Trust Me 22/? (Part 1/2)

Nov 13, 2010 22:10


And then it was Christmas Eve. He was pulled out of bed and put to work by his grandmother; putting up the final decorations and setting her carefully planned table. He went about with the mundane work without thinking too much. He hadn’t gotten much sleep as he had laid awake half the night trying to figure out his feelings. He didn’t want them to be as strong as they were, but he could no longer lie to himself and tell himself that he wasn’t head over heels in love. He scared himself, and if he ever told Reid how he felt he would probably scare him away as well.

When he was finally done with his chores, people started to arrive. Carly and Jack arrived together with their kids. Lily came by with Faith and Natalie, and came inside for a couple of minutes to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Luke gave his mother a quick hug before escaping to the living room under the pretence of putting on a movie to entertain the younger kids.

He sat down on the couch and immediately got Natalie curled up in his lap. He smiled warmly and wrapped his arms around his youngest sister. His sisters might annoy the hell out of him sometimes, but he loved them so much. And it felt oddly comforting to have her little body cuddling into his, as if she was seeking protection from the big, bad world outside.

“Luke?” She whispered as she wrapped her tiny arms around his neck.

He smiled kindly at her, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Yeah, squirt?”

“When are we all going to live together again? I miss you and Daddy…” She looked up at him with those big, brown eyes of hers, and he could feel his heart breaking a little at the seams.

He took a deep breath, and tried to keep his face smiling. “I don’t know, Nat… I don’t think Mom and Dad are going to be living together anymore. But think of how lucky you are, hmm? You get to live in two places!”

“I don’t want to, I want to live with you and Faith and Mommy and Daddy together…” She pouted, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Luke sighed and hugged her tight, rubbing her back comfortingly. “We don’t always get what we want, Nat… It’s going to be all right, though. Even if you live with Mom, you’ll see Dad all the time. And me, I’m always going to be here for you.” He pulled back, tilting her head upwards to look him in the eyes. “You know that, right?”

She bit her lip, but nodded conformingly. “Mhm… You’re my favoritest big brother ever in the whole wide world.” She hugged him again, hiding her face in his neck.

Luke chuckled slightly, feeling his heart swell at her honest statement. “Good girl.” He said, and kissed the side of her head. “You stay here and watch the movie with Faith and the other kids, and I’ll go upstairs and get ready.”

She nodded and placed a big, wet kiss on his cheek before jumping off the couch and settled on the floor next to her sister.

Luke got up and walked to the kitchen, where all the adults were gathered in cheerful conversations. He found his father, talking to Jack, and walked over. “Hey, I’m just going to go upstairs and give Reid a call…Just call me down when it’s dinner, alright?”

“Oh, well, it’s almost dinner now.” Holden glanced at the clock on the wall. “Why don’t you wait until after we have eaten?”

“Because it’s going to take forever to eat, and then we have dessert, and then it’ll be late. Please?” Luke bit his lip, not understanding his father’s hesitation.

Holden shook his head slightly and smiled. “Fine, but as soon as the final guest has arrived, we’re eating. So it won’t be too long.”

“Yeah yeah.” Luke grinned, pulling his phone from his pocket, quickly dialing Reid’s number as he sat down on the stairs leading up to the second floor.

It took 5 rings before Reid picked up, speaking distractedly into the phone. “Hello?”

“Merry Christmas!” Luke cheered, leaning slightly against the wall. “Are you busy?”

“No, no, I just… out driving. Merry Christmas, Luke.” He replied quickly. “You all right?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Just thought I should call you before dinner… Don’t know how long we can talk though, my dad said we’ll be eating soon.”

“Oh please, do indulge me with all the no-doubt fabulous food you will be consuming tonight.” Reid said sarcastically, while slamming his car door shut.

Luke frowned. “What’s that noise? Where are you?”

“I’m out getting myself some dinner. Big boys gotta eat too, you know.” He smirked. The sound of snow crunching under his boots was audible all the way through the phone.

“Oh, where?” Luke frowned. Al’s was closed for the night, as were most of the establishments in Oakdale. The Lakeview was open, but that was very expensive.

“A friend’s house.” He replied simply, exhaling dramatically. “I should go, don’t want to be rude and be on the phone when I walk in. And you’re probably eating soon too.”

Luke sighed, playing with the sleeve of his shirt. “I guess… Have a great night, Reid. I’ll call you later on tonight, okay?”

Reid chuckled softly and hung up.

Luke frowned at the phone, pulling it from his ear to see for himself that the line had been disconnected. ‘Did he just hang up on me?’

With more force than he had intended he stuffed the phone back in his pocket and crossed his arms tightly across his chest. No fucking way was he calling that jerk now. No way would Reid be getting his early Christmas present of another round of phone sex. In fact, no more phone sex ever!

He stomped down the stairs and headed back into the kitchen. He slammed the door with a little more force than he had intended, and all the heads in the room turned towards him. He blushed furiously and ducked his head. “Sorry.”

“That’s alright, dear.” Emma smiled warmly at him. “Well, everyone seems to be here, so let’s all get ready to eat!”

“I’ll go get the kids.” Luke volunteered, and stepped towards the living room.

“Oh, I can do that!” Carly shrieked, stepping forward. “You can help your guest find a seat.” She smiled widely, wiggling her eyebrows slightly.

“My…” Luke frowned confused at his cousin before turning his gaze to the rest of the occupants in the room. And that’s when he saw him.

Reid stood next to Holden by the back door, arms crossed lightly over his stomach, and a huge smirk playing on his face. “Hey, kid.” He said, nodding his head as a greeting.

“What… what are you doing here??” Luke asked breathlessly as he stepped closer, shaking his head slightly as if he didn’t believe his eyes.

“I told you; getting some food at a friend’s house.” He smirked, tilting his head. “Why, aren’t you glad to see me?”

Luke sighed happily and threw himself at him. He wrapped his arms tightly around his neck, and tucked his face into the crook between his neck and his shoulder. “Reid…”

Reid smiled, wrapping his arms around his waist while pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “Hey, you.”

“I can’t believe you’re here.” Luke muttered into his neck before pulling back, staring wide-eyed up at him. “How are you here??”

Holden coughed, making his presence known, and both boys turned their heads towards the older man. “Well, I heard what you said about Reid not having any relatives to celebrate Christmas with. And there is always enough food to go around here, so I tracked down his number and gave him a call.”

Luke gaped at his father, finding it difficult to breathe. “You… you did that for me?”

“Of course I did.” Holden smiled softly.

“Well, not only for you. There’s free food in it for me, so we’re all happy.” Reid broke through the emotional exchange between father and son. “You know me, I am physically incapable of passing down free food.”

Holden chuckled, patting Reid’s shoulder before moving to the head of the table. “Alright, time to sit, everyone!”

Everyone scrambled to get to their seats, except for Luke and Reid who were still tangled up in each other’s embrace. Reid made a movement to let go, but Luke grasped on tighter.

“I can’t believe you’re actually here.”

Reid smiled softly down at him, bringing one hand up to cup his face. “Like I said, incapable of turning down an offer of free food.”

“And you kept this a secret from me? Why?” Luke demanded to know, resting his hands on Reid’s shoulders.

“To see that look on your face.” Reid gazed warmly at him, and pinched his chin. “Come on, we’d better sit down.”

Two seats were left, strategically placed next to each other. Luke sat down next to his father, and Reid sat down between him and Emma. He smiled as politely as he could to the rest of the occupants around the table, bypassing the curious children at the end of the table.

“Alright.” Emma started, smiling warmly at each and every person around the table. “It warms my heart so much that we can be gathered here today together and share this blessed night. There are some who could not be here with us today, but they are certainly here in our hearts. I won’t keep you from eating for too long, but I think it is important to think about how blessed we are to be able to be here together. So many people do not have that option. So let’s all say a thanks for the food we have been given, and pray for the people who are less fortunate.” She smiled warmly at Reid and took his hand, as everyone else reached for each other’s hands.

Luke noticed a small, almost invisible touch of pink on his cheeks, and grabbed tightly onto his hand. He sent Reid one of his million-dollar smiles, and bowed his head along with everyone else as Emma said a short prayer.

“Amen.” They all repeated when she was done, and everyone let go of each other’s hands to reach for the food. A soft murmur began as calm conversations began. Emma had still not let go of Reid’s hand, and he looked at her suspiciously.

“I am very glad you decided to join us today.” She smiled warmly at him. “I haven’t heard that much about you, though.”

“Uhhm…” Reid frowned slightly, glancing around the table as the conversations suddenly stopped and all eyes were on him. “Well… What do you want to know?”

“He’s the President of the Chess Club!” Luke started, smiling proudly. “And the Captain of the Martial Arts Team. They just won the state championship back in November!” Reid smiled slightly and nodded, going along with Luke’s presentation.

“Wow, that’s quite an accomplishment.” Carly smiled from across the table. “And how old are you?”

“I’m 17. 18 in January.” Reid nodded, glancing longingly at the delicious food spread across the table.

“Oh please, go right ahead, my dear boy!” Emma chuckled, handing him a nearby plate of food.

“Thanks.” He muttered and began to fill his plate, happy to escape the questions.

“So, you’re a senior, then?” Carly continued. “Graduating this summer?”

“Mhm.” Reid replied quickly.

“Any thoughts on what you’re doing after high school?” She pressed, leaning slightly across the table as she spoke.

“Harvard.” He said in between mouthfuls, completely focused on the plate in front of him.

“Oh leave the poor kid alone, Carly.” Jack placed his hand on his wife’s shoulder and pressed her back into her chair. “I’m sorry, Reid. We’re all just curious, since we haven’t heard a lot about you.”

“You work with the police, don’t you? Shouldn’t you find it comforting that you haven’t heard of me?” Reid countered, raising his eyebrow.

Jack laughed loudly, clearly amused. “You are absolutely right, boy.”

Luke gripped Reid’s thigh under the table, leaning in slightly. “I’m sorry.”

Reid rolled his eyes slightly, but placed his hand over Luke’s. “The food is definitely worth it.”

“I’m glad you like my cooking.” Emma smiled.

“’Like’ is an understatement.” Reid stated as he grabbed a tray to fill up his plate once more. “If I was even the slightest bit into girls, and you were… young, I would definitely marry you.”

Emma laughed whole-heartedly, putting her hand on the boy’s shoulder. “You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you? Oh no, I wouldn’t dream of stealing you away from our boy Luke here.”

“Keep cooking for me, and you just might.” Reid smirked slightly, grinning wickedly at Luke before continuing his quest to fill every inch of his plate with food.

Luke blushed furiously, ducking his head to avoid the stares of his family. “So, Aunt Meg, did you ever uhmhm.. find that book you were looking for?” He rambled out, desperate to change the subject.

The conversation drifted off again after that, the topics flying freely. Reid stayed mostly quiet, as he was completely focused on enjoying his meal to the fullest. Finally, with a loud sigh of content he leant back in his chair, his hand resting on the backside of Luke’s chair.

Luke slid closer, sitting at the edge of his seat to be closer to Reid. He glanced up at him, smiling softly. And his heart nearly flew out of his chest as Reid smiled back, moving his hand to rest against his neck. Reid moved his fingers slowly, gently massaging the back of Luke’s neck. He kept Luke’s eyes locked with his own, a small, almost invisible smile playing on his lips.

“Well, if we’re all done eating, why don’t we clear off the table and get ready for dessert?” Emma clapped her hands together happily, glancing around the table. “Luke, Reid, why don’t you take the kids to the living room? We can clean up here.” She smiled warmly at the boys as she stood up.

“Thanks, Grandma.” Luke grinned and stood up as well.

Natalie jumped up, racing to the living room. “I want to pick a movie now!!!” The rest of the kids protested loudly and ran after her, earning a warm chuckle from the adults.

“Maybe you should go watch them, make sure they don’t kill each other in the process.” Carly winked at Luke.

“Yeah.” Luke chuckled, grabbing Reid’s hand as he stood up. “Come on.” He smiled before pulling him to the living room.

“But… the pies…” Reid protested, glancing longingly back towards the kitchen.

“They won’t eat them without you, I promise.” Luke chuckled, pulling him through the door connecting the two rooms.

Part 2

rated nc-17, !author|artist: tonje90, lure, fan fiction

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