[Fic] Scarier Than the Undertaker (for kashewmoo)

Dec 16, 2010 14:35

Title: Scarier Than the Undertaker
Author: illuminations
Recipient: kashewmoo
Pairing: Sanada/Yukimura
Rating: PG
Summary: Sometimes, Yanagi's best friends make his life miserable.
Notes: To anon, I didn't realize how out of shape I was with writing PoT until I actually started on this, so I hope you like it! Or at the very least, I hope it amuses you. :)

It was just past two in the morning when Yanagi was woken up by the beeping that told him he had a new text message, then a different beep to say he had new email. Finally, his phone started to vibrate, the ringtone he assigned Inui playing too happily for it being the middle of the night. Not that hearing this particular melody during any time of the day was reassuring for Yanagi.

He picked up right before the call went to voicemail. "I am confident you are aware of the time, Sadaharu?"

"Yes. It is 2:07 Japan Standard Time, 18:07 Coordinated Universal Time." There was a pause. "How is this relevant?"

"It has been precisely 3 hours and 43 minutes since our last conversation," Yanagi said, crawling under the covers again. He had gotten to a point where he was able to simultaneously sleep and predict the things Inui would say before responding accordingly with generic statements such as Yes, Sadaharu, of course Fuji likes you or No, Sadaharu, please purchase speedos on your own time. "I have not changed my mind."

"I - I am no longer interested in that topic, of course." Yanagi smiled; it was so cute when Inui tried to lie to him. "You have no faith in me, Renji. I simply wished to consult you on a personal matter."

Yanagi wedged the phone between his ear and the pillow and hummed thoughtfully. "Is this the personal matter that involves Fuji or the one where you inquire for the 37th time if you may assist in the matchmaking of Yukimura and Sanada while desperately pretending you do not want to?"

"You morally wound me. Also, you are mean."

"Good night-"

"But about Fuji-

"Good night, Sadaharu. I will be blocking your number for the next 24 hours."

He hung up before Inui could mention the speedos.


Yanagi never showed up to school more than five minutes early. Sometimes he slid into his seat right as the morning bell rung, which always made Sanada grunt disapprovingly in the next desk over. And sometimes even Niou was there before him, making for two disgruntled teammates.

Today, he arrived before Niou and to a Sanada that looked more anxious than judgmental.

"Have you spoken with Niou or Yagyuu lately?" Sanada said, leaning into Yanagi's personal space before he's even put his book bag on the floor.

"Yagyuu confided in me his concern for how unruly Niou's hair is becoming," Yanagi said. It was true, Yagyuu had been threatening to chop off Niou's hair because of how long and extra unattractive it was getting, but Yanagi often just liked to play dumb around Sanada because Sanada never caught on.

"No," Sanada said. Their teacher walked in then, causing Sanada's cheeks to turn pink. "About me," he continued gruffly, his words sounding like they had to be punched out of his mouth. "… And Yukimura."

There was a thing between Sanada and Yukimura that had been brewing for years, ever since they all joined the Rikkai team in middle school, Yanagi would estimate. Of course, he had noticed it first, but now it had grown out of control. A few months ago, Akaya had pulled him aside and asked if he "felt like puking every time Buchou and Sanada were around too." Naturally, he had answered yes.

"Did something happen between you and Seiichi?" Yanagi said, calmly taking his books and pens out. School regulations cited that only pencils may be used to complete coursework, but he found that correcting teachers in front of the class offered one a multitude of freedoms. The second hand on the clock jerked unrelentingly toward the 12. Brevity was certainly not a problem for Sanada, but when he had to speak of private matters, Yanagi always wished he had a cup of tea or five. "You can write me a note about it."

"In class?" Sanada said, looking mildly offended.

"Do you know how to fold them into little envelopes?" Yanagi said, right as the bell rang. "I enjoy those best."

The flush in Sanada's cheeks deepened and without a chance to argue back, he opened to a blank page and started writing. Yanagi smiled and began jotting down the golden ratio from memory.

Ten minutes later, a wad of paper that did not resemble anything like an envelope was shoved onto his desk. At the same time, Sanada coughed loudly.

We were practicing at the street courts. It was normal until these pink lights came on from the bushes. And love songs Celine Di music too. I know I saw Niou's hair. Maybe it was Yagyuu.

But it was highly distracting and I find it unacceptable that some individuals on our team are playing pranks when they should be working hard for regionals. I expect that you agree with me and think this tomfoolery should cease.

He scribbled I shall investigate at the bottom and tossed the note back, nearly giving Sanada a heart attack.


Lunch was usually the first time Yanagi saw Yukimura during the day. It was nice because as soon as Yanagi sat down with his food, Yukimura would launch into a rant about how useless classes were and how his time would be better spent practicing tennis.

But today was a little different.

"Marui is a little shit," Yukimura said, stealing Yanagi's strawberry bread from him by stabbing it with a chopstick. "I should kick him off the team."

Yanagi swiped Yukimura's box of Pocky in retaliation. "May I ask why you have come to such a harsh conclusion?"

"I told you. It's because he's a little sh-"

"The reason why he is a little shit, Seiichi," Yanagi said, munching on a Pocky stick.

"Sanada and I were practicing at the street courts yesterday," Yukimura said, stabbing an octo-sausage this time, "and I was winning, about to take the set, and suddenly these disgusting disco lights come on and nauseating music starts to play - I think it was Celine Dion, how offensive, really - and I lost a point, Renji!"

Yanagi waited for Yukimura to bite the octopus's head off before speaking. "Yes, quite offensive."

"You are not taking this seriously."

"I am taking it as seriously as Genichirou takes life seriously."

Huffing in annoyance, Yukimura grabbed for the Pocky, but Yanagi held it above his head. "Give me back my Pocky, you horrible best friend. I'll kick you off the team too!"

"You cannot take regionals much less nationals without me," Yanagi said, taking one more stick before giving the box back. "You cannot win without Marui either. Or Jackal or Niou or Yagyuu."

Yukimura glared at him, but his ability to be extremely intimidating was never as effective off the court. "You should just say whatever you're all implying."

This was new. Yanagi sat up straighter, studying Yukimura for a moment. With Niou and Marui around, there was never a shortage of innuendo to be heard. Over the years, plenty of comments had been made about Yukimura and Sanada, anything but outright saying they should just date already. But neither of the two ever acknowledged any of it, at least not until now. He touched the tips of his chopsticks to his lips. "Does this mean you're aware of what you're asking?"

"Of course," Yukimura said immediately.

"All right." Yanagi took a deep breath and thought about how after this, he would never have to be caught in the middle of sneaky googly eyes exchanges again. "On behalf of the team, I strongly recommend you and Sanada begin a relationship and perhaps resolve the sexual tension that has been building up for the past two years."

Silence was not one of the top responses Yanagi was expecting, but neither did he have sufficient data to determine that it was abnormal.

"… Excuse me?"

It occurred to him then that what he thought Yukimura was asking and what Yukimura had actually meant were two different things. He had just inadvertently made his life very problematic.


"Yanagi-senpai!" Yanagi slowed down a bit to let Akaya catch up to him. He could tell Akaya was trying very hard not to laugh at him. "What'dya do to make buchou give you even more laps than me?"

"Regionals are a month away," Yanagi said. He could feel a bead of sweat run down his face. It made his skin itch, but he refused to wipe it away. "We all need to increase our training."

"Yeah, but you're not doing laps to train, senpai. You're doing them 'cause you have to."

They jogged past where Yukimura was standing. Yanagi kept his head down while Akaya burst out in laughter. "Did you have something to discuss with me, Akaya?" he said, letting himself sound only mildly irritated.

"Oh. Yeah." Akaya spun around and started jogging backwards, probably just to annoy Yanagi further. "The loser nerd from Seigaku keeps calling me, something about phase two of mission confession session. Doesn't even make sense. Anyway, can you tell him to knock it off? I would, but buchou looks cranky today so I don't wanna get into trouble."

Yanagi stopped running and Akaya stumbled a little to do the same. "You are sure it is the loser nerd?"

"Yeah, you know." Akaya made half-rectangles with his thumb and forefinger and held them up to his eyes. "That guy. The one you ditched when you moved. Come on, senpai!"

A few courts over, Yukimura yelled at him to do 50 more laps for stopping, but Yanagi ignored him. "Excuse me, Akaya," he said, turning to head toward the club house. "I have something to attend to."

"Akaya! 50 more for you too!"

"Aw, maaan."


The phone rang nearly four times before Inui picked up on the other end.

"Renji," Inui said, sounding not at all surprised. "It has not been 24 hours yet. Are you calling during practice? How rebellious of you."

"You are conspiring with my team behind my back."

"I am not following."

"Pink disco lights, Sadaharu?" Yanagi said. "Celine Dion?"

"Ah, I see. I do not understand why you are more upset about this than when I beat your tetris score," Inui said. "The attempt was not successful. From what I observed, there was an 100% chance Yukimura was furious that his game was disrupted and 95% chance that Sanada was suffering from constipation." There was the sound of pages being flipped in a notebook. "Lemon ginger tea was very effective for Momoshiro, Renji, if Sanada would like some reli-"

"Sadaharu." Yanagi pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Tezuka says I am making the team uncomfortable with my attempts to woo Fuji."

That explained so much that Yanagi suddenly just felt sorry for him. "I may have told Seiichi earlier that the team would be grateful if he and Sanada would just-"

"-Fornicate," Inui finished for him. Yanagi listened to the faint scratch of pencil on paper. "99% chance he did not appreciate your comments and subjected you to extra laps."

Yanagi felt the corner of his mouth twitch. "Where are you?"

Slight hesitation from Inui. "At this very moment?"


"Seigaku tennis courts."

"I do not believe you."

"At home recovering from the flu."

Yanagi exited the club house and walked around to the back toward a lanky figure crouched near the bushes. "Are you feeling better?" he said once he was standing right behind Inui.

Inui stood up slowly and cleared his throat. "Ah. Hello, Renji."


"Why is he here?"

Yanagi smiled and dug his nails into Inui's arm. "I thought you would appreciate meeting the person responsible for your interesting game last night."

Behind Yukimura, Sanada turned a deep shade of red. "Renji is using me as a scapegoat so that you will forget the remarks he made earlier," Inui said. He smiled smugly. "You remember, the recommendation that you fornicate."

"What is fornicate?" Sanada said.

"Oi, what's this?" Niou's face popped up over Yanagi's shoulder. His mole was on the wrong side. "Oh, this guy. Hey, your plan sucked last night."

"Fornication is consensual sexual relations between unmarried persons."

"Hey, Yagyuu, do you want to go make out to Celine Dion?"

"Sanada, would you be interested in trying some lemon ginger tea for your constipation? I told Renji it was very effective for Momoshiro and I believe it would really be of help to you."

"I want everyone to run 1000 laps right now!" Yukimura snapped. He pointed at Inui. "1500 for you."

Inui frowned at Yanagi. "I do not understand his sense of humor."

Yanagi felt a headache coming on. "Go home, Sadaharu," he said, pushing Inui toward the exit. "I will take care of this." Although, truthfully speaking, he felt more like the one that should be going home. He could sleep until he was needed at regionals.

He dragged Yukimura away from the others. "You look like a sulking child." He made Yukimura sit on a bench and refrained from sighing when Yukimura slid over to the furthest end. "You are a sulking child."

"I hate you."

"Because I say things that are true?" Yukimura kept silent. "Sometimes when I am reporting on the status of the team, you two make the most disgusting heart eyes at each other. I do not understand how you've stayed so oblivious."

"I do not make disgusting heart eyes, Renji."

"Even Akaya has noticed."

Yukimura let out a frustrated groan. "Genichirou is awkward," he said. "And so am I."

"Be awkward together," Yanagi said, sitting down next to Yukimura. "Allow me the luxury of being able to tell you to get a room rather than be forced to suffer."

Yukimura elbowed him sharply in the ribs. "You are not doing this at all for the sake of my and Genichirou's best interests."

Yanagi rubbed his side gingerly, thinking about the bruise that would be there the next morning. "You two are my best friends," he said. "Genichirou wants to decapitate me for sitting so close to you right now."

Finally, Yukimura smiled. "You cannot get jealous."

"I would rather help Sadaharu buy speedos."


As predicted, practice was not less strenuous because Yukimura and Sanada stole away during drills to engage in heavy petting. In fact, laps and drills were increased so that they had more time to themselves. No one appreciated Yanagi's efforts after the fact, but he was no longer subjected to lovesick expressions which was all he wanted.

Yanagi tucked his racket into his locker, ignoring the sounds coming from the single running shower around the corner, and checked his text messages. In fact, only one person still had faith in his matchmaking abilities.

Renji, do you think Fuji likes me?

I think he will if you serenade him with the Titanic song, Sadaharu.

school:rikkai, *fic, round:2010, character:sanada genichirou, character:yanagi renji, pairing:sanada/yukimura, character:yukimura seiichi

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