Love Though Any Time (11/?) Torchwood NC-17

Mar 28, 2009 13:49


Chapter Ten


Gwen was sitting at her workstation looking at something was the screen. I walked up quietly and placed a mug of coffee on her desk. She looked up and smiled.

“Hello Ianto, thanks for the coffee.” She said, “I was just looking at some reports from the training exercise.”

“Looking for anything in particular?” I asked with a smile, “Like if we’ve missed anything?”

“No, I just wanted to read it again,” Gwen replied before sighing, “Poor Emmett, do you think he will be able to cope?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “It depends since it’s still early to tell.”

Gwen nodded, “I guess, he’s probably still in shock,” She pondered, “Anyway how did the shopping go?”

“Alright, he’s now got plenty of clothes and a record player,” I replied with a smile, “Though he seems to dodge around talking about men.”

“Did you end up talking about Jack?” Gwen asked. I shook my head.

“No, but he made a remark about my suit,” I said with a smirk, “Though he seemed to be ashamed when he was talking about James and how he looked good in uniform.”

“Well I wouldn’t be surprised since being gay was a crime back in 1942,” Gwen replied before looking back at the screen, “He might be attracted to James.”

“Well they were certainly dancing around each other earlier,” I mused, “Is it true that James found Emmett naked in the kitchen?”

Gwen started to laugh, “Yes, though I think James is a little embarrassed about it.” She replied, “So don’t tell him that I told you.”

“No of course not,” I said rather amused before I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I looked over and saw Emmett walking towards us, a little bit worried in the face.

“Sorry to interrupt but I can’t seem to find Jack,” He said, “He doesn’t seem to be in the firing range.”

“Well he’s not in his office I know that much,” Gwen replied with smile, “He probably went out for a bit, was there anything you wanted to talk to him about.”

“Yes but I guess it’s not that important,” He replied with a small smile, “It’s still too early to ask.”

“What did you want to ask him?” Gwen asked again in which I gave her a look.

“Oh it’s sort of personal,” Emmett replied, a little panic in his voice, “Like I said it’s not important,” He added before turning around and walking back down the stairs. I watched him leave before turning back to Gwen.

“So what was this about James and Emmett dancing around each other?” She asked with a smile.


The cog door opened and I stepped through only to bump into Emmett who was coming the other way. I suddenly found myself speechless after the conversation I had with Jack about Emmett. The guilty feelings started to surface but I found myself smiling.

“Hello, um are you coming through or?” I asked.

“Oh no, well now that you’re here,” He began with a smile, “Was Jack with you?”

“Yes he was, we were having a little talk,” I replied still smiling, “Why did you want to talk to him?”

“Yes but I don’t think it’s important,” He said rather puzzled, “Um is everything alright? It’s just you have a wonderful smile.”

“Yes everything is fine,” I said now a little red in the cheeks, “I was thinking of taking you home early so we could drop off the shopping. Maybe I could make dinner and tell you about myself.”

Emmett nodded, “Alright I’ll like that,” He said with a smile.

“Great I’ll just get my jacket,” I told him before going off towards my workstation.

Jack had sort of helped me through my problem. He had explained to me that it probably be best if we started off as friends and just let it not worry me. Love, he said, was a strange wonderful experience and I shouldn't let it get to me that Emmett was a man. I wasn’t sure if I was in love with Emmett but he certainly made me feel quite different.

So for now being friends seemed to make more sense.

ww2, jack/ianto, gwen/rhys, james/emmett, martha/tom, novel sized, slash, captain emmett kingston, torchwood

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