With the Oscar nominations released yesterday, I figured it was about time that I make my Top 10 Film List for the year. This is the first year I've ever attempted to do this. And, surprisingly, I actually saw enough films this year to put 10 on a list. Due to my extremes in taste, my list is quite ecclectic. Enter at your own risk...
10. Paradise Now
I went into this movie totally blind. I had just taken a shower, Mr. Spice called and said, "want to see Paradise Now?" and I said okay. Several hours later I left the theater speechless, having just witnessed a truly heartwrenching piece of cinema. It's slow beginning pace is completely looked past as layer upon layer of the story unfold before you. I never, ever thought it would be possible to feel any sort of emotional connection with a suicide bomber, but this film managed it beautifully.
9. The Chronicles of Narnia
This one is a shout-out to my childhood. It made me feel now what I felt then and for that, I love it. Sure, the special effects get a lot of shit, but for me what was most important was that they get Aslan right. And in my eyes, they did. Mr. Tumus was almost too creepy for me though.
8. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Hands down my favorite of the Harry Potter films thus far. Deliciously angsty. And I want to be in a Weasley Twin sandwich.
7. King Kong
Another case where Andy Serkis was horribly robbed of an Oscar nom because his character wasn't considered an "actor". The highlight for me in this film was Colin Hanks. Every moment he was on screen, I was interested and every moment he was off screen I was worried he was dead. And dinoavalanches are so cool.
6. Serenity
What can I say...I love me some Joss. Even when he rips out my heart through my nostrils. Why'd you have to make him a leaf on the wind Joss, why!?
5. The Aristocrats
I love dirty jokes. The dirtier the better. So how could I not adore this movie? Plus, I've got me a lady crush on Sarah Silverman that knows no bounds. And I know many a lady who feels the same.
4. The Squid and the Whale
Another film I went into totally blind. Ever actor in this film brought their A game. They were complex and emotional and the dynamics between the family members were truly a sight to behold. This movie made me inexplicitly sad. And I think that's what makes it wonderful.
3. The 40 Year-Old Virgin
Judd Apatow.
We all know how I feel about him. 2. Munich
Not my favorite Steven Spielberg film ever (that would be Saving Private Ryan, in case you were wondering) but still haunting and lovely. Another case where I was able to make emotional connections with characters with questionable morals (this time assassins). The range of emotions this film brought out in me was staggering. The final sex scenes neccessity to the film is questionable, but really, it's a minor complaint in an overall brilliant film.
1. Brokeback Mountain
Not only my favorite film of the year but probably in my top 5 of all time. One of the most poignant love stories I've ever seen portrayed on the big screen. It also helps that I adore Westerns, especially Westerns that involve the work of Larry McMurtry. I think he singlehandly is keeping alive an era of history we should never, ever let go of. And that includes the part where two cowboys can truly, deeply, madly love one another. Bravo to everyone involved in this, right down to the sheep wranglers.