Trust Me 22/? (Part 2/2)

Nov 13, 2010 22:13

Title: Trust Me, Chapter 22 of ?

Author: Tonje90

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: Poor college student, here. I own nothing!

Authors note: Christmas is heeeere :) I almost wish I could've held back and waited until closer to Christmas to have this, but alas...
Also, LJ apparently felt this chapter was too big, so I had to divide it into two parts. Part 2!
I hope you all enjoy this!

Thanks to the amazing Traci for beta-ing for me! :)

The kids were already arguing loudly, not agreeing on what to watch.

“Hey!” Luke shouted, forcing them all to turn and look at him. He let go of Reid’s hand to step closer to them, arms slightly crossing over his chest. “What are the options?”

Faith huffed dramatically and wrapped her arms around her brother’s waist. “I want to watch Hannah Montana, but Natalie wants to watch stupid fish!”

“I don’t want to watch Hannah Montana!” Parker shouted, disgust clearly painted on his face. “Let’s watch Cars!!”

“Noooo, Nemo!” Natalie pouted; holding her DVD up like it was some holy artifact. “Nemo!” She repeated determinedly.

Luke sighed, shaking his head. “If you can’t agree, we’ll just have to find something else to watch.”

“This is so unfair!” Faith huffed, throwing her DVD to the floor before crossing her arms tightly across her chest.

“Faith!” Luke sent her a warning look. She pouted dramatically, but picked her DVD back up, bending her head in shame. “We can get someone impartial to decide. Reid?” He smiled, turning to the older boy who still hadn’t moved from his spot behind the couch.

Reid shrugged slightly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “I don’t know.”

Natalie ran up to him, handing him her DVD. “Nemo! Look, it’s fishes!” She grinned happily, tugging slightly on his arm.

Reid stared down at her, slowly taking the DVD-case from her. “Fish, not fishes.” He corrected, flipping the case over to check out the back. The other kids ran over, holding their DVDs out for him, yelling to be heard. Reid gaped like a confused goldfish, and stared over at Luke. “Get the leaches off me, please.”

Luke laughed, walking over and gently pushing the kids aside. “Hey, hey, give him some space.”

“Thank you!” Reid sighed dramatically, wiping off his shirt and pants, before flopping down on the couch, flipping through the DVD-cases he had been given. “Let’s just watch the fish-thing.”

Natalie squealed happily, jumping up on the couch next to him. “Nemo!”

Faith and the other kids mumbled unhappily, but sat down on the floor surrounding the TV as Luke prepared the DVD-player and popped the movie in. He turned to walk back to the couch, and couldn’t help but to laugh at the sight. Natalie was perched on her knees, jumping up and down as she giggled happily. Reid sat stiffly next to her, glancing at her with a look that could only be described as confused fear. “She won’t bite you.” Luke chuckled, picking her up as he sat down next to Reid, and let his sister sit in his lap.

“You never know…” Reid muttered, slipping his hand around to rest on the back of the couch.

The movie started, and the children’s muttering quieted down. Natalie squirmed around Luke’s lap, seemingly unable to find a comfortable position that also allowed her to see the TV. Finally she laid down, resting her head in Reid’s lap with her feet curled up in Luke’s. Reid stared down at her, frowning confused. Luke’s chuckle made him turn his head.

“She likes you.” Luke smiled happily.

“At least someone in your family does.” Reid smirked slightly, seemingly easing down.

“My dad likes you. He invited you here, didn’t he?” Luke lowered his voice after an annoyed shushing from one of his cousins.

“He did that for you, not me.” Reid rolled his eyes.

“Well yeah… But I can tell. He didn’t seem uncomfortable or anything.”

Reid nodded slowly, pursing his lips in thought. “I guess you’re kind of right…”

“And Grandma Emma likes you.” Luke continued, resting his head against Reid’s shoulder. “Watch out, she might adopt you.”

“That would be quite incestuous. I’d be your uncle.” Reid chuckled darkly. “Now that would make our relationship even more twisted, wouldn’t it?”

“So this is a relationship, is it?” Luke raised his head, trying his best to hide the smile that was longing to spread across his face.

Reid’s face momentarily turned blank, before he pursed his lips again. “What was I thinking? I don’t do relationships…”

“Oh…” The smile fell, and Luke laid his head back against Reid’s shoulder, not wanting him to see the devastated expression on his face. “Well, it wouldn’t be that creepy. She’s not my biological grandma. And you’d be adopted too, so no blood relation.”

Reid shook his head amused, bringing his hand down from the back of the couch to rest around Luke’s shoulders. “Something tells me that I am never going to understand all the twists and turns with this family.”

“Nobody ever does...” Luke chuckled slightly, wrapping his trapped hand around Reid’s waist. They all sat in a comfortable silence after that, watching as the people on the boat abducted poor Nemo.

Luke, having been forced to see this movie more times than he could count, gave up trying to pay attention. He turned his head, gazing up at Reid’s face. He looked interested, staring at the screen with curious interest. Luke chuckled silently, making him turn to look at him. “What?” He asked, shifting his gaze back and forth between Luke and Nemo.

“You look so into this movie.” Luke raised an eyebrow. “Haven’t you seen this before?”

“Why would I have seen it? It’s a children’s movie.”

“You were a child at one point, weren’t you?” Luke smirked, poking his arm.

Reid rolled his eyes, not taking his eyes off the screen. “No, I was born this way.”

“You poor thing. Does that mean that I have to introduce you to Disney?” He chuckled

“I think I’ll be alright.”

Luke laughed softly, cuddling his face into Reid’s neck. He inhaled deeply, drinking in the scent. He felt Reid shudder slightly and inhale deeply, and Luke grinned happily against his neck. He pressed his lips softly against the skin, sighing happily.

“What are you trying to do, hm? Turn me on right in front of your siblings?” Reid whispered into his hair, using his arm around Luke’s shoulder to pull him closer.

“Maybe I just want to seek revenge.” Luke smirked against his skin. “You left that huge mark on my neck. I spent at least an hour in the bathroom trying to conceal it!”

Reid chuckled darkly, smirking into Luke’s hair. “You shouldn’t conceal it. It’s hot.”

Luke blushed, shaking his head. He was about to retaliate when a voice behind them made them both jump. They pulled away from each other, but Reid didn’t remove his hand from around Luke’s shoulders.

“Hey, Luke?” Carly bent down between the boys, whispering to not disturb the movie. “Lily is coming over for dessert.”

Luke’s whole body froze up, and his eyes grew wide in fear. “What? She… She’s coming here? Now?”

“Yeah, she and Lucinda are on their way. It’s just not right for us all spend Christmas apart, even if your parents are getting a divorce.” Carly explained, putting her hand comfortingly on his shoulder. “They’re family, after all.”

“But…” Luke bit his lip. “Reid’s here. Mom… she won’t…”

“I could go. I mean, I got food, I’m good.” Reid tried, but was cut off by Carly placing her other hand on his shoulder, squeezing it slightly.

“Oh, nonsense! Of course you will stay for dessert as well.” She smiled and turned back to Luke. “Your father just wanted to give you a heads up.”

Luke nodded, and waited until Carly had left the room until he sighed and rested his head backwards on the couch. “Shit…”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to leave? I don’t want to make things worse.” Reid said comfortingly, rubbing his arm comfortingly.

Luke smiled weakly and fell back into his embrace, resting his head against his shoulder. “No… I want you here.”

Reid nodded, resting his chin at the top of Luke’s head. “Well, at least you covered up your hickey.”

Luke couldn’t help but to laugh. “I hate you sometimes.”

“Nah, you adore me.” Reid smiled, ruffling his hair.

Luke turned his head upwards, grinning widely. “Whatever you say, Reid.”

Reid rolled his eyes and bent down, brushing his lips gently against Luke’s. Luke smiled softly into the kiss, bringing his hand up to cup Reid’s face.

Reid wrapped his hand around Luke’s wrist as he brought his tongue out to trace the outline of Luke’s lips.

Luke moaned quietly into the kiss, parting his lips to grant Reid entrance. He brought his tongue out to meet Reid’s halfway, allowing them to tangle up together as they pressed back into Luke’s mouth. He let Reid take control, letting him explore every inch of his mouth as his long, delicate fingers gently traced the skin of his wrist.

He reluctantly pulled away as his body began to react to the kiss. He wanted nothing more than to push Reid down on the couch and take him right then and there, but it was completely the wrong time. Not to mention wrong place. The weight of his little sister laid heavily on his knees, forcing him to return to reality.

He opened his eyes to find Reid’s deep blue ones staring longingly at him. He could see the lust and desire, and he nearly crumbled under the intensity. He smiled softly, running his thumb gently across Reid’s cheekbone. “I do adore you…” He whispered, mostly to himself.

The intensity in Reid’s eyes flickered momentarily, his composure nearly falling. Then he smiled, and pressed his forehead against Luke’s, bringing his hand back to rest at the back of Luke’s neck. “Damn straight.”

rated nc-17, !author|artist: tonje90, lure, fan fiction

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