[Fic] Scarier Than the Undertaker (for kashewmoo)

Dec 16, 2010 14:35

Title: Scarier Than the Undertaker
Author: illuminations
Recipient: kashewmoo
Pairing: Sanada/Yukimura
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometimes, Yanagi's best friends make his life miserable.
Notes: To anon, I didn't realize how out of shape I was with writing PoT until I actually started on this, so I hope you like it! Or at the very least, I hope it amuses you. :)

Scarier Than the Undertaker )

school:rikkai, *fic, round:2010, character:sanada genichirou, character:yanagi renji, pairing:sanada/yukimura, character:yukimura seiichi

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Comments 16

link621 December 16 2010, 14:47:11 UTC
I just have this feeling like Celine Dion just isn't going to work... ;)

Very entertaining - thanks for sharing. ♥


gottis_chan December 16 2010, 14:58:31 UTC
I sat with a stupid grin on my face the entire time I read this. XDD Lovely~ (And oh god Inui)

Thanks for sharing! ^^


ms_worplesdon December 16 2010, 15:43:07 UTC
This was hysterical! I loved how admittedly awkward Sanada and Yukimura were and Inui trying to woo Fuji was AWESOME. I think the speedos would work, personally.


ketchupblood December 16 2010, 16:06:08 UTC
I was bursting out laughing throughout this. I've never actually liked Yanagi much, but I think you've totally changed my mind about him. Really amazing fic, thank you!


willowscry December 16 2010, 17:09:01 UTC
I was laughing so hard I cried a little. This was..just made of win. Inui and his Speedos, enlisting other Rikkai members (other than Renji) to help with his matchmaking of Sanada and Yukimura...This was just win on so many levles.


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