Different but Sane (32/33) Torchwood

Mar 13, 2009 14:35


Chapter Thirty one


James continued to struggle against me as the pain got worse. I realised now why James had yelled for my help in my head, with mind reading comes communicating telepathically. For some reason I could communicate that way and never told anyone. Instead of speaking I concentrated on James’s mind, listening on the pain that filled it until....

“It’s alright James, just concentrate on my voice.” I told him, “I will warn you that it will make you pass out but it’s better than death.”

James seemed to have listened as a few minutes later he went limp in my arms. I checked his pulse and discovered that he was still breathing. I opened my eyes and saw Dante lying on the floor, which was odd. I gently placed James on to the floor and moved towards Dante. I knelt down and checked his pulse to discover that he was dead. What had happened? I thought.

“He died because of me,” A voice croaked from the floor, I looked over to see James with his eyes open coughing. “He didn’t have much strength left when he tried to kill me.”

I was about to answer when the door sprang fully open and Ianto and Martha appeared. Martha rushed to James while Ianto looked at me with a smile.

“So is Dante dead?” Ianto asked and pointed to the body. I nodded before standing up and walked over to him. I pulled him into an embrace and held him for awhile.

“James, are you alright?” I heard Martha asked and we looked over to see James sitting up.

“Yeah, you know me always bouncing back.” James replied before Martha hugged him, “Now if you excuse me I’m just going to get a Panadol.” He added before standing up and exiting the room.


I was now clutching my head as I opened the bathroom door. I was glad that I made it out with just a headache, a few more minutes and I would have been dead. Thank god for Jack’s voice. After grabbing a tablet from the bathroom I entered the kitchen to a hug from Gwen Cooper. While in her arms I noticed Dr Worthington standing behind Gwen. He smiled.

“Ah I see you survived,” He said with a smile, “They were already on their way when we went through the file.”

“Yes, we all got worried,” Gwen confessed as she let me go, “I’m just glad everything is alright.”

“So do I,” I replied before walking over to the cupboard and taking out a glass. I went to the fridge and took out the water jug. After pouring the glass of water I put the tablet into my mouth and swallowed it with the water.

Martha appeared just as I put the glass in the sink with Ianto.

“Jack wants to talk to you,” Martha said with a smile.

I entered the bedroom to see Jack standing at the foot of the bed. He smiled but had his arms folded in front of him. I shut the door and turned to face him.

“James Elton you’re hear by reinstated in your duties at Torchwood,” Jack told me quite proudly, “Though I never knew you were Lachlan’s great-grandson,”

“Well I never knew I looked like James Worthington,” I retorted which made him smile.

“Ah Dr Worthington told you,” Jack said before looking over at Dante’s body, “Well at least that chapter is now over, still we need to know what Dante’s wife here swallowed.”

“Well Martha can do that,” I said with a smile.

“Yes she can,” Jack replied, “Now let’s go and join the others.”

“Aren’t you going to ask how I am?” I asked.

“No you left to get a Panadol, that’s good enough for me,” He replied before leaving me alone in the room. “Also you’re obligated to the graveyard shift for a week.” He called down the corridor.

I wanted to kill him.

jack/ianto, martha, jack, gwen, gwen/rhys, james, rhys, novel sized, ianto, torchwood

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