Armistice [Masterpost]

Aug 29, 2011 08:54

Title: Armistice
Summary: Kurt and Blaine were together in every sense of the word. They were one another's first kiss, first boyfriend, first love, but it didn't come without problems. Kurt Hummel is the son of a hunter - a man who spends his life tracking and killing anything supernatural and bad, from ghosts to demons, to werewolves, wendigo and even vampires. It's a hard life, lived on the road with little money and a lot of danger. Kurt, too, was raised a hunter, and when they were old enough, Blaine made the decision to join the ranks so that he could be with his love full time. Years on, that's all changed, and they are separate men, reduced to friends, but when Kurt vanishes, Blaine knows he's the only person who can find him and bring him back - because it's that or Blaine won't be coming back either. A "Supernatural" AU, told in pieces that alternate between the present day and flashes of the past.

Author: tooursavior
Beta: pandoras5thbox
Artist: evinyakwende
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst, horror, language, (sometimes graphic) descriptions of violence, brief non-graphic sex, non-graphic torture, brief implied dub-con (demonic possession).
Word count: Roughly 40,000.

part one . part two . part three
part four . part five . part six
part seven . part eight . part nine

Author's note: If you're concerned about not knowing enough of "Supernatural" to read this, don't fear - as it isn't a direct crossover, I've provided as much explanation as possible in the story to ensure that anybody who hasn't even the tiniest bit of knowledge can read it. There is only one directly crossing over character - Castiel, the angel. Anyway, this is far as you need to read if you're concerned about that, but read on for tl;dr notes and also at the bottom the thank-yous (:

As a "Supernatural" AU however, it is worth noting that several events and items have crossed over from that universe. The real star of the show itself, the '67 Chevrolet Impala, becomes the vehicle of choice for Kurt and Blaine. As in the show, it's an heirloom of sorts - Kurt got it from Burt. Event wise, if as a Supernatural fan you get an odd sense of de ja vu from time to time, it's probably because some circumstances were directly lifted from the show.

I really wanted to take these characters who we know so well from Glee and plant them into events that meant they literally could not simply be themselves. Blaine and Kurt, in this story, are not the Blaine and Kurt we know. Everybody's lives have been shaped in a massively different manner and as a result, they too are different. I'm not trying to say "everybody's ooc, deal with it", because my actual hope is that I managed to keep them as people you'd recognise who've simply been thrown into extraordinary lives.

Anyway, now for the thank yous. Here's the unofficial ones - firstly, to my dear friend Tasha. She has never watched Supernatural in her life, but she does know of it through me, and at any rate through the whole writing of this thing - all six months, all the toiling and trouble - she has been by far the most wonderfully supportive and enthusiastic. She has squealed and cheered and been furious at me for the things that occur, and it has been the most lifting and enjoyable experience to have somebody so great helping me through this. Next, to my love Shan, and to my friends Appia, Shannon, Scarlett and anybody else who I've put through this story in the writing process - you've all been incredibly patient, wonderful and helpful, and your unending support has been what's gotten me through this when it got really though to keep writing.

Now, to my beta pandoras5thbox - you've been an incredible sport. Through two computer deaths and halts on the big bang, you've been a great cheerleader and most importantly a fantastic beta. You beta in a way that is simple and effective, without being too forceful or too critical. It's worked amazing for me, and I'm happy to have had the pleasure of using you for my first beta for my first ever big bang.

To my artist evinkyawende: we've not communicated terribly much so I have nothing more to say than thank you for the fabulous art. It's the first art I've ever had for anything I've ever written, and I'm pleased it was yours. (:

And thank you to you, reader, for making it to the bottom of these horribly long authors notes. x


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