You down?

Jan 06, 2005 15:51

So, this day was typical. I got up for school, first time in week, and then it was delayed. Waste of good sleep time. Are you coming to skate and surf? Of course you are. My friends and I are getting a hotel room and we're going to have some killer times. You thought new years was bachnalian, well this is blowing that time out of the water. So far ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

racetodie January 7 2005, 05:24:11 UTC
as registered light weight drinker.. and musically untalented.. .. i crown myself photographer extrodinire so i win!!

and i spell shit wong..

ps hey sexy i just added you


tomorrowbrings January 7 2005, 12:14:37 UTC
It's okay. The drinking teams are going to be totally even. Most experienced with least experienced. Plus, you and I probably won't have TIME to drink. ;)


hellojoni January 7 2005, 17:10:10 UTC
heyy thats not fair.. i want to go to skate and surf and what if trevor and I are dating by then? or you know you and i wink wink j/k


No more skate and surf. tomorrowbrings January 7 2005, 18:55:31 UTC
I am officially on house arrest for six months starting today. Sorry for bailing out, everyone! I am going to appeal and try to do 60 days in SCI with no probation to follow, so there is always still a chance. Joni, the rule stands if I go. Sorry. It's just how it is. I can't, however, stop you from getting your own hotel room and driving there by yourself and stealing Trevor from us.


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