Love Though Any Time (29/?) Torchwood NC-17

Apr 16, 2009 16:13


Chapter Twenty Eight

The next day


I followed Jack down the little side street which was full of little antique and jewellery shops. It felt very old fashioned and quite quant. A perfect place to come on a quiet Sunday afternoon with James, if he had the time of course since well he would love it. We stopped at a little shop at the end, which had an old fashioned RAF uniform in the window.

“Good morning, how can I help you...oh hello Jack,” A young woman in her twenties with short brunette hair said with a smile. She was standing behind the counter, dressed in a red dress.

“Morning Annie, is Edward in?” Jack asked with a smile.

“Yes he is,” Annie replied with a smile, “I’ll just go get him.” She said and walked towards the storage room. She appeared a few minutes later with tall man about my age with combed back brown hair and wearing a black jacket over a blue shirt and trousers. Modern day square shaped glasses sat on his face.

“Captain Emmett Kingston this is Edward Clarkson and his wife Annie,” Jack introduced with a grin, “Edward I’ve found you some help.”

A grin spread on Edward’s face, “Thank you, so Captain Kingston what era are you from?” He said looking me over. I didn’t know what to say since the question had thrown me.

“The forties,” I replied with a smile, “I served the Second World War as a pilot, and also you can just call me Emmett.”

“Oh right of course Emmett,” He replied with a grin, “My wife and I are also from the forties, we arrived through the rift from 1941, two years ago.”

“Yes I helped them set up the shop,” Jack explained, “I kept a promise that I would find them some help to lift boxes and other stuff around the shop.”

I nodded, “Of course I can do that,” I said with a smile, “Is there anything you want help with right now?”

“No, not the moment but I’ll be glad to show you around,” Edward replied and grabbed my arm, “Annie would you like to join us?”

“Sorry, I’m waiting for a customer,” Annie replied with a sweet smile, “He’s supposed to be coming in for that Benny Goodman record.”

“Ah, yes of course, Jack?”

“Sorry need to get back to the hub,” Jack replied, “Have fun, I might be back later.” He added before leaving the store.

“Alright, let’s start with around the shop;” Edward said with a smile, “This shop is home to antiques and military memorabilia from the thirties and forties....”


I loved coming to this part of Cardiff, in particular the little antique shop at the end of the small side street. It was full of stuff from the forties and it also doubled as a costume shop, as many people went there to buy uniforms for the various 40s dances. I always wanted to bring Emmett here but I’d never got the chance.

Stepping inside the shop I felt like I had gone back with time. The woman at the counter gave me a smile.

“Morning James,” She said with a smile.

“Morning Annie, I think you have something for me?” I replied with a smile. Annie Clarkson ran the shop with her husband Edward. They had slipped through the rift from 1941 two years ago. I had always come to the stop when I first moved here but didn’t find out until I started working for Torchwood.

“Yes,” She said bending down to grab a brown paper bag, “Here you go one Benny Goodman record.”

“Thanks; Emmett will be thrilled,” I said with a smile, “He’s into this sort of music.”

“Ah is Emmett a new boyfriend?” Annie asked with that sweet smile of hers. Even though she was from the forties, she didn’t care about other people’s sexuality since she saw her brother hide from society.

“Yes, Captain Emmett Kingston,” I told her, “He slipped through the rift like you did and we sort of fell in love.” I added before I saw the look on her face, “Did I say something wrong?”

“Um actually....” She began to reply before we were interrupted by a familiar English accent.

“Hello James, did Jack tell you that I was going to work here?” Emmett asked and raced over to me putting an arm around my shoulder.

“No, I came here to pick up a record,” I replied pointing to the paper bag, “Jack said he got you a job but he didn’t tell me what it was.”

Emmett smiled, “Oh but it’s good that you know about this place,” He replied and kissed me softly on the forehead, “It’s just so wonderful.”

Edward Clarkson appeared with a book in his hand, “Ah I wondered if you would be popping over,” He said with a smile, “And of course you would know Emmett,”

“Yes, of course,” I replied with a smile, “So Jack was here then?”

“Yes and you can thank him for finding us some help,” Edward replied cheerfully, “I knew he would keep his promise.”

“Well I better go,” I said looking back at Emmett, “See you tonight then?”

Emmett nodded before kissing me deeply on the lips. When we drew apart I saw Annie’s cheeks go bright red.

“You’ve kissed me in public,” I said to him.

“So, I’m not ashamed anymore,” Emmett replied with a smile, “Go before I ‘accidently’ go further.”

It was my turn to go bright red.

ww2, jack/ianto, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, martha/tom, novel sized, slash, captain emmett kingston, torchwood

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