You down?

Jan 06, 2005 15:51

So, this day was typical. I got up for school, first time in week, and then it was delayed. Waste of good sleep time. Are you coming to skate and surf? Of course you are. My friends and I are getting a hotel room and we're going to have some killer times. You thought new years was bachnalian, well this is blowing that time out of the water. So far, the definitely downs are Trevor, Josh, Justin, and me, and a bunch of beautiful girls(and some boys) from other states and countries. Roll call! Do it up right. I know you want to go party it up with the party-machines. Take care, everyone. Here's a couple rules:

1.) NO GIRLFRIENDS (One exception for Matt since his girlfriend is totally awesome. There may be more exceptions)
2.) Everyone in our van will drink at least a fifth of vodka before the Ferry docks (this, of course, exempting the driver)
3.) know at least three songs on acoustic for some hardcore drunken sing-a-longs
4.) What happens at skate and surf, stays at skate and surf.
5.) Everyone is to take as many pictures as possible.
6.) Have fun.

That's about all I can think off. You better come, suckers.
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