Ponies and Flowers (Jack/Ianto, NC-17)

Jan 29, 2010 23:13


It was just a ring, a silver band used to symbolise eternal love at a wedding, a harmless object but one causing me to hide down in the archives like a child in the Blitz. No thought was safe at the moment, especially the emotional and sexy (actually make that sexual) thoughts. At first it appeared to be a gift, a blessing perhaps but now it was just a burden I wanted to run away from. I wanted to protect my privacy.

“Ianto, are you down here?”

I pushed my knees closer to myself and closed my eyes. Maybe Lady GaGa or even Mumford & Sons would help me to calm down. Giving the ring to Jack was a mistake. I really fucked it up this time, Didn’t I, my dear?

“Who are you calling dear?”

A smirk filled my lips, “Oh, don’t you like your pet name?”

“Can we talk?” Jack asked and I felt him grab my jaw.

“What am I thinking Jack?” I taunted playfully. His grip tightened around my jaw.

“Now you’re just taking the piss,” He snapped and stood up, “I’m being serious, Ianto.” I started to laugh.

“It’s what you want, don’t you?” I teased, “For me to scream while you thrust yourself inside,” I went on before Jack could answer, “It’s been on my mind all day.”

“Stop it, Ianto!”

“Then get out of my head!” I yelled and stood up with both fists tightened, “Seriously I’m warning you.”

Jack smiled and grabbed my jaw, “Oh Ianto, you have such a vivid imagination,” the grip tightened, “please show me what I want to see.”

He let go of my jaw and I immediately knew not to give him the satisfaction. For the first time lemon and cinnamon hit my nostrils, an odd mix which I couldn’t escape from. I wanted to run for it but where would I go? Then again if Gwen was still in the hub, things would be normal for awhile. A chill ran down my spine.

“Oh, that’s it,” Jack said as I slowly unzipped my trousers, “That’s a good boy.”

You need to get out.

I knew that but it was too late since I was now against the wall, with my trousers now around my ankles and Jack’s hand now firmly around my cock. With each stroke, shivers followed. I was close to screaming, tears began to fall. My heart was pumping furiously. Finding the ring during a drunken stroll had caused too many problems, if only I had kept the ring to myself. No I had seen it as a token to show my love for him.

A shiver ran down my spine as Jack started to slide a finger in and out. There was no way I was going to give him the satisfaction. I could feel his breath against my neck.

What the hell am I doing here? I don’t belong here.

“You’re quoting Radiohead! How classy!” Jack laughed as he began to thrust.

“Yeah, you should hear what I’m trying to think,” I replied through gritted teeth, “Maybe I want to talk after all.”

“What are you really thinking, Ianto?”

I didn’t reply but just closed my eyes. This wasn’t the time or the place to reveal it, especially since right now I really wanted to kill him.

“Oh come on Ianto, you can let me,” Jack taunted, “Whatever it is I can take it.”

I love you.

“I already know.”

nc-17, jack/ianto, jack, porn, ianto, telepathy., fic, torchwood

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