell him to go home.

“Sorry this is Torchwood Three isn’t it?” A very enthusiastic voice called a few minutes later. Ianto snapped awake and looked up to see a man in a brown pinstripe suit and a red haired woman.

“I’m sorry I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ianto replied calmly regardless of the sight in front of him. The Doctor started to sigh.

“I’m the Doctor and this is Donna Noble, we really need to see your boss, Captain Jack Harkness,” The Doctor said angrily. Ianto picked up the phone.

“Sorry, have to be cautious,” Ianto replied as he waited for Jack to answer, “Sir, the Doctor’s here to see you....Yes I’m sure.....alright I’ll wait.” He put the phone down. “Won’t be a minute, he’s just checking the CCTV footage.”

“What for?” Donna asked curiously, “I mean what does he have to check?”

“Ah, he wants to see if there’s a blue police box on the Plass,” The Doctor replied with a grin.

“Sir...yes I’ll send them right down,” Ianto hung up the phone, “Jack will see you now,” He told them before pressing the button, “Just through there please.”

“Thanks,” The Doctor said and rushed off with Donna behind him. Ianto picked up the phone once again when the door closed behind them.

“Hi Gwen.....yeah you might want to come in,”

“Look up there Doctor,” Donna said pointing up at the ceiling. The Doctor looked up and saw what she was pointing at.

“Wow, it’s it can’t be,” The Doctor replied very impressed, “It must have come through the rift.”

“Yes it did, her name is Myfanwy.” Jack replied from the staircase, “Hello Doctor, what brings you here to Cardiff?”

The Doctor smiled before it turned into a serious frown, “I’m afraid the Easter Bunny is loose on the streets of Cardiff.”

“Please tell me you’re joking!”

ten, challenge, jack, torchwood australia, gwen, doctor who, ianto, doctor, crossover, torchwood, donna noble

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