Trust me 8/?

Oct 22, 2010 19:50

Title: Trust Me, Chapter 8 of ?

Author: Tonje90

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: Poor college student, here. I own nothing!

Authors note: I'm really happy with this chapter, so I hope you guys like it too! :)

Thanks to the awesome Traci for beta-ing for me! :)

“Happy Birthday!!!” Maddie threw herself into Luke’s arms as he turned away from his open locker. He chuckled at the sudden attack, and hugged his friend back.

“Thanks, Maddie.” He smiled when she pulled back.

Casey gave him a friendly one-armed hug from the side and a cheeky smile. “Happy Birthday, buddy!”

“Thanks.” Luke repeated, smiling at his friends.

They shared a few more words before they left to go to their own lockers before class. Luke turned back to his locker to pull out his books.

Though he hated the attention, he was glad someone had remembered his birthday.

With all the crap going on with his family; his father moving back to the farm and his mother hiding out at the Lakeview to mend her broken heart; no one had remembered what day it was.

He had even forgotten himself until he read the newspaper that morning and saw the date.

It didn’t really matter anyway. It was just his sixteenth birthday.

“If you were a little bit gayer,” Reid had teased him one night. “You could’ve had one of those Super Sweet Sixteen-parties. All pink and fabulous, and you’d be carried in on a chair by hot, shirtless men, and get a brand new car from your parents.”

“You know what, I’ll be nice today and ignore the fact that you know that show.” Luke had laughed before tilting his head. “Would you have been there to see it, though, if I did have a party like that?”

Reid pursed his lips and stroked his non-existent beard in thought. “Depends on who’s doing the catering. And if I could have my own cake.”

Luke had laughed and pounced on top of him, grabbing his half-hard erection. “You’d totally be there.”

“Whatever.” Reid had chuckled slightly before forcing Luke’s head downwards. “Now finish what you started, kid.”

Luke smiled at the memory and shut his locker. He stepped into the crowded hallway and started walking down the hall. He winced as he felt a hard slap on his ass.

Reid passed him with a smirk, and walked a few feet in front of him before turning around, walking backwards.

“Happy birthday, hot stuff.” He winked wickedly, and kept on walking.

Luke stopped in the middle of the hallway, unable to hide the huge smile spreading across his face.

Reid had remembered his birthday. Luke couldn’t even remember telling him when his birthday was… Reid must have found that out on his own…


His thought-process was interrupted when he found himself shoved up against the lockers.

Markus Henson, a guy in his biology-class. He was flanked by a group of his friends, all wearing the baseball team jacket.

Luke contemplated which way would be the quickest and most painless escape.

“Hey!” A sharp voice burned through the air.


He stood behind Markus and his buddies, arms crossed determinedly over his chest.

They turned towards the voice, and some of the guys gulped and took a big step back when they saw who the voice belonged to.

Reid raised an eyebrow, directing his glare at Markus. “Excuse me, my hearing; it’s not always at its finest. Would you please repeat what you just said?”

Markus, also clearly familiar with Reid’s reputation, frowned while shaking his head. “No, I… I didn’t say anything. Nothing.”

“Really? Because I could swear that I just heard someone use the word ‘Faggot’, and I am pretty sure that that someone was you. I suppose you didn’t get the memo, but that word is only used by faggots themselves nowadays. You know, like the N-word. See, me for instance, I can call myself a faggot all I want. I don’t give a damn, it’s what I am. Now, unless you’ve suddenly seen the error of your straight ways and decided to join the right side, you wouldn’t really have the right to use that word. Am I right?”

Markus gaped like a goldfish, shaking his head furiously. “No, I… I’m not gay, I…”

“I am so glad we got that out of the way.” Reid rolled his eyes, and pointed at Luke as he continued. “Now, please indulge me. I violated Mr. Snyder here. Anyone present can testify that he did not ask for it, nor did he behave in a manner in which he would put out any homosexual vibes. So, since I am the gay one here and since I am the one who decided to violate his ass, which you all must admit is a mighty fine ass, aren’t I the one who you should be shoving around and calling faggot?”

A crowd had begun to gather, and Markus’ face was gaining a furiously red color. His buddies were one by one easing back into the crowd, determined not to be a part of this.

“Was that too difficult a question for you?” Reid asked, taking a step closer. “Why don’t I make it simpler for you? If I hear you throwing around words like that again, I’ll make it so that you are my new sparring partner. I really need to practice all my throws and kicks. Oh, and did you hear that I spar without any of the safety equipment? It’s much more exciting that way.” He stepped even closer, spitting out his next words. “Do we have an understanding?”

Markus face had changed colors again. Now it was pale white with fear. He nodded eagerly before breaking through the crowd, and walked down the hallway as quickly as he could.

Laughter and applause broke out in the crowd.

Reid smiled happily and turned to walk down the hallway, high-fiving whoever was close by.

Luke hurried after him, grabbing at his arm to stop him. “Reid!”

“Yes?” he asked with the self-satisfied smirk in place.

“Thank you for that.” Luke smiled sincerely. “You really didn’t have to do that.”

“Yeah, well… I really could use a new sparring partner.” Reid shrugged with a smile. “Was there something else, or-“

Luke stopped him by grabbing each side of his face and pressing his lips hard against Reid’s.

He held the kiss for a few seconds before realizing what he was doing and pulled back. “Oh my god, Reid, I’m… I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, I don’t know why I did that.”

Reid’s eyes were wide and his lips were forming a small ‘o’. His face quickly turned determined as he grabbed Luke’s shoulders and pushed him hard up against the locker.

Luke winced, closing his eyes while apologizing over and over again. His pleas were drowned out by Reid’s hands on each side of his face and Reid’s lips pressing firmly against his again. The shock, this time on Luke’s side, caused him to part his lips slightly. Reid wasted no time before plunging his tongue past them, tasting every part of Luke’s mouth.

Luke quickly responded, steadying himself with one hand on Reid’s hip while the other found its way up to his hair.

When they were out of breath, Reid pulled back just enough to rest his forehead against Luke’s. His hands continued to caress Luke’s cheeks, until one dropped to his shoulder. Luke similarly dropped his hand, now resting both on Reid’s hips, clutching at his sweater.

They both breathed heavily, inhaling each other’s breaths.

“Reid…” Luke whispered.

That seemed to pull them both out of their trance. Reid pulled back slightly, still not removing his hands from Luke.

“You…” Luke tried, unable to vocalize his thoughts and feelings.

Reid just smiled and gently slapped his cheek before moving to stand beside him. He wrapped his arm around Luke’s shoulder, pulling him in close. “Yeah… I kissed you. Don’t get all weepy on me.”

Luke chuckled happily, leaning into Reid’s body.

Reid pressed a quick kiss to the side of his head before pulling them both away from the lockers, and started walking down the hallway, past the staring crowd. “Come on, kid, I’ll walk you to class.”


“Dude, please tell me that the rumors are true!” Reg screamed as Luke sat down next to him at the lunch table. “Did you make out with Reid Oliver in the hallway earlier??”

“Yeah…” Luke smiled, fiddling with his jacket.

“Holy shit, dude!” Reg laughed and elbowed him hard, almost causing him to fall out of his chair. “What, are you like dating him or something? Oh!! That’s why I had to cover for you when you pretended to sleep over at my place! You were at his place. Oh my god, did you have sex with him??”

Luke blushed slightly, unable to hide the smile from his lips. “I don’t know if we’re dating, but… I don’t know…”

Maddie smiled at him from across the table. “Awww, you’re so cute! Oh, I’m so happy for you, Luke. It’s great to see you smile again.”

Casey nodded in agreement. “Yeah, totally. And he’s a senior! Wow, that’s like totally awesome, dude.”

“Come on, don’t hold out on me! Tell me what happened! Did you guys sleep together??” Reg whined, poking Luke in the side.

“Why so interested?” A calm voice came from behind them.

Reg dashed around, staring up at the older boy. “Woah… No, I’m not, uhhh…”

“Uh huh. Move it.” Reid said with a nod to the side, indicating that he’d move.

It took a couple of seconds for Reg to process what he was being asked, but quickly moved off his seat. He moved to the other side of the table next to Casey.

Reid casually slumped down next to Luke, and started eating his lunch without another word. All the occupants at the table, and at all other tables surrounding them, stared at him. Luke smiled surprised and inched closer.

The silence didn’t seem to bother Reid, who just kept eating. After a few minutes the noise started up again, and people only shot some glances every now and then.

Their table was still left in silence. Maddie finally broke it as she reached her hand across the table. “Hi, I’m Maddie.”

Reid stopped mid-chew, and just stared at her hand. “Good for you.”

She frowned and slowly pulled her hand back. Casey supportively wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “So… You and our Luke, huh? Are you guys like together now, or something?” He grinned.

Reid didn’t even react this time, fully focused on finishing his trey. Casey raised his eyebrows, waving his hand around in the air over the table. “Hellooo, I’m talking to you.”

“And yet, I’m not listening.” Reid replied simply, turning to look at Luke. “Do they have an off-button?”

Luke chuckled, shrugging slightly while glancing over at his friend. “He doesn’t really do small talk.”

“Waste of time.” Reid agreed before digging into his tray of food again. It was already half-empty.

Casey nodded slowly, unable to look away. “Uh huh… alright then.”

Maddie forced out a smile, while chewing on a carrot stick. “Well, I’m glad you wanted to join us.”

“Mhm.” Reid replied, popping some grapes in his mouth before leaning back in his chair and looking around.

Luke watched him, unable to hide the huge smile on his face. Reid had voluntarily sat down at his table.

“You know what; I’m just going to say it.” Reg started, leaning slightly across the table. “With making out in the hallway earlier, and sitting together now, people are going to talk.”

“Uh huh.” Reid replied, resting his uninterested gaze on the boy. “And?”

“Well… they’re going to think you guys are together and all that.” He continued, motioning between the two of them. “Like boyfriend and… boyfriend.”

Luke blushed heavily, glaring at his friend. “Reg, shut up!”

“What, I’m just saying it! Everyone’s thinking it.”

“Yeah, well just… just shut up.” He blubbered, searching Reid’s face for signs of irritation.

Reid just smirked slightly, resting his arm on the backside of Luke’s seat. “Let them think whatever they want. I don’t give a crap.”

“Good for you.” Maddie smiled.

Reid nodded politely at her, and turned to Luke again. “Want to go outside for a bit?”

Luke nodded enthusiastically, and stood up. “I’ll see you guys later.” Reid stood up along with him, and walked off to dispose of his tray. Luke offered a quick goodbye to his friends before following, and heading outside with him.

Reid walked in front of him, not stopping until he was at his usual spot. He sighed happily as he rested back against the wall and closed his eyes.

Luke stopped in front of him, sticking his hands down in his pockets. “I’m sorry about my friends; I know they can be a bit intense sometimes.”

“Shhh.” Reid said simply, leaning slightly forward and pulled Luke closer. Luke fell against his chest, bringing one hand up to rest on the wall behind Reid.

Reid sighed again, breathing in the scent of Luke’s hair. “This is quiet time, remember? Sh.”

“Okay.” Luke breathed out, bringing his other hand up to rest on Reid’s shoulder.

They stood there motionless for ten minutes, just listening to each other breathe in and out.  Then Reid gently nudged him, and they both stood up properly. “I gotta get to class.”

“Yeah, me too.” Luke nodded. “You have practice tonight?”

Reid nodded. “Yup. And my uncle is coming home tonight, so you can’t come over.”

“Oh… Okay.” Luke sighed, biting his lip.

Reid gently touched his chin, forcing it upwards. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Luke forced a smile. “Yeah. See you tomorrow.”

Reid nodded happily, and walked towards the door. He stopped mid-strut, turned and went back. Luke frowned as he went, but managed to wrap his arms around Reid’s neck as he leant down and kissed him passionately.

Mouths moved together, tongues fought each other, and noses bumped into each other. With a couple of quick pecks, Reid finally pulled back, licking his bruised lips. “Tomorrow.” He said again with a wink before heading back inside.

rated nc-17, !author|artist: tonje90, lure, fan fiction

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