[Fic] White Knight. (for aunt_agatha)

Dec 17, 2010 13:01

Title: White Knight.
Author: anonymous
Recipient: aunt_agatha
Pairings/Characters: Kabaji Munehiro x Atobe Keigo- members of Hyotei.
Rating: R
Summary: Sometimes you really can't see what's right in front of you.
Warnings: Sex.
Notes: Oh darling, I really hope this lives up to your standards. I was extremely excited to get your request, and I gave it my best shot. I hope you like it.

Atobe watched as practice disintegrated into a free for all. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he forced back a sigh of irritation. Everyone was wound too tight- the pressure as students with upcoming exams and overloaded homework, combined with the added pressure of the impending district tournament had taken it’s toll. Gakuto and Shishido were in the middle court engaging in a full on shouting match. Ohtori looked like he was trying to break it up, while Oshitari was gleefully encouraging it.

Before he could yell at them to start running laps, the clouds opened, fat raindrops falling to the ground. It had been overcast and gloomy all day, Atobe had kept practice on the agenda hoping that it would hold off until they were done. “Clean up and head in.” Atobe called, the wind picking up as everyone scrambled to take down the nets and pick up balls.

The locker room was even more riotous than the courts. Wet clothes were flung in all directions, muddle puddles making the tiled floor dangerously slick. Shishido chased an equal naked Gakuto into the showers, Ohtori's protests falling deaf ears. Atobe ignored it, and the subsequent death threats as they apparently argued over a shower stall. He slipped in one of the puddles, trying to regain his balance when he started to fall. Atobe grunted as his back hit something soft, glancing down to see an arm around his waist.

"Thank you, Kabaji." The solid warmth at his back could only belong to one other person. Atobe steadied himself standing properly. Kabaji let go of him, and continued on his way to the showers. As he passed, their arms brushed, Atobe starting at the sensations that shot through him. He rubbed at his arm, attention drawn to the broad stretch of Kabaji's shoulders and the long line of the other boy's back. Atobe shook his head in an attempt to clear it, gathered his belongings and went to shower.

When he got out of the showers, the locker room was empty, save for Kabaji who was waiting for him. Atobe got dressed, fingers fumbling as he buttoned his shirt. He watched the other boy- Kabaji lost in a book. Atobe grinned, recognizing the paperback. It was one that he had given Kabaji when Atobe had returned from a trip before entering high school. Kabaji hadn't been able to go because of exams, and as a result the trip hadn't been nearly as fun.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Atobe fought with his tie, scowling at his reflection in the mirror. Settling on a sloppy knot, he turned to find Kabaji holding both their bags, the book tucked away.

"I can." The barest of smiles, and a nod. "I can't stay long after that."


"I have to finish a paper." Kabaji fell into step next to him, Atobe grimacing when they stepped outside. The storm hadn't let up, if anything had gotten worse. The dashed for the car which was waiting by the main gates.

"We'll just have to watch movies another night." Atobe glanced at the other boy, feeling slightly disappointed. Since they were much younger it had turned into a tradition to spend Friday afternoons and the weekends together. Most Fridays they watched movies until simply falling asleep. It had lasted the move to Japan and throughout middle school. However, with the work load of high school, it was a rare occurrence. Kabaji nodded, the silence between them comfortable.

Staff put away their wet coats and bags once they got to the house, Atobe heading up to the study. Kabaji followed close behind him, settling onto an overstuffed armchair. Atobe pulled the standing chess board over, quickly setting it up. They managed to play a few games before being called to dinner. As they ate, Atobe mulled over the most recent board, unsure of how he was going to turn the game in his favor. Kabaji had beaten him the past three games, and it was looking like he was going to take a fourth.

After dinner however, Kabaji retrieved his bags, and phoned his mother letting her know he was coming home. Atobe saw him to the door, reaching for the other boy's hand. "Are you sure you can't finish the game?" He was surprised at the way Kabaji's hand dwarfed his own. Kabaji gently pulled his hand away, looking as disappointed as Atobe felt.

"Next week I don't have any big projects. " Kabaji smiled at him, Atobe feeling his cheeks flush. He looked away, concerned with how fast his heart was pounding in his chest. Atobe watched as Kabaji got into the car waiting for him and left. He went back to the study, sitting in Kabaji's chair, studying the board. He could see the game playing out to Kabaji's favor with no possible way for him to win. Atobe picked up one of the black pawns, rolling it in his hand.

Atobe stayed there still studying the board until the fire burned down to nothing. One of the maids had come in, shutting the curtains and turning on a few of the area lamps. When the clock chimed midnight, the chessboard was unrecognizable- pieces missing, and still not in Atobe's favor. Sweeping the pieces into their container, Atobe cast one look back at the chessboard before going to bed.

The weekend passed without any real excitement. During morning practice on Monday, Atobe felt jittery and on edge. His attention was drawn to Kabaji watching as the younger boy went through drills with Hiyoshi. He had walked away from the courts after winning his practice match, observing the team from the bleachers. He barely looked up when Oshitari sat next to him.

"I've heard it works better if you talk to the object of your affection, rather than just staring at them." Oshitari sounded winded. Atobe looked at him sidelong.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I've seen the way you look at him." Oshitari shrugged, picking at his shorts. "You guys spend a lot of time together." Another drawn out pause, the other boy's voice going quieter. "I don't think anyone would really care." He nudged Atobe with his elbow.

"Shut up." Atobe muttered, getting off the bleachers and stalking back down to the courts to correct an underclassman's swing.

The week progressed as usual, though Atobe felt more short tempered. Friday practice was light- Atobe's attention still being drawn to Kabaji. The locker room was loud and raucous, most of the team chattering about plans for the weekend. Kabaji was waiting for him when Atobe got out of the shower. He got dressed, and they left, Kabaji easily falling into step next to him. It was habit, routine- and made something inside of him extraordinarily happy.

On the way home they talked, Atobe comforted by the deep, calm voice of the other boy. Class work had been intense for Kabaji the last few weeks. Atobe felt a pang of guilt when that was mentioned. They got to the house, both boys heading up to Atobe's bedroom. Atobe stretched out on the bed, getting comfortable as Kabaji put on a dvd.

Atobe moved closer to the other boy, their bodies touching. The movie was mildly interested, though he kept sneaking looks over at Kabaji. Halfway through the first movie, he inched his hand closer to the other boy, fingers brushing along Kabaji's side. Atobe kept the touch feather light, brushing along Kabaji's body. Kabaji's hand closed around Atobe's wrist, stopping further exploration. The unexpected contact brought with it something new, Atobe making a soft sound when Kabaji kissed him. Absolute need slammed through him, and he moved closer to Kabaji, not breaking their kiss.

Kabaji shifted, nudging Atobe flat onto his back. Atobe groaned, Kabaji's weight settling over him. The kiss deepened, Kabaji's hands getting into Atobe's hair. Atobe fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, getting it undone, before trying to get Kabaji's undone. Frustrated with the fact that he couldn't unbutton it, he tugged harshly, hearing the buttons pop off and fly in different directions. Kabaji's kisses moved to his neck, Atobe's hands smoothing over the boy's broad chest.

The movie abandoned for more enjoyable activities, Atobe continued to touch the other boy. His hands moved down Kabaji's torso, hesitantly brushing lower. Atobe groped lightly at the other boy through his pants. Kabaji's moan vibrated against his skin, hips pushing into Atobe's hand. They both struggled with clothing, seams protesting under over eager hands- pants and shirts flung away from the bed. Kabaji pulled away long enough to grab a bottle of lotion off of the bedside table.
Kabaji's hand was slick with lotion when he touched Atobe again. His hand curled around Atobe's erection, stroking slowly. Atobe groaned, back arching slightly, hips moving into Kabaji's hand. More kisses came, Atobe left breathless and sagging against the mattress. Kabaji's hands moved lower, one knee nudging Atobe's legs apart.

Atobe jerked slightly at the touch. The lotion was cold, slowly warming as Kabaji continued to touch him. Atobe tipped his head back, lips parted, hands clutching at the sheets. He couldn’t stop the small sounds that came from him. Atobe's body tensing when Kabaji's finger teased just inside of him. It was different, Atobe groaning as he body responded, stretching as Kabaji continued to tease him. He relinquished the sheets, flexing his hands. Atobe reached out, hands sliding over Kabaji's shoulders, clutching at the other boy's back. Another finger was added, the agonizingly slow pace of both digits sliding in and out of him caused Atobe to roll his hips back.

"More?" Kabaji's voice was rough, the deep timbre resonated through Atobe. There was slight pressure, a third finger pushing into him. Atobe's hands spasmed against Kabaji's shoulders, nails digging in slightly. He nodded, feeling his body relax further. "Atobe?"

"It's fine." Atobe was surprised his voice sounded normal. It had started to feel good, really good, and the concern in Kabaji's voice made him flush. "I want a kiss."

The bed shifted, Kabaji bracing over him. Atobe groaned, the sound muffled against Kabaji's lips. The kiss was needy and almost desperate. Atobe shifted under Kabaji, his legs spreading more for the other boy. The fingers moving inside of him quickened, Atobe breaking the kiss as his back arched, crying out. Intense pleasure washed over him, Kabaji's touches quickly overwhelming him. He squirmed under the other boy, hands clutching at Kabaji's biceps.

"Enough!" Wide eyed, his breath hitched in his chest when he really looked at Kabaji. The other boy was flushed, lips swollen from their kisses. Atobe groaned softly, Kabaji easing his fingers from his body. His hands trembled as they moved across Kabaji's arms, and across his chest. Atobe's fingers teased over the boy's torso tracing along lean muscles. He could feel the press of Kabaji's erection against his hip. Atobe swallowed nervously, his hand sliding between them. Curious, he touched, fingers teasing over the head of Kabaji's cock, slick and hot.

Kabaji shook above him, soft needy sounds coming from the other boy. Atobe stroked at him, a thrill moving through him when Kabaji's hips jerked, thrusting into his hand. His grip tightened, increasing friction as Atobe stroked. "Do you want to have me?" Now, his voice trembled, Atobe grit his teeth and dropping his gaze.

"Yes, Atobe."

"Do it." Atobe arched his hips off the bed. He was hard, cock straining, his stomach sticky and slick with need. "Please." He rubbed against the other boy, groaning. The friction felt good, and he wanted more.

Kabaji gripped his hips, lifting them off the bed. Atobe watched, fascinated as the other boy coated his length with lotion. Slowly, Kabaji entered him. Atobe clawed at the blankets, body arching against the bed, crying out again. The pleasure pain mix was new to him, Atobe's breath came in great shuddering gasps. Kabaji had stopped, warm soothing over Atobe as the other boy's hands moved over his body. Kabaji kissed at his jaw before pressing a small kiss to Atobe's mouth.

The small touches and kisses distracted Atobe from the feeling of being filled, and stretched further. He came down, returning the touches, hands petting at Kabaji's chest. "I'm okay." Cautiously, he rolled his hips against Kabaji's. He bit his lower lip to keep quiet, repeating the motion. After a few minutes, Kabaji thrust into him, meeting Atobe's movements. Pleasure coursed through him, Atobe closing his eyes, and wrapping his arms around the other boy's shoulders. He held Kabaji close, the pace slow and easy.

Tipping his head back, Atobe tugged Kabaji in for another kiss. His skin was oversensitive, each gentle touch from the other boy sent sparks through his body. Atobe could feel Kabaji shake under his touches, loving the way the other boy responded to him. He gasped, Kabaji thrusting into him faster, more of the other boy's weight behind each movement. Atobe rocked back meeting the thrusts, mouth smearing over the boy's jaw. His hands tightened their grip on Kabaji's shoulders. Atobe shuddered, Kabaji brushing fingers over his erection, teasing him again. It didn't take long for Atobe to come, clutching at Kabaji. Atobe collapsed against the bed, groaning as Kabaji continued to thrust into him. Kabaji came soon after, carefully cradling Atobe to him.

Thoroughly spent, Atobe could only pet Kabaji's hair when the other boy curled up next to him. His body ached, limbs heavy, the sheets soaked with sweat and other fluids. Kabaji moved closer to him, one arm sliding low on Atobe's hips, pulling him flush against the larger boy.

"You're staying tonight." Atobe murmured, sleep calling to him. He closed his eyes, burrowing against the warmth at his back.

"I'm always here for you, Atobe."

*fic, round:2010, pairing:kabaji/atobe, character:atobe keigo, character:kabaji munehiro, school:hyoutei

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