Different but Sane (26/?) Torchwood

Mar 08, 2009 14:39


Chapter Twenty Five


I picked up the phone and dialled a number I found in the top drawer of my desk. I sat there waiting until someone answered after three rings. The very British accent that answered gave me the idea that Dr Worthington was at the other end which made me relieved.

“Morning Charles, its Captain Jack Harkness.” I replied.

“Ah yes of course it is,” Charles replied, “I was just about to call you, it seems James Elton has been referred on to me.”

“What for?” I asked very surprised before I heard the phone being passed over to someone.

“For Bipolar disorder, Jack,” James’ voice replied, “He called after you left, it seems the psychologist I was seeing in London referred me to him two months ago, I didn’t know.”

“Ah ok, that’s alright,” I told him. “You’re in safe hands.”

“I know Jack,” James replied before handing the phone back to Charles.

“So you see James is going to be seeing me once a week.” Charles finished before cleaning his throat, “Also it seems he has telepathy”

I was speechless for awhile for composing myself. I sort had guessed that James would have said something especially if he was scared or wanted more information. Dr Worthington noticed the silence.

“I should explain Jack that the fainting was caused by a mass in his mind starting to unlock. The last thing he remembers is the music on his MP3 getting louder. Its quite common and well I have good news that he will be able to control it.”

“That’s great news, listen could you talk to him about the dream he had this morning?” I asked quite nicely, “It’s just he mentioned the asylum...”

“Consider it done,” Charles replied, “Um Jack, I should also tell you that the bipolar disorder won’t affect his telepathy. James is sort of worried since Thomas Mitchell suffers from it.”

“Thanks did you tell him?” I asked.

“Of course, in my experience James seems more stable than Thomas, except for the inner demons of course.”Charles replied, “Now I have an appointment to continue so...”

“Thanks again Charles,” I said before hanging up the phone. I looked up to see Ianto Jones standing at the doorway. His hands were in his pockets.

“Hello, how long have you been standing there?” I asked getting out of my seat and walking over towards the door.

“Not long,” Ianto replied, “Been watching Gwen and Martha.” He added while I wrapped my arm around his back pushing him into the room.

“Sorry I left,” I told him wrapping both my arms around him, “There really was something important I had to discuss with Dr Worthington....”

I was interrupted again by Ianto’s tongue slipping into my mouth. I closed my eyes letting him slip me away to another place. This time nothing seemed to want to interrupt this, no nagging feeling biting at me from the back of my mind. I started to gain control of the kiss before pulling back once more.

“I know somewhere we can hide for a few hours.” I told him before dragging him towards the trapdoor.

I knew I was going to be punished.

jack/ianto, martha, jack, gwen, gwen/rhys, james, rhys, novel sized, ianto, torchwood

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