Different but Sane (20/?) Torchwood

Feb 28, 2009 12:35

Chapter Nineteen


Martha was quiet on the ride home to the apartment. I didn’t blame her since I had told her about my feelings for Jack. For two months she had been worried about how Jack treated me, now I don’t know what she thought. She just sat there looking out the window while I tried to concentrate on the road in front of me. Maybe I shouldn’t have told her.

“Are you going to tell him?” Martha asked breaking the silence.

“I don’t know, I wasn’t going to since well...” I began but struggled to find the words.

“Yes he does love you James.” Martha replied knowing what I was trying to think.

“I know, that’s what I’m afraid of,” I told her as I turned the corner, “Martha to be honest I hate myself for it.”

“I should tell you that I kissed him once.” Martha said looking at me, “Only because everyone else had.”

I laughed, I actually laughed at what she said which surprised me. Maybe that’s was all I needed, someone to make me laugh.

“James I’m not mad as I know nothing will happen.” Martha assured me, “I’m just a little shocked that you told me.”

I kept silent thinking how to answer her. I had no idea myself why I had blurted it out. It had happened and I couldn’t take it back. Thoughts soon turned to the investigation and how Thomas had gone off to look up the asylum. What was the asylum and what was the real reason behind the disappearances? I knew I wasn’t supposed to think about this but it kept my mind off Jack.

“Martha, Thomas called me earlier.” I confessed to her, “That was why I was at the pier.”

Martha nodded, “I thought I saw him, did he apologise?”

“Well yes but he told me that Jack was somehow responsible for me fainting in the street.” I replied as I stopped at a red light. “For some reason I was calling out for help.”

“Wait, that’s probably why Jack was scared,” Martha exclaimed rather excitedly, “You probably were calling for help in his mind.”

“But how did I do that Martha?” I asked, now getting quite worried, “and more importantly how did Thomas find out.”

“Well Jack said Thomas was a mind reader,” Martha pointed out, “After we took you back to the hub.”

I smiled, “So Thomas read Jack’s mind and heard my voice calling out for Jack’s help.”

“Huh, why Jack’s help?”

“I don’t know.” I replied, “I honestly don’t know but the best bit is Thomas is going to find information about the asylum.”

“Jack is going to kill you.”

“I know but honestly I don’t give a fuck.”


I unlocked the door of James’ flat and walked straight to the kitchen. I took out two mugs, two tea bags and started to boil the kettle. I was here to talk to James, to see how he was going as I had been worried about him. Ianto had finally told me tonight to confront him since he was worried about how I had been acting in the hub. He never liked to see me silent for huge lengths of time.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by footsteps stepping into the kitchen.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

jack/ianto, martha, jack, gwen/rhys, james, novel sized, ianto, torchwood, gwen. rhys

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