Drabble: Jealousy (Torchwood, Jack/OC, PG-13)

Dec 05, 2009 22:33

Jack wrapped his arms around Pierre’s waist and kissed him softly on the neck. On the table lay various photos of girls sitting or standing next to typewriters. Many of them either showing a bit of stocking or completely naked.

“I’m so jealous of you,” Jack admitted.

“It’s not like I sleep with them,” Pierre said with a smile.

‘No but you get to be in their presence.”

Pierre turned around and kissed Jack on the lips. The kiss was long and passionate, surprising Jack a little.

“Come by the studio sometime,” Pierre replied, “The girls will definitely love you.”

oc, jack, consci-fan-mo, jack/oc, drabble, day 5, torchwood

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