Trust me 7/?

Oct 21, 2010 11:45

Title: Trust Me, Chapter 7 of ?

Author: Tonje90

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: Poor college student, here. I own nothing!

Authors note: I have nothing important to share today... So read and comment! Thank you all so much ^^,

Thanks to the awesome Traci for beta-ing for me! :)

It should have ended with that.

Luke hadn’t intended for more to happen, and Reid had certainly not planned for it.

Luke had just wanted to get Reid out of his head, so he could go back to his life.

And Reid… well, he couldn’t say no to a hot little number wanting him to be his first everything.

Or at least that’s what he told himself.

It should have ended with that one night. But it didn’t.

One shared look between the two boys, and they would find themselves smashed together in a bathroom, supply closet, or Mr.Wesley, the Asst. Principal’s office that week when he was in the Bahamas.

A quick fuck, a blow job, a hand job.

A knowing smile before parting their ways, pretending that nothing had happened.

Reid would text him after a triumphant win; telling him to come over. He celebrated by teaching Luke how to give a mind blowing blow job.

Luke would call him after fighting with his parents or when he grew tired of listening to them fighting each other. Reid would fuck him until he forgot all about the impending divorce.

Luke would spend the nights in Reid’s bed, waiting until the older boy’s breaths turned steady, and then cuddle into him.

Reid would pretend to be asleep, and allow the younger boy to move as close as possible.

They said nothing as they woke up entangled in each other’s limbs.

No one knew of their numerous encounters. Luke managed to get Reg off his back after helping him out with a scheme involving four different girls, four different dates and one long night.

Luke loved the secrecy of it. It was fun to have a sort-of-relationship going on without anyone else knowing. And he felt good knowing that it was a secret that actually wouldn’t hurt anybody if it was exposed.

Reid loved the public sex. The chance of getting caught was a huge turn on. Fucking Luke slowly against the wall in a stall in the men’s room while unknowing guys did their business by the urinals… It was something he’d love to repeat. In every men’s room in the world.

They never kissed.

It wasn’t for the lack of trying on Luke’s part. After a particularly feisty night in Reid’s room, where Reid finally had to flip Luke around and push him face first into a pillow, Luke had finally mustered the courage to ask Reid why.

Reid had rolled off of him, lying on his back while coming down from his high. His arm laid across Luke’s back, slowly moving up and down. Luke rested his head on his crossed arms, and watched him. “Hey Reid?”

“Yeah?” Reid answered, not opening his eyes.

“Why… why don’t you ever kiss me?” He bit his lip, immediately regretting asking as Reid frowned his face in disgust and shook his head.

“I don’t kiss.” He said simply before grabbing a towel he’d left on the floor and cleaned himself off.

“Why not?” Luke said as he rolled over on his side, and let Reid clean him off as well. “You put your tongue in my ass, but you can’t put it in my mouth?”, he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Reid chuckled softly, throwing the sticky towel over his face. “Yep.”

“Oh, come on, Reid.” Luke threw the towel away at the trashcan before elbowing him hard in the side. “Why not?”

Reid rolled his eyes. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

“Nope.” Luke grinned while crawling underneath the covers.

Reid stood from the bed, routinely folding their clothes and disposing of whatever condom wrappers, dirty towels and other supplies had left his floor a mess.

When finished he turned off the lights, and got in under the covers next to Luke.

He kept his distance, per usual, lying on his back with his hands behind his head. “If you must know, I think kissing is too intimate.”

“Too intimate?” Luke chuckled as he propped up on his arm. “I repeat, your tongue in my ass!”

“That’s different, that’s just sex.” Reid said simply, closing his eyes. “Can we sleep now?”

“Just sex… right.” Luke sighed before rolling over to lie on his back. “Good night…”

“Good night, kid.” Reid mumbled, and a silence took over.

Luke turned his back, determined not to fall into the older boy’s arms that night.

But he couldn’t protest after a few minutes when he felt Reid’s hand sneak around his waist and his warm chest pressed against his back. He fought a smile, and put his hand over Reid’s before closing his eyes and succumbing to sleep as well.

Things were getting worse at home for Luke, and he was barely there anymore. The (few) nights he wasn’t spending at Reid’s; he spent with Casey or Reg.

He didn’t tell anyone about his parents’ problems. He never really talked to Casey or Reg about personal things, and Reid… Reid wasn’t really a talkative person either.

They could lay in bed for hours, talking about non-important stuff like comic books, TV shows, or random things. But the second the conversation grew serious, Reid would deflect.

But even this arrangement was getting increasingly difficult. Luke had only spent one or maybe two nights a week at Reid’s place during the first couple of weeks of their affair, but his parents’ arguments were becoming more and more frequent. It was getting to the point where a day wouldn’t go by without some sort of screaming match taking place.

He didn’t feel at home there anymore. The house had lost its warmth, and he always dreaded entering the house when he got home from school, not knowing what kind of mess awaited him behind those doors. So he stayed out as much as possible. That house wasn’t a home anymore, it was just a motel he slept in when he had no other options.

It wasn’t just on Luke’s side that there were problems. Whenever Reid’s Uncle Angus was home, which thankfully wasn’t a lot, Reid wouldn’t let Luke come over. He said his uncle was less than thrilled about Reid’s sexual orientation, and refused to let him have any guys over at all.

He hadn’t told Luke anything more than that. Reid was very quiet about his life, only slipping details every now and then when it was necessary. He usually didn’t find it necessary, and deflected with something else.

But no matter what, he always answered when Luke tried to get a hold of him. Unless he was at practice, in class, or at a tournament, he answered the calls and replied to the texts.

It was 2 a.m. in the morning when Reid didn’t answer. Luke called four times in a row, after Reid hadn’t answered a text where he asked to come over.

His mother had been late at her office, allegedly having a meeting with Dusty Donovan, and his father was less than thrilled.

The yelling and screaming came to a deadly overload, and Luke had escaped through his window, as usual leaving a note for them to read in case they came to check on him. Not that they ever did.

It was 2 a.m. and Luke had no place to go. He didn’t want to call and wake up any of his other friends.

He couldn’t go to the Lakeview since his mom would definitely get a call from the front desk.

His grandmother’s cottage was under construction.

So he went to Reid’s place, as a last resort.

He kept calling, but received no reply. As he stood outside the dark house he started to regret his decision.

‘There’s a reason why he didn’t answer, Luke, he doesn’t want to see you.’ The voices in the back of his head kept telling him. But he refused to listen and snuck up to the house.

It was dark, as usual. He snuck around back, to where he knew Reid’s room was. He frowned as he found the window wide open.

He peaked inside.

He stood on his tiptoes, head reaching through the open window, trying to see something in the darkness.

“Luke?” A voice came from behind him, and he jumped around to face it.

A confused looking Reid sat in a hammock, his comforter wrapped tightly around him. “What are you doing?”

Luke placed his hand over his heart, trying to slow the high paced beating. “Holy hell, Reid, you scared me…”

Reid chuckled. “Says the guy who is creepily staring through my window at 2 a.m. in the morning. What’s going on?”

“I… I tried to call, but you didn’t answer.” Luke said quickly, slowly walking over to him.

“Missed me that much, huh?” Reid smirked.

“I need a place to sleep… things are crappy at home, I don’t want to be there.” Luke admitted, looking down at his shoes.

He hated this, hated admitting how bad things were.

“I left my phone inside.” Reid replied and opened his comforter as an invitation. “I’m sorry.”

Luke sighed happily, crawling onto the hammock and into Reid’s warm cave. “Thank you.”

Reid didn’t reply, and the two boys sat in silence for a while.

It was cold outside. It was already November, but the snow had not fallen yet. It was dark, and through the tree-branches above them they could see a clear black sky, covered in stars.

“Why are you sitting out here?” Luke finally asked.

“Uncle’s home.” Reid replied simply. “Had to get out for a while.”

“Oh.” Luke said. “I didn’t know… I’m sorry, I’ll find some other place.” He moved to get off the hammock, but Reid’s arms held him tightly in place.

“You can stay.” Reid whispered softly.

A few minutes passed before anyone moved again. Without words they agreed to go back inside. Their bodies worked in complete unison as they got off the hammock. Reid unwrapped the comforter from their bodies.

Luke turned towards the older boy, gazing deep into his eyes. He stepped closer, so close that there was barely any space between them.

Reid was mesmerized, staring softly back into Luke’s eyes. They moved impossibly closer, sharing breaths as their mouths moved closer and closer.

A wind brushed through the garden, and the spell was broken.

Reid turned his head and stepped back.  “You can stay, but only this time. I’m not running a freaking hotel for runaways.” He turned quickly and walked towards his window.

He waited until Luke came over, and helped him inside before climbing in himself. In silence they removed their clothing and laid down side by side on the bed. Reid wrapped the comforter around them both, and closed his eyes.

Luke watched him intently for a few seconds before placing his hand on Reid’s stomach, inching it lower. Reid’s hand stopped his before it got too low.

“What?” Luke whispered.

“Let’s just sleep.” Reid replied, not opening his eyes. “I’m tired.”

“Okay…” Luke said, pulling his hand back. “Good night then.”

“Good night, Luke.” Reid whispered, turning his back to Luke.

He didn’t protest when Luke’s arm snuck around his waist.

rated nc-17, !author|artist: tonje90, lure, fan fiction

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